Saturday, March 12, 2011

Brazilian Bikini Waxing For Men In Bangkok

cod and seafood ... and a painful unknown

Oggi pane e salame, domani...
domani potrei scoprire di avere l'endometriosi e quindi, né pane, né salame.

Il blog Oggi pane e salame, domani... ha indetto un contest per sensibilizzare il pubblico su questa malattia e raccogliere ricette e idee culinarie per chi deve seguire una dieta per attenuarne i sintomi. Qui troverete più informazioni sulla sua lodevole iniziativa.

Si stima che 70 milioni di donne e ragazze soffrono di Endometriosi nel mondo e sebbene sia molto più comune di malattie più conosciute come il cancro al seno e l'AIDS, è purtroppo molte volte ignorata, incompresa e sottovalutata.

Ma chi è quest'enigmatica sconosciuta?
L'endometriosi è una malattia cronica molto complessa, ma per non parlarvi in medichese, cercherò di explain in a few words: The tissue that lines the inside of the uterus (endometrium) invades other organs such as ovaries, fallopian tubes, intestines and even the vagina.
This causes many different symptoms ranging from chronic pelvic pain, especially but not only during menstruation, ovarian pain, fastiodi urination, painful intercourse, arriving in severe cases to infertility, repeated miscarriages, and many symptoms amtri not be underestimated.
changes in lifestyle and nutrition to help reduce the annoying symptoms.

What should I avoid?
products that contain gluten. So no bread and pasta wheat, barley or rye, milk and dairy products, refined sugars, the soy in all its presentations (except tofu and tempeh) and red meat. Also to eliminate saturated fats like butter, lard, palm and coconut oils and cocoa butter.
are also banned caffeine (ie coffee, tea and soft drinks that contain it), chocolate, soft drinks and foods high in sugar, and fried foods.

And we have left to eat?
Foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids: walnuts, hazelnuts, blue fish, tuna, salmon, seafood and of course olive oil, but not to be used for frying.
All cereals gluten free such as rice and maize, for example, being now quite common to find them in the form of flour for making bread and other preparations.
The vegetables: such as beans, broad beans, peas ...
All vegetables, especially raw or steamed, in order to absorb the vitamins that have a beneficial effect on symptoms of the disease.
fruit: whole, but with an emphasis on berries, apples and pears.
As for meat, chicken is the star of the diet for endometriosis, but since I not only live chicken man (or in this case the woman), there are several alternatives for not giving up the demand for protein: legumes, tofu, walnuts, pecans, cashews, pistachios, hazelnuts, sesame seeds, flax, pumpkin and sunflower seeds and peanuts can be excellent sources of protein, as well as fish and seafood have been mentioned previously.

No milk and dairy products, but what do we do then with osteoporosis?
You know, women are subjected to terrible osteoporosis after a certain age. And if for other reasons or illness, you have to give up dairy products, then you need the help of supplemental calcium and the increase in the consumption of this mineral-rich foods such as dark green vegetables, spinach and broccoli, for example, sesame and flax seeds, figs, seaweeds, il salmone e le sardine.

NOTA: quest'articolo ha fini unicamente informativi e non pretende sostituire il consiglio e parere medico. Qualsiasi dubbio o sintomo, consultate il vostro medico di fiducia.

Basmati al Merluzzo e frutti di mare

Ingredienti per 4-6 persone
1 cucchiaio di olio extra vergine d'oliva
1 grossa cipolla tritata
2 spicchi d'aglio tritati
450 gr di pomodori sbucciati, seeded and diced
225 g basmati rice
a pinch of saffron
600 ml of fish broth homemade
225 grams of cod
200 gr of squid
225 gr shrimp
100 grams of fresh or frozen peas (not canned)
salt and pepper in moderation
In a wok, heat the oil to just and fry the onion and garlic. Add tomatoes and cook another minute. Then add rice, broth and saffron. Bring to a boil, salare e pepare con moderazione, abbassare il fuoco e lasciar cuocere una decina di minuti, girando ogni tanto.
Intanto, tagliare a cubetti il pesce, lavare e asciugare le seppiette e tagliarle.
Aggiungere i piselli e il pesce nel wok, riportare a ebollizione, coprire e far cuocere ancora fino a che il riso sia tenero. Aggiungere poi le seppiette e i gamberi, e lasciar cuocere finché questi ultimi diventino rosa. Servire immediatamente.

Con questa ricetta partecipo all'iniziativa PER BENE di Oggi Pane e salame, domani...


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