Friday, March 4, 2011

How To Make Minnie Ears

Sap, Pink Birranova

A day without pretensions, a game of football and an evening with a little 'of involuntary autonomy. The

mood with which I am going to enjoy a pint of Sap , just out of the hands and the counter Birranova house, I prepare well to know this even better beer.

very frothy in the glass, a clear straw-colored blonde calls to be carefully sniff, and a fresh profuno of grass and hay cheers me.
One of hops that is used Donato Nelson New Zealand, and this and other floral notes, with slender, sharp, sure to fascinate the first impact.
The attack in the mouth like me, it's soft but crowned with discretion by a light carbonation that makes it lovable. The malt comes out
decided, along with feelings of fruits such as peach or apricot.

Although it became another way of departure seems to have been a Kölsch , beer that I found to be quite impossible to find in Italy, and imitators who I know are still far from the fresh product from the original short-lived, which is as low in the region of Cologne. There, at his place of birth and consumption does not seem to do not even have time to be exported because of its freshness that finds its optimum in a strong demand by the Germans themselves.

But to testify in the brewing scene, both now and in the Italian scene, the style definition is only relative, it is to reiterate the won 3rd place at the recent competition from the sap of the Year 2011 Unionbirrai Beer, which was presented nell'affollatissimo Dante's circle the category low-alcohol beer, inspired by the Anglo-Saxon (! ).

observation that alone is worth the entire description of its complexity, saving me and probably to some extent still do not know!


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