Friday, February 11, 2011

How Long For A Mole Removal To Heal

Paradox, Brewdog - Scotland

Aggressive, tough and daring!
Just bring your nose to see which is more than a beer, more than an experiment, more than a gamble.
It 's a way of life, it undermines the nostrils. Too gray for the gray matter, increased nectar tyrant is pulled up by an imperial stout, which is already its not the ultimate delicacy for the palate nicer.

The blow had the strong behind bars, or rather into the wooden bars of aging British peaty whiskey, from which a single drop of water would come out unscathed in the taste and in fragrances. Well, this beer has spent six months there. And as you know, when you're out often do not return ad essere buono, pacato, a comportarti bene con tutti. L'isolamento duro non ti rende migliore nel carattere, ma solo più forte e più convinto dei pugni che puoi sferrare.

Vino, legno di quercia sfondano il garbo e la sottile linea del piacere sensoriale, con alcool a 10° che quasi ricordano l'etilico.
Ma perchè non assaggiarla? Perchè?
Non si beve solo per piacere, anzi personalmente credo di bere ed assaggiare come se stessi ascoltando un discorso, per interloquire, per litigare o per annuire con chi ha creato la magica poltiglia.

From this Paradox , beer by the name of a drug, the inveterate experimenters Scottish Brewdog I have wanted this. Provoke, incite, stir the conscience and knowledge. Beef stew to accompany it, peated whiskey and Tuscan cigar to follow.
So I addressed myself.
chest, staring into his eyes, losing myself in that cloud of smoke that surrounds the mystery and darkness.


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