I tried to walk on his hands, like an acrobat and improvised look at the world upside down: I had a carpet of clouds and a floor of stars, like those dreams where you fly like angels. A gull has settled on the soles of my shoes, to dart and dive into the sea in the sky, with the freedom that only we can win the wings.
I wanted to look straight at a world I thought wrong and I had a great surprise ...
Walking on your hands, I learned that you want to know the future is a little 'how to read a book starting from the end, you lose the taste for reading and life, I learned how important it is able to reverse certain behaviors in order not to hurt others o alcune nostre certezze, quando si scopre di aver torto.
Guardando la vita a testa in giù diventa anche più facile capire che in realtà il mondo non è poi così storto, che qualche persona lo è, ma che in realtà esiste ancora molta più bontà che malvagità.
Il mondo sottosopra mi ha svelato che il male è piccolo ma ha il fragore di un tuono e il bene è tanto grande ma silenzioso, come una piuma che cade sulla neve.
Tornando con i piedi per terra ho riflettuto sul fatto che in un mondo a testa in giù il nord diiventa sud, e le Kottbullar, o polpette svedesi si sono trasformate Frikadelle in South Africa.
Frikadelle South African pilaf with turmeric,
mango chutney and spicy peppers
Ingredients for 24 dumplings
1 / 2 tablespoon fennel
2 tablespoons coriander seeds
beans 1 tablespoon pimento (pepper, cloves)
6 cloves
350 grams of minced Beef
350 grams of minced lamb
125 grams of freshly ground
1 white onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
a little grated nutmeg
freshly ground black pepper
80 ml vinegar banana (if not, any white vinegar)
1 beaten egg
salt 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
few tsp cornstarch (I made eye)
Grind in a mortar or in the first robot spices. Mix with the meat and add the remaining ingredients in the order given, omitting the oil and cornstarch. Make meatballs with meat mixture.
Heat oil in a frying pan and brown the meatballs, perhaps several times, dispersed by the size of the pan. Putting aside the meatballs, sglassare the pan with a glass of water in which you have dissolved cornstarch and turn and remove gino crowding of the sauce. Put meatballs in sauce over low heat until they are cooked. Add a little water if necessary.
Pilaf to tumeric
Serves 6
400 grams long-grain rice
1 onion, finely chopped
a good tablespoon of salt turmeric
a little oil.
Put a little oil on the bottom of a pot, add rice and water to cover it. Add onion, salt and turmeric. Mix. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce heat, cover with lid and simmer until water absorption.
Mango Chutney
Serves 6
a little oil
a piece of ginger (about 20 grams) 3-4
not too ripe mangoes
3 red onions
3 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons white vinegar (possibly banana)
a pinch of chili
Heat oil and fry the ginger and onions first in half and then sliced. Add the diced mango and cook for about 5 minutes. Add sugar, vinegar, chili and a glass of water. Cook over low heat for about an hour. Allow to cool. Serve at room temperature.
peppers spicy
Serves 6
a little oil
4 large green peppers (or 6 normal)
1 green chilli
2 tsp coriander seeds powder
2 tsp cumin powder
a bunch di foglie di coriandolo tritate
Scaldare l'olio e farci soffriggere i peperoni tagliati a dadini, l'aglio tritato e la cipolla tritata finemente. Aggiungere il peperoncino verde, tagliato in dadini di uguali dimensioni dei peperoni. Aggiungere il resto delle spezie ed erbe e far cuocere finoa che i peperoni saranno teneri.
Servire le polpette adagiate sul riso, bagnate di salsa e il chutney e i peproni a parte, come contorno.
E con questa ricetta, con un poco di mal di testa, partecipo per la prima volta a un
Although, all these seems very nice and tasty to me but the Frikadelle could be very interesting to make. I will definitely try it. By the way, very nice to read this whole content.
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