Friday, February 25, 2011

Average Dress Size Of American Women

Cake with mascarpone, coconut and cherries ... and the strange plants in the garden of the house

Imagine a white house, surrounded by greenery, the mountains Aurunci and the Tyrrhenian Sea. Behind him, rolling hills and summer dress and a broom in front of His Majesty the sea with irregular outlines of the Pontine Islands, which stood out in silhouette the sky is very clear.
had a large garden, olive grove, a small vineyard, a vegetable garden, an arbor of wisteria flowers in spring, fresh herbs, geraniums throughout the year rash and children who spent hours playing on the branches of a large carob tree.
And there was a bush of rosemary, which year after year grew enormously under the hot hours in which a German Shepherd was asleep ... he knew what good hug that dog!
the sides of the driveway, between the green gate and the house, took turns lavender daisies, large white flowers, forming an unforgettable era in which Ambe flourished.
was a time when the oil was bringing the oil mill, was aromatic, light green, and genuine, and homemade bread with a little salt became the perfect snack.
Citrus different enough to reach out and pluck a small production of wine in their family, and breathe in that aroma intoxicating juice and joy, and life deeply. Once they let us also crush the grapes with their feet, like the ancients, and dad bottles labeled with the name of FOOT PDO (protected designation of origin foot), long gone were the eighties, and yet no one has that red wine never forgotten.
But with artichokes and chard growing alone at the edge of the ditch and no one had planted them there were in that garden plants also very strange. One would have to be a strawberry and grapes, berries and flowers that was green and then disappeared into thin air to mature. It seems that nobody has ever managed to taste never a single one, but the strange thing was that attached to the sweet life, they were empty ... only the stalks, the plant received the facts in the name of grapes "Raspini.
And then there was a lovely pink cloud ... the cherry blossom, the flowers that turn into green cherries then ran the same fate grape strawberry. They vanished into thin air when no trace of green left on them. In short, the grape and strawberry cherries evaporated or were eaten by some animal, probably a bird, or at least, that was the conclusion to which my father had come after several years in a row that happened these strange phenomena.
passed several years before the family was known that in reality ensure that animal had two legs, but was not absolutely, and bird that big would have written this story about a cooking blog ...

with the addition of the cherries in quest'impasto I could not help but recall that famous tree and between laughter and nostalgia, a few tears slipped between the ingredients and now I do not know if it was to make this cake so soft and good.

For a cake of 26 cm
150 grams of flour
150 g of ground coconut
200 grams of sugar
250 g mascarpone
4 uova
100 ml di latte
1 bustina di vaniglia in polvere
1 bustina di lievito
300 gr di ciliegie in conserva al naturale

Riscaldare il forno a 210° e imburrare e infarinare uno stampo da cake. Lavorare il mascarpone da solo per qualche secondo, giusto per ammorbidirlo, aggiungere lo zucchero e lavorarlo ancora per un minuto. Aggiungere quindi le uova, un uovo alla volta, aspettando che il precedente sia completamente amalgamato all'impasto. Aggiungere la farina setacciata e il lievito e mischiare ancora e poi aggiungere il latte, lavorare ancora un poco. Alla fine con una spatola mischiare per incorporare le ciliegie.
Infornare a 210° per 5 minuti e abbassare poi a 180° e continuare a cuocere per circa 30-35 minuti. Fare la prova stecchino per sicurezza.

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