Monday, March 14, 2011

What Is The Average Size Of Boobs In India

Danube to the pistachio paste ... a tribute to the Land of Milk and Honey Basmati

I did not want even to try. As soon as I saw him, I said this past month.
Then I thought of Strauss and his Blue Danube .. a form of dragonfly, the tale of an insect, I shall reserve for further, colored blue as the Danube could perhaps be nice, but little appetizing
Then when I found a little inspiration, I realized that here in France, the Manitoba only sell to professionals, in packs of 5 pounds.
So I had available to ordinary flour, baking powder and remaining ingredients except the lard. Yes, well what I was missing. Sure, I could use goose fat, the same consitent ma dal sapore decisamente forte. Francesizzare il Danubio? Potrei, ma non fino a questo punto.
Poi dubbi, tanti dubbi, gentilmente chiariti da Alessandra...posso sostituire? togliere? aggiungere? palline o non palline? 
E poi di nuovo l'interminabile ping pong in testa: No, non lo faccio. Si, si lo faccio. No, non lo faccio. Troppo difficile, troppi ingredienti mancanti, questa volta mollo.
Leggo e rileggo il post di Tery, (sicuramente ha almeno 200 visite provenienti dalla Francia questo mese) mi guardo quel danubio, me lo sogno la notte, lo penso, lo disegno, lo stravolgo nero su so dentro di me che non ce la farò mai... Mai?
Le parole chiave sono state Milk and Honey. The yeast dissolves into the milk and honey ...
A spark, a light, nocturnal reminiscences of the dialogues, life lessons, words written for them not to fly with the wind and the lessons of perseverance, struggle, determination, never give up ...
I could not do the Danube, in spite of all obstacles, and I wanted to turn into a homage to a land of milk and honey, where people do not give up fighting for centuries.

And Gd said to Moses:
"Go to the land flowing with milk and honey" Exodus 33.3

Israel, a land of milk and honey.

The Magen David, or Star of David is the symbol of the State of Israel and one of the most important symbols of Judaism.

A Danube to the flavor of Israel

500 grams of flour 00 (without manitoba, untraceable)
150 grams of milk
3 egg yolks and 1 egg
1 teaspoon salt
10 gr yeast (one packet of dry yeast I)
40 grams of sugar
1 teaspoon honey
80 grams of lard (I substituted with butter)
20 g butter
a generous spoonful of orange flower water (more)

Ingredients for pistachio paste:
200 grams of unsalted pistachios, former world
200 grams of powdered sugar
grape seed oil, as required.

The procedure is the same as that used Tery: I dissolved the yeast in warm milk with honey and then I added the flour to begin to knead. Then the egg, sugar and egg yolks and two of the three I started to knead the planet, to embed it. Then I added the last egg and salt and I continued to knead. Then butter and orange flower water and I kneaded for 20 minutes at low speed.
The proof of the veil has failed after about half an hour of total mixture.
For the process step by step, I invite you to look here.
Then I put it to grow to double it, and once spent about two hours.

Meanwhile I made the pistachio paste: I grind the pistachios until mixture is sandy and a bit 'oily. At this point I added the sugar and I kept by a fairly dry dough. I added the oil, always mixing in a blender, gradually, a little at a time, until a texture similar to ricotta.

When the pasta was ready and well risen, I deflated and divided into pieces of about 30-35 grams each (weighted hand to hand) from whom I obtained the records I filled with a teaspoon of dough for each piastacchio. With each of these discs have formed a ball filled with smooth, well sealed. I have them arranged in a star shape on the plate covered with baking paper and I let them grow up to ANORA doubled in the oven a bit 'cool.
once they grow up, I brushed them with milk and bake at 220 degrees for about a quarter of an hour.

E questa è la mia partecipazione al MT Challenge di Marzo 


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