Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lime Grønn Scooter

Sables citrus to turn smiles ... Chicken Madras

Ci sono persone che sanno dare agli altri un esempio di amore e costanza. Persone che anche davanti a una situazione cruda, sanno mantenere la speranza nel cuore, come Caris . 

And the children have much to learn, know how to smile in front of adversity, including a whim, and another, a smile is enough to turn them sometimes only one flower.

But for the children of Saint Lucia would be willing to bring down the moon, and please ask her to tell her stories, what he saw million years in space in huge, compelling stories, stories of love and calm ninne nanne interplanetarie per farli addormentare.

E accenderei altri milioni di stelle, per illuminare la notte per chi ha paura del buio o per raccoglierle in un barattolo di vetro ,da mettere sotto il letto o nell'armadio per spaventare quei mostri che si annidano li dentro e scacciarli con luce e magia di polvere di stelle.


  If only I could ... but I have nothing to give them that hope, a strong desire, a wish for life, my heart ...

... and the recipe for these cookies:

For about two dozen sablées (shortbread)
250 grams of flour 250 g butter

125 gr icing sugar
125 g cornflour (cornstarch)
peels a tangerine, orange and a lemon

Mix the butter with the sugar and the peels of citrus fruits grated. Add the remaining ingredients and work. At first the dough will seem sand, but do not worry, keep working all the ingredients to amalgamate and form a nice ball of dough. The dough is divided, it extends to the desired girth (I 1 / 2 cm) and cut as desired.
Bake in oven at 180 degrees until edges are golden.

And this is my recipe for the children of Saint Lucia , with hope and a prayer to the Almighty, who is a solution that will prevent the closure. For the smiles of children.


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