Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Delhi Kali Bari Accommodation

Tiracheesù ... and THANK

are so used to create and put together flavors that come from the mind and heart and words match the tastes and flavors also to the words which need to resume a recipe and make it such, I feel almost uncomfortable, like a fish jumped from the aquarium.
This recipe was sent to me by Enza for game Zasusa , designed by Gianni , a great friend, great cook as well. If you do not know his blog , it is the time to visit.
short, no story today, so take this opportunity to post for you, thank you.
thank all those who have sent me press chain, a very kind gesture, a sweet thought. I thank those who pass and take the time to read my posts, sometimes longish and to whom to leave a comment are most welcome, even those of constructive criticism, suggestions or those who point a finger slipped on the keyboard and you misspelled a word, maybe TROUT apple instead of CAKE ...
With Honey Butter and precious and wonderful people I met, who have enriched both men, both in the kitchen with their knowledge. Learned a lot from you, you have helped me a ispirarmi, a migliorare, a conoscere piatti di cui non sapevo neanche l'esistenza, e alcuni di voi siete diventati parte quotidiana della mia vita personale e familiare, anche su Facebook.
Dal blog sono nate sincere amicizie che non mi aspettavo, persone di una straordinaria qualità umana e altruista, pronte a cercare di soluzionare i tuoi problemi con le braccia aperte verso di te. Voi siete gente rara e io son fortunata di avervi incontrato.
Insomma, circa 4 mesi fa ho aperto questo blog come uno spazio personale, senza nessuna pretesa e oggi mi ritrovo con più di 300 sostenitori, cinque contest vinti, giudice di altri due, presto tre.
E tutto questo siete voi che lo avete reso possibile.
Grazie, mille volte grazie a tutti voi.
Ne volete una fetta?

dalla ricetta originale, ho fatto delle piccole modificazioni avendone prima parlato con Enza. La prima, è l'aver omesso il formaggio Philadelphia, introvabile qui a Bourges. La seconda, l'aver soppresso il caffé, del quale sono dipendente in versione liquida, calda e amara, ma che non sopporto nei dolci.
Inoltre, la tortiera a cerniera da me utilizzata è un poco più grande di quella usata per la torta originale, facendo so that it looks way more "bottom" of the one built by Enza.

For the base Savoyard
2 eggs 45 g sugar 45 g flour
a hint of vanilla (I vanilla powder)
powdered sugar, enough

For the filling
100 ml whipping cream 200 g mascarpone
(increased to 250)
100 grams of Philadelphia (vacant)
a cup of strong coffee (vacant)
250 ml custard (use your favorite recipe) 2 sheets of gelatin
a cup of COFFEE (replaced with an equal amount of milk)
cocoa powder, just enough

Place the gelatin in cold water. Prepare the base by beating eggs and sugar for a long time, adding the sifted flour and vanilla, stirring constantly. Pour the mixture into a baking dish with a zipper, buttered and floured, sprinkle with powdered sugar and bake for 15 minutes at 180 degrees until the surface is golden. Allow to cool.
prepro the custard and add the squeezed gelatine, mixing until completely dissolved.
Prepare the filling: Whip cream, add the mascarpone cheese (philadelphia and if you use it) stirring constantly, add the cream and the espresso coffee (which I have omitted).
To dial the sweet, wet the base Savoy along with coffee (I did it with milk), pour the cream and level well. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours before opening the zipper and serve dusted with cocoa.

This recipe is in the game Zasusa


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