Monday, February 14, 2011

Slimtype Combo Cd Lsc24082k Driver

Fruit cake ... and the hole in the donut

Mom .... but if Matt is the biggest and Lorenzo is the darling, what am I? - Pablo asks with tears in her eyes and the expression of those who depend on the response as if it had affected the rest of his life.
thought for a moment, I think it is important for him, giving up what I'm doing and look into your eyes, almost lost in the black depths with which views the world.
you, love ... you are the donut hole!
Pablo takes a step back, enriched the lower lip and looks at me askance at first and then a veil of sadness reaches its culmination.
In hole-says there is nothing embittered me back, takes two steps to go. I'll take it for a hand, ask him to come with me into the kitchen.
Come and I'll explain-and I say you draw a doodle of a smile on his face briefly. All we know, the invitation to the kitchen to Pablo is impossible to refuse, even at the worst moments.
The elbow leaning on the work plan, the hand to the ear, the fingers of his right hand playing with the sugar cubes ... the faces of those waiting for something ...
I take a ring mold and start to butter and flour, I look angry, his look says it all without words: Ugh with mom's ring!
decide together the ingredients and I make him do anything he wants. Break the eggs to love it and look at the planet that turns into cream and add the ingredients slowly, patiently following the instructions.
When the flan ring, gold and colored pieces of fruit by the hour has come to explain what I meant.
Watch-tell him to be careful when taking the position, this time both elbows on the work surface, hands supporting his chin, let's pretend that the ring is me, Fred, Matt and Lorenzo ... that would be us if there was the hole? The hole is what does any of a cake, a donut. It is the point of reference, what sustains it. It is right in the middle, it is the heart and no, not just air, is not true that there is nothing, but ... in the donut hole is all, is what makes it special.
That would be a donut without a hole? What would we be without you?
Pablo hugs me strong, very strong. Smell the cake is still warm.
Okay mom, I knew-he says with a mischievous smile that back then, but I eat the donut, the hole we leave it to Matt.

Ingredients for a fruit cake 125g butter

125 g sugar 3 eggs

200 grams of flour
a pinch of salt
a packet of yeast
200 g candied papaya
2 pears 4 apples

grated rind and juice of one orange and two grapefruit

We cut all the fruit and finely macerated in a little orange juice and grapefruit, along with the grated rind. We have left them a half hour, just to moisten well the papaya fruit. Meanwhile, we removed the butter from the fridge, to make it soften a little, and we weighed all the ingredients and turn on the oven to 180 degrees.

abbbiamo then started working the butter and sugar until creamy and added the eggs, one at a time while continuing to work on everything. We slowly added the flour, mixed with salt and baking powder and then with a spatula, we wrapped all the fruit in the dough, and put in oven for about 45 minutes.

The cake came delicious grapefruit, which I had never used a cake, gave a different flavor and appetizing. We came very moist and soft, maybe we should remove the excess of citrus juice before you put all the fruit in the dough, leave it to your choice, we liked so much, it becomes a fruit pie, a fruit cake ... but the result is a delicate flavor and texture original never seen before. Experiment was successful, happy child who ... want more?

With this cake and I participate in the contest Pablo Qui si cucina con il cuore di Il cucchiaino di Milù.


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