Monday, February 28, 2011

Bugatti Veyron Spare Parts Turbocharger

basmati rice ... and India by Dr. M.

was a very tall man, from the look calm, easy smile and eyes the color of the seas pristine Caribbean and the brightness of that mirror that is formed on the sand when the waves recede.
I could write pages and pages of its history, rich in details, colors and especially love for others, the story of a man of the match to India, alone and betrayed, with only one thought: to help.
Funded by a handful of British philanthropists like him, he managed to open a small clinic in the slums of Calcutta, to accommodate and treat those in need in exchange solamnente a smile.
lived a little, working all day, every day, never to accept payment.
I said he had learned to never give up when faced with death, because in India the end of life had a different meaning than here, no one was crying the dead and dying because it meant more to climb a step in the ladder of reincarnation and the hope for a better life after so much suffering.
has seen the most desperate cases, people leave with a smile, more and more, to heal and remain grateful for years. The children, a volat healed, came back often, smiling at life, hope and with gifts: a statuette of land, a little curry powder, a handful of rice, dahl, fragrant and hot, gifts from the great and deep meaning in that culture magical, colorful, Sgargi and suffering.
Jew by birth, but not too practitioner, was the most real example of that old proverb: "I am more holy hands that help, those who pray" for him there was no time in India, the clock did not exist, only the death race into account, to save, heal or sometimes, simply feed the needy.
-If you want a better world, start improving yourself, is the teaching perhaps the most valuable among the many I received from this person then disappeared from my life in a gust of wind.

Among the pearls of wisdom, of philosophy and Indian charity that does not ha volto, colore o religione, da lui ho ricevuto anche una finestra aperta a un mondo di sapori: il curry, che per me non era altro che una polvere gialla, si trasformò in pregiate varietà: Balti, Bombay, curry verde, curry rosso e il curry Madras, color oro scuro, forte e robusto, con dominante di cardamomo e coriandolo, che divenne il mio preferito.

Ingredienti per 4 persone
4 petti di pollo
1 cipolla
2 spicchi d'aglio
3 lime
4 rametti di menta
3 cardamom pods
1 long red chilli
natural yogurt 2
300 g basmati rice
1 tablespoon Madras Curry
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1 tsp cumin powder
1 tsp coriander grains

Cut chicken breasts into chunks and coarsely chop the onion. Break the cardamom pods and pick the seeds. Mix the spices, onion and chopped garlic with yogurt and salt lightly. In a bowl, put the pieces of chicken in yogurt sauce and let marinate in the refrigerator for a minimum of two hours. Preheat the oven to the grill position and put the chicken in a baking dish, add a little marinade on the bottom of the dish and the chicken. Bake for about 20 minutes, turning chicken pieces for even cooking regularly.
Separately, cook the rice in a pilaf and keep warm.
Serve the chicken on rice with mint, chili and lime pieces cut into quarters.

With this recipe, and my beloved Currry Madras participate all'aromatico contest
of Verdecardamomo

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sidekick 09 Internet Hack

Ipa, Almond'22

If the blogger does not go by taste, flavor comes from the bloggers! Archived

the trail of information left here and there on Web 2.0 by homebrewer and beer, Today I was lucky enough to taste a beer not easy to find here in Puglia, despite coming from a brewery not far away, actually. The historic

Almond '22 is rooted in Abruzzo, which is almost a decade, and under the creative guidance of the versatile as well as arch-known master Yuri Ferri (for which details the history and personal reference to almond'22 e Bir & Fud ) has recently also expanded the capacity of its plant, a sign of the recognized value of its creatures.

Its beers are the first to which is attached to the memory of my beer in bottles of 75 cl , format that I had never met before I found the world craftsmanship.
I do not have a good background to speak of its products until today, but I will try to recover the lost time later.

starting right now.
Today, along with good Donato Di Palma of the brewery "lighthouse" Bari Birranova, including a transfer of a crush public and some talk, I was able to receive offer to try the IPA Pink Almond, in fact.
The bottle and label design very saucy certainly struck me as checking that everything was explained by the presence of pink peppercorns as a spice. For a moment I think of Punk IPA Brewdog, would aesthetic characteristics in common.

The nose have not been able to perceive it, awash with hops aroma and intense flavors of velvety fruit.
It has a soothing yellow peach, and sipping something more is felt.
course, talk of a spice to his already very delicate and elusive, but still noticeable. Especially as aftertaste, exhale through the nose while the beer is in the mouth. The gentle tingling is felt in the upper part of the nose, while the carbonation and mugs-tactile sensations stimulate the imagination. At that point I just thought about pepper, I confess.
guess the red pepper has been reasonably placed towards the end of boiling along with hops, or hops, and perhaps even after their first expulsion of strong aromas. The delicacy and its subtle balance will probably not leave room for different interpretations or balances, or at least I can not imagine.

In fact, the beer is very nice, the 6.2 ° seems to me to reflect the style of the most heavily laden India Pale Ale, and perhaps his not being aggressive makes it docile and quiet, lovely enough to cuddle.

I must thank you for sharing with Donato, to be kind and generous master brewer, in addition to beer as well as that of a highly respected player Almond.


Friday, February 25, 2011

Average Dress Size Of American Women

Cake with mascarpone, coconut and cherries ... and the strange plants in the garden of the house

Imagine a white house, surrounded by greenery, the mountains Aurunci and the Tyrrhenian Sea. Behind him, rolling hills and summer dress and a broom in front of His Majesty the sea with irregular outlines of the Pontine Islands, which stood out in silhouette the sky is very clear.
had a large garden, olive grove, a small vineyard, a vegetable garden, an arbor of wisteria flowers in spring, fresh herbs, geraniums throughout the year rash and children who spent hours playing on the branches of a large carob tree.
And there was a bush of rosemary, which year after year grew enormously under the hot hours in which a German Shepherd was asleep ... he knew what good hug that dog!
the sides of the driveway, between the green gate and the house, took turns lavender daisies, large white flowers, forming an unforgettable era in which Ambe flourished.
was a time when the oil was bringing the oil mill, was aromatic, light green, and genuine, and homemade bread with a little salt became the perfect snack.
Citrus different enough to reach out and pluck a small production of wine in their family, and breathe in that aroma intoxicating juice and joy, and life deeply. Once they let us also crush the grapes with their feet, like the ancients, and dad bottles labeled with the name of FOOT PDO (protected designation of origin foot), long gone were the eighties, and yet no one has that red wine never forgotten.
But with artichokes and chard growing alone at the edge of the ditch and no one had planted them there were in that garden plants also very strange. One would have to be a strawberry and grapes, berries and flowers that was green and then disappeared into thin air to mature. It seems that nobody has ever managed to taste never a single one, but the strange thing was that attached to the sweet life, they were empty ... only the stalks, the plant received the facts in the name of grapes "Raspini.
And then there was a lovely pink cloud ... the cherry blossom, the flowers that turn into green cherries then ran the same fate grape strawberry. They vanished into thin air when no trace of green left on them. In short, the grape and strawberry cherries evaporated or were eaten by some animal, probably a bird, or at least, that was the conclusion to which my father had come after several years in a row that happened these strange phenomena.
passed several years before the family was known that in reality ensure that animal had two legs, but was not absolutely, and bird that big would have written this story about a cooking blog ...

with the addition of the cherries in quest'impasto I could not help but recall that famous tree and between laughter and nostalgia, a few tears slipped between the ingredients and now I do not know if it was to make this cake so soft and good.

For a cake of 26 cm
150 grams of flour
150 g of ground coconut
200 grams of sugar
250 g mascarpone
4 uova
100 ml di latte
1 bustina di vaniglia in polvere
1 bustina di lievito
300 gr di ciliegie in conserva al naturale

Riscaldare il forno a 210° e imburrare e infarinare uno stampo da cake. Lavorare il mascarpone da solo per qualche secondo, giusto per ammorbidirlo, aggiungere lo zucchero e lavorarlo ancora per un minuto. Aggiungere quindi le uova, un uovo alla volta, aspettando che il precedente sia completamente amalgamato all'impasto. Aggiungere la farina setacciata e il lievito e mischiare ancora e poi aggiungere il latte, lavorare ancora un poco. Alla fine con una spatola mischiare per incorporare le ciliegie.
Infornare a 210° per 5 minuti e abbassare poi a 180° e continuare a cuocere per circa 30-35 minuti. Fare la prova stecchino per sicurezza.

Con questa ricetta partecipo volentieri al primo contest di Aria

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Largest Boob In Bollywood

Prawns with mango and snow peas in the world ... and a gift

" Nascere è come ricevere un mondo intero in regalo..."
Jostein Gaarder  

Ho la fortuna di non aver mai perso quella capacità di meravigliarsi del mondo propria dei bambini. Dev'essere probabilmente perchè quella parte infantile, quel bambino che vive in me, non è mai cresciuto, o meglio, non gli ho mai permesso di crescere. 
Mi meravigliano ancora la neve che scende in silenzio, lo scricchiolio delle foglie secche sotto i piedi, i primi germogli della primavera, un bocciolo di rosa bagnato di rugiada in un mattino nebbioso.
Quando sono nata, ho ricevuto il mondo intero in regalo da Colui che lo ha creato. L'ho scartato pian piano, e continuo a farlo, per conoscerlo a fondo, viverlo, respirarlo, trasformarlo in parole.
Questo mondo che mi appartiene, vorrei scriverlo in tanti modi differenti come paesaggi che ci tiene in serbo and taste like a chocolate ball that first one and then another million different flavors.
I grab it, clasped hands, with its smells, bright colors or soft ... I speak of the world, tell the stories he told me in whispers, I aspire to it, savor it.
I put together the pieces from other sources that create new tastes, to unknown feelings, and I myself am part of this game, this dancing around the world that now is my life and walked every place, every person I've met have issued an essence absorbed and made a little 'me, and I try to share a piece of offering this gift to others.
This world that the Creator has given me at birth continues to amaze me with its large and small miracles, reflections, lights and passre seasons.
I look up into the sky, soft blue this morning and I thank him, as every day.
I have a universe in which the differences and the colors are reaching out to and exchange of essence, giving of themselves to each other, as in the kitchen, where a French onion, shrimp Indonesians of Chinese snow peas and African mango peacefully together, they formed a balanced and delicate oriental dishes.

Ingredienti per 4 persone
400 gr di gamberi puliti e sgusciati
2 cucchiai d'olio di arachidi
2O gr di zenzero grattuggiato
1 cipolla tagliata prima a metà, poi a fette
300 gr di taccole
1 mango grande e maturo, affettato
2 cucchiai di salsa di soia

In un wok, scaldare l'olio e far soffriggere la cipolla e lo zenzero. Quando la cipolla sarà diventata semi trasparente, aggiungere i gamberi e farli rosolare muovendoli costantemente durante circa due minuti o fino a che i gamberi saranno diventati rosa. Aggiungere the snow peas and cook another few minutes, until they are tender. Mix the mango slices and soy sauce, cook another minute and serve at once.

enter the contest with this recipe Edo ergo sum Cooking Elena

Monday, February 21, 2011

Think Of A Person Genie Game

Pilaf Crab and saffron ... and the stories that float in the kitchen

I always have a notebook in the kitchen. And no, you do not need to make notes on doses, weights and steps of recipes invented, for what I still have a good memory and a notebook in hand.
The notebook that lives in the kitchen is the guardian of notes of those stories read that float in the air of my kitchen, each time without doing it on purpose, some ingredient or a recipe leads me to daydream, to invent, to think or remember a story.
I very often think of the lives that intersect in my kitchen. Each product has behind him many stories of people who have worked for and hands it up to me.
And as if all of a sudden I could see their faces, their hands and their stories, blurred and faded, suspended between the work and cooking.
While preparing this recipe I saw these strong, brave and muscular men who leave their lives and families to sail to Alaska, fishing for crab, work the world's best paid and most dangerous. Men with a longing in my heart, leave for several months a year to face the wrath of giant waves and icy temperatures in tense situations, where a small mistake can cost you your life.
And my thoughts then reach those families back in Kashmir, in the month of November come together to collect from saffron crocuses. Men, women and children, entire families go to fun to participate in this annual festival. I guess those purple fields, steep stretches, a delicate carpet of flowers, a breath of wind that moves them up and the magic light of sunrise and sunset, golden, hours of collection, because the flowers must be harvested to protect those closed three valuable pistils, edible gold.
And then the women of experience, her head covered, his face marked by the passage of time with wrinkled hands and delicate, sitting on the thresholds of houses, and put off by the saffron, the sole economic support of their families during a long year, until a new collection.
How many stories, how much work and how many hands meet in a kitchen, small minds as they arrive, they tell you a secret, with a wink and you go away quietly.
screw apart, completely different cultures, from two corners of the world so far away, in the two edges of the same sky, met ignorant in this dish.

Serves 4
200 grams of crab meat (crab in Alaska I)
300 g basmati rice 1 onion
30 g + a knob of butter
saffron powder

pepper Finely chop the onion. Warm up the 30 grams of butter in a pan with a double bottom and make the onion. When the onion is golden, add the rice and soak it well with butter. Add water to cover the rice (normally two times its volume), salt and pepper. Add the crab meat and saffron. Bring to a boil, then cover and reduce heat. Allow to simmer until water is absorbed. Before serving, stir in a knob of butter and sprinkle with saffron powder.

AND enter the contest with this recipe The Sea Plate in the Blog

Saturday, February 19, 2011

21st Birthday Money Tree Poems

Beer year 2011, "National Beer Puglia!

Nell'ambito della manifestazione Sapore che si sta svolgendo in questi giorni a Rimini si sta svolgendo in questo week-end l'evento Selezione Birra , appuntamento perno del mondo artigianale italiano, sia per quanto riguarda i professionisti che gli appassionati.
E nell'ambito di Selezione Birra oggi era il giorno della proclamazione dei vincitori di  Birra dell'anno , concorso che annualmente viene organizzato da Unionbirrai e che raduna molti birrifici in un tutti contro tutti senza sconti.

This year a lot of controversy preceded the contest, mainly because of the regulation which were separate categories in which to pour their beers. I am not here to recap the differences in methodology than in previous years because it might be excessive and would not make sense why do it now in retrospect.
fact is that the brewers participants were 82 (46%) who have enrolled a total of 386 beers (+25%). There has been a lot to do for the jury, certainly not a game having to try so many beers without even a taste ... it's torture, I think. At the end of the day (it's appropriate to say that) are 35 breweries che hanno ottenuto un piazzamento.
Ma...arrivo ai dati, finalmente.
Ecco i podi categoria per categoria:

Birrificio dell'anno 2011 – BIRRIFICIO DEL DUCATO

Birre chiare, basso grado alcolico, di ispirazione tedesca
2° classificato LA BIRRA DI MENI con la DURGNÊS

Birre ambrate e scure, basso grado Alcohol-inspired German
RIENZBRÄU 1st place with 2nd place
3rd place with a surplice AMBER DOUBLE MALT

beers high alcohol content, German-inspired
STATALENOVE 1st place with 2nd place Almamater
RIENZBRÄU with Doppelbock

low-alcohol beer, inspired by the Anglo-Saxon
1, BREWERY B94 classified with TERRAROSSA
BACHEROTTI 2nd place with the AMBER
3rd place BIRRANOVA the sap

hoppy beers, inspired by Anglo-American
1st place LEAVES OF GRASS with the Babel

beers high alcohol content, inspired by Anglo-American
1st place microbrewery with the Clandestine SANTA GIULIA
3rd place CARMEN SAN MICHELE with

Dark beers, low alcohol content, inspired by Anglo-American
1st place with a long sip CICULATERA
3rd place with MILKYMAN

Beers dark, high alcohol, inspired by Anglo-American
BREWERY COTTAGE 1st place with 2nd place bogeyman
3rd place with the BI-DU BORDER

beers high alcohol content, Anglo-American-inspired
2nd place with 666

with malted wheat beers, German-inspired
1st place with BIRRONE CIBUS
2 ° Biren classified by CHARLOTTE
3rd place with MANERBA BREWERY Hefeweizen

Light beers, low alcohol, Belgian-inspired
Bruton 1st place with 2nd place BREWERY WHITE
3rd place with BIRRIFICIO Endorama Malombra

Birre chiare
 alto grado alcolico, di ispirazione belga

1° classificato RUBIU con la FLAVIA
2° classificato BALADIN con la SUPER BALADIN
3° classificato BIRRIFICIO UN TERZO con la MATER

Birre scure, alto grado alcolico, di ispirazione belga
1° classificato BIRRIFICIO DEL DUCATO con la CHIMERA
2° classificato MANERBA BREWERY con la REBUFFONE
3° classificato BALADIN con la NÖEL BALADIN

Birre con spezie e/o cereali
1° classificato
2° classificato BALADIN con la NORA
3° classificato GRADO PLATO con la CHOCARRUBICA

Birre affumicate
2° classificato BIRRIFICIO LAMBRATE con la GHISA
3° classificato B.A.B.B. con la FOM

Birre affinate in legno
3° classificato BIRRIFICIO DEL DUCATO con la BLACK JACK V.I.S.

Birre alla frutta 


Birre alla castagna
1° classificato SAN MICHELE con la NORMA
2° classificato MOSTODOLCE con la BIRRA DI NATALE
3° classificato LE COTI NERE con la MARRONI

Birre acide
3rd place unassigned unassigned

honey beer
1st place with the BI-DU LEY LINE
2nd place with the hammer MOSTODOLCE
3rd place BREWERY Civale with the vanishing point

With un'incetta premium it deserves also the year the plate Brewery Brewery of the Duchy, which repeats the approval granted in 2010 and beyond. At this point, the acknowledgment is heavy, and certainly there to Roncole Busseto is now a trophy room for the many awards over the years at nazionale ed internazionale addirittura. Incredibili le sorti di questo borgo del parmense, che oltre ad aver dato i natali a Verdi viene anche baciato da questa ulteriore gustosa fortuna!

Dal mio umile meridionale/regionale punto di vista (dato che a Rimini non sono potuto andare, ahimè) il mio occhio cade soprattutto sulla categoria 4 riguardante birre a basso grado alcolico di ispirazione anglosassone.
Sia B94 che Birranova , fino a pochi mesi fa, producevano insieme a Triggianello, frazione di Conversano (BA), qui nella bassa murgia dei trulli. Ora B94 si è definitivamente stabilito nel suo leccese, ma evidentemente buon malto non mind! They are the only breweries
, down from Rome, to have been awarded , and is a significant confirmation of the phenomenon in micro Puglia and success even in the same South

For now, I will limit myself only to say that under my eyes more than one person appreciated the Sap of Birranova at the first sip, without any suggestion or conditioning or that of others. Clearly something has it really special. The
Terrarossa I have not had the opportunity to taste, unlike other beers B94.
E allora...l'assaggio ora è d'obbligo!

Intanto...alla salute della Puglia!
B'vìm !

Friday, February 18, 2011

Template Of A Franchise Agreement

Frikadelle South African ... the world upside down

I tried to walk on his hands, like an acrobat and improvised look at the world upside down: I had a carpet of clouds and a floor of stars, like those dreams where you fly like angels. A gull has settled on the soles of my shoes, to dart and dive into the sea in the sky, with the freedom that only we can win the wings.
I wanted to look straight at a world I thought wrong and I had a great surprise ...
Walking on your hands, I learned that you want to know the future is a little 'how to read a book starting from the end, you lose the taste for reading and life, I learned how important it is able to reverse certain behaviors in order not to hurt others o alcune nostre certezze, quando si scopre di aver torto.
Guardando la vita a testa in giù diventa anche più facile capire che in realtà il mondo non è poi così storto, che qualche persona lo è, ma che in realtà esiste ancora molta più bontà che malvagità.
Il mondo sottosopra mi ha svelato che il male è piccolo ma ha il fragore di un tuono e il bene è tanto grande ma silenzioso, come una piuma che cade sulla neve.

Tornando con i piedi per terra ho riflettuto sul fatto che in un mondo a testa in giù il nord diiventa sud, e le Kottbullar, o polpette svedesi si sono trasformate Frikadelle in South Africa.

Frikadelle South African pilaf with turmeric,
mango chutney and spicy peppers

Ingredients for 24 dumplings
1 / 2 tablespoon fennel
2 tablespoons coriander seeds
beans 1 tablespoon pimento (pepper, cloves)
6 cloves
350 grams of minced Beef
350 grams of minced lamb
125 grams of freshly ground
1 white onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
a little grated nutmeg
freshly ground black pepper
80 ml vinegar banana (if not, any white vinegar)
1 beaten egg
salt 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
few tsp cornstarch (I made eye)

Grind in a mortar or in the first robot spices. Mix with the meat and add the remaining ingredients in the order given, omitting the oil and cornstarch. Make meatballs with meat mixture.
Heat oil in a frying pan and brown the meatballs, perhaps several times, dispersed by the size of the pan. Putting aside the meatballs, sglassare the pan with a glass of water in which you have dissolved cornstarch and turn and remove gino crowding of the sauce. Put meatballs in sauce over low heat until they are cooked. Add a little water if necessary.

Pilaf to tumeric
Serves 6
400 grams long-grain rice
1 onion, finely chopped
a good tablespoon of salt turmeric
a little oil.

Put a little oil on the bottom of a pot, add rice and water to cover it. Add onion, salt and turmeric. Mix. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce heat, cover with lid and simmer until water absorption.

Mango Chutney
Serves 6
a little oil
a piece of ginger (about 20 grams) 3-4
not too ripe mangoes
3 red onions
3 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons white vinegar (possibly banana)
a pinch of chili

Heat oil and fry the ginger and onions first in half and then sliced. Add the diced mango and cook for about 5 minutes. Add sugar, vinegar, chili and a glass of water. Cook over low heat for about an hour. Allow to cool. Serve at room temperature.

peppers spicy
Serves 6
a little oil
4 large green peppers (or 6 normal)
1 white onion 3 cloves garlic
1 green chilli
2 tsp coriander seeds powder
2 tsp cumin powder
a bunch di foglie di coriandolo tritate

Scaldare l'olio e farci soffriggere i peperoni tagliati a dadini, l'aglio tritato e la cipolla tritata finemente. Aggiungere il peperoncino verde, tagliato in dadini di uguali dimensioni dei peperoni. Aggiungere il resto delle spezie ed erbe e far cuocere finoa  che i peperoni saranno teneri.

Servire le polpette adagiate sul riso, bagnate di salsa e il chutney e i peproni a parte, come contorno.

E con questa ricetta, con un poco di mal di testa, partecipo per la prima volta a un 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What Does A Planter Wart Look Like?

Bitterròna, bitter

Parlare delle proprie birre può essere facile e difficile.
Difficile perché se non spieghi la ricetta nascondi gran parte delle aspettative.
Facile perché dopo averne bevuta un bel po' la senti davvero dentro e davvero tua.

Sabato scorso: replica differita in tv di Inghilterra-Italia di rugby a Twickenham.
Quasi un'intera giornata impiegata per partecipare ad una fruttuosissima cotta pubblica (che probabilmente sarà oggetto di prossimi post) e quasi tutti i recettori nasali saturi dell'odore del malto e di un olfattivamente indimenticabile luppolo Cascade.
Gli aggiornamenti sul web possono attendere, un lampo mi colpisce e mi suggerisce come riprendermi e riperdermi nel mondo delle ale , nell'odore british dei pub, in quella straordinaria e per me inconfessabile "aria di casa".

Il connubio per me perfetto è proprio con una bella bitter.
La prendo dalla cantina e so già che non ho bisogno di rinfrescarla molto. Va bene così com'è.
Certo, non ha moltissimo a che fare con quelle draught alla spina che ancora sento in corpo e in gola. Anzi, forse non ha nulla a che fare.

Però a me piace gustarla tra una mischia e l'altra, illudendomi nel mio solitario soggiorno di essere ancora in un pub ad ordinarne una ogni 15 minuti con sincronizzata pausa toilet .

La carbonazione è stata un pò eccessiva anche in questa, maledizione...non è come la voglio io. Ed il dolce del malto mi sa di medicinale e di vecchio, ma col senno di poi non credo saremmo riusciti a far molto meglio. Questo partial mesh lo abbiamo un pò improvvisato, causa limitato tempo di vita dell'estratto.

Ma non mi importa.
E per coniugare il carattere inglese e l'anima meridionale non poteva esserci di meglio che chiamarla Bitterròna , un nome sintetico che racchiude queste due anime lontane divise da mezza Europe.

At a distance of about ten months since last June is perhaps a little better, but the bitterness seems disconnected from the rest, although not aggressive and keeping on from mid-breath. The defeat

a bit 'I regret, that the taste but also maybe not.
fact is that there is always time to recurrence and time to improve too.

little hope of homebrewers seeking dejavu ... in fact, something already drunk ... dejabu !

Tally Memory Access Violation 0000005

Chicken with apple cider and dried fruit and balance ... harmony

Two sweet apples, two bitter and sour.
is the formula that makes up, like a mosaic of colors and flavors, the recipe of a good cider apples, according to the ancient wisdom of the producers of Brittany and Normandy.
is from this ideal composition is born the harmony and balance of a cider, which, then aged and distilled, becomes an excellent Calvados, but that's another story.
balance and harmony, then. Two words that I love so much and I try to apply to everything I do, all day, in every gesture, every word, every step reflected rated pulse or, in other words, two sweet apples, two bitter and sour, I think fans of my life, everything that I lived to get here.
I had the sweetness of knowing that even before the deepest darkness, I would never be alone, that there would always be a hand to rise again to fall and a shoulder to lean on just to cry or to walk with a limp. The bitterness of loss, tears, death of loved ones or some internal agony, when at a crossroads not know what decision to make.
... acidity and the acidity of a marriage gone to hell, a violent man and three vite da ricostruire, un cristallo spezzato in milioni di pezzi. E di nuovo la dolcezza, l'incontro, un amore vero, mani di seta, occhi di miele e con lui la dolcezza di una nuova e stupenda maternità e anche l'amarezza della difficoltà di ricostruire la vita, mattone su mattone, in un'opera senza fine. E la piccola acidità di lasciare tutti, essere lontani dalla famiglia e quel senso di solitudine che mi invade ogni tanto e di nuovo la dolcezza di sapere che sola non sono e che siamo lontani dagli occhi, ma mai dal cuore. mia vita è uno stupendo, armonioso ed equilibrato sidro di mele, con la sua spuma bianca, il suo color dorato e il sapore dolce amaro di quel che è e di quel che fu.

Ingredienti per 6 persone
1 pollo possibilmente ruspante
150 gr di fichi secchi
150 gr di albicocche secche
100 gr di uva passa bianca
500 ml di sidro di mele brut
2 cucchiai di olio di arachidi
timo fresco o secco
sale e pepe
1 cipolla sbucciata e tagliata a metà

Scaldare il forno a 180°, spennellare il pollo di olio di arachidi e posarlo su un piattto da forno. Spargere il timo su tutto il pollo e anche dentro. Salare e pepare. Mettere la frutta secca tutt'intorno e bagnare tutto con il sidro. Infornare per 45 minuti (ma dipende dal pollo e dal forno) avendo cura di bagnare il pollo con il sidro ogni quarto d'ora circa.
E la cipolla?
ahà! è il mio segretuccio che vi rivelo...non importa la ricetta ma, se volete un pollo al forno perfetto, un pollo dal petto succoso e non secco, mettete le due metà di cipolla dentro il pollo...e ne noterete la differenza!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Slimtype Combo Cd Lsc24082k Driver

Fruit cake ... and the hole in the donut

Mom .... but if Matt is the biggest and Lorenzo is the darling, what am I? - Pablo asks with tears in her eyes and the expression of those who depend on the response as if it had affected the rest of his life.
thought for a moment, I think it is important for him, giving up what I'm doing and look into your eyes, almost lost in the black depths with which views the world.
you, love ... you are the donut hole!
Pablo takes a step back, enriched the lower lip and looks at me askance at first and then a veil of sadness reaches its culmination.
In hole-says there is nothing embittered me back, takes two steps to go. I'll take it for a hand, ask him to come with me into the kitchen.
Come and I'll explain-and I say you draw a doodle of a smile on his face briefly. All we know, the invitation to the kitchen to Pablo is impossible to refuse, even at the worst moments.
The elbow leaning on the work plan, the hand to the ear, the fingers of his right hand playing with the sugar cubes ... the faces of those waiting for something ...
I take a ring mold and start to butter and flour, I look angry, his look says it all without words: Ugh with mom's ring!
decide together the ingredients and I make him do anything he wants. Break the eggs to love it and look at the planet that turns into cream and add the ingredients slowly, patiently following the instructions.
When the flan ring, gold and colored pieces of fruit by the hour has come to explain what I meant.
Watch-tell him to be careful when taking the position, this time both elbows on the work surface, hands supporting his chin, let's pretend that the ring is me, Fred, Matt and Lorenzo ... that would be us if there was the hole? The hole is what does any of a cake, a donut. It is the point of reference, what sustains it. It is right in the middle, it is the heart and no, not just air, is not true that there is nothing, but ... in the donut hole is all, is what makes it special.
That would be a donut without a hole? What would we be without you?
Pablo hugs me strong, very strong. Smell the cake is still warm.
Okay mom, I knew-he says with a mischievous smile that back then, but I eat the donut, the hole we leave it to Matt.

Ingredients for a fruit cake 125g butter

125 g sugar 3 eggs

200 grams of flour
a pinch of salt
a packet of yeast
200 g candied papaya
2 pears 4 apples

grated rind and juice of one orange and two grapefruit

We cut all the fruit and finely macerated in a little orange juice and grapefruit, along with the grated rind. We have left them a half hour, just to moisten well the papaya fruit. Meanwhile, we removed the butter from the fridge, to make it soften a little, and we weighed all the ingredients and turn on the oven to 180 degrees.

abbbiamo then started working the butter and sugar until creamy and added the eggs, one at a time while continuing to work on everything. We slowly added the flour, mixed with salt and baking powder and then with a spatula, we wrapped all the fruit in the dough, and put in oven for about 45 minutes.

The cake came delicious grapefruit, which I had never used a cake, gave a different flavor and appetizing. We came very moist and soft, maybe we should remove the excess of citrus juice before you put all the fruit in the dough, leave it to your choice, we liked so much, it becomes a fruit pie, a fruit cake ... but the result is a delicate flavor and texture original never seen before. Experiment was successful, happy child who ... want more?

With this cake and I participate in the contest Pablo Qui si cucina con il cuore di Il cucchiaino di Milù.

Friday, February 11, 2011

How Long For A Mole Removal To Heal

Paradox, Brewdog - Scotland

Aggressive, tough and daring!
Just bring your nose to see which is more than a beer, more than an experiment, more than a gamble.
It 's a way of life, it undermines the nostrils. Too gray for the gray matter, increased nectar tyrant is pulled up by an imperial stout, which is already its not the ultimate delicacy for the palate nicer.

The blow had the strong behind bars, or rather into the wooden bars of aging British peaty whiskey, from which a single drop of water would come out unscathed in the taste and in fragrances. Well, this beer has spent six months there. And as you know, when you're out often do not return ad essere buono, pacato, a comportarti bene con tutti. L'isolamento duro non ti rende migliore nel carattere, ma solo più forte e più convinto dei pugni che puoi sferrare.

Vino, legno di quercia sfondano il garbo e la sottile linea del piacere sensoriale, con alcool a 10° che quasi ricordano l'etilico.
Ma perchè non assaggiarla? Perchè?
Non si beve solo per piacere, anzi personalmente credo di bere ed assaggiare come se stessi ascoltando un discorso, per interloquire, per litigare o per annuire con chi ha creato la magica poltiglia.

From this Paradox , beer by the name of a drug, the inveterate experimenters Scottish Brewdog I have wanted this. Provoke, incite, stir the conscience and knowledge. Beef stew to accompany it, peated whiskey and Tuscan cigar to follow.
So I addressed myself.
chest, staring into his eyes, losing myself in that cloud of smoke that surrounds the mystery and darkness.

25 Company Anniversary Speeches

Cream of tomato ... and a heart design.

 Amore è quando per volare non si ha più bisogno di ali, piume o polveri magiche, ma basta  la sua voce, un sussurro, un ti amo tessuto da gesti quotidiani.
Arriva il giorno in cui le parole non servono, i baci non fanno più rumore, e basta uno sguardo per intrecciare due anime fra lenzuola di lino. 
La vita si trasforma, ogni giorno è ricamato da piccole cose e grandi sogni. Ci si guarda negli occhi, nella quiete dei respiri e si guarda far, the world face with my eyes, I with yours.
And after a day full of noises, and small eyes are closed between dreams of clouds and colors, silence again, and I squatted down, your heart is my lullaby, caress, and one finger on your chest do a turn and drawing a heart ...

Serves 4-6 people
1 kilo of ripe tomatoes 2 onions

4 potatoes
500 ml of vegetable broth (the good one, no dice)

oregano extra virgin olive oil salt and pepper

cream for garnish (optional)

Wash tomatoes and cut into cubes. Wash and finely chop the onions and herbs. Heat oil and fry the onions and tomatoes for a few minutes, then add the broth, diced potatoes and herbs. cook in half an hour, add salt and pepper and then spend all the minipiner, must be a smooth and fairly thick cream.
decorate with the cream, making the drawings taken with the help of a spoon.

With this recipe I participate in the contest of Flavia, Hart to Hart

E. .. Flavia look! I found the shoes for the day of your blog-anniversary ceremony or the day of the contest: the one that crashed!

Image taken from the web