Monday, March 7, 2011

Difference Between Thermocole And Polystyrene

vegetarian gratin with mascarpone ... and the lady who gives flowers

There was a man dressed in white who walked out until a few days ago. His eyes were cold and the smile off his shoulders, a leaden gray coat. I saw it coming a few months ago, sitting in the dry garden, the snow that was born out of his hands and in the cold wind from his breath.
And then I saw him walk slowly to look down toward the exit, with PRMI soft rays of the sun one morning in March.
and then timidly tiptoe she started walking without the noise has the winked where he met, giving him a sprig of quince giappponese, bright red flowers which had removed the thorns with care, to wish him bon voyage.

She comes slowly, its presence can be seen at once, the colors and shades of her dress, her blue eyes clear and the green blanket that carries with it, coloring around to where the mountain passes.
is said to be as old as the universe and the world turns slowly in small steps with her fluffy dress and her hair tousled by the wind, sea urchins like nests of birds returning from distant lands.
She sings and sings with them and offering flowers. It has a basket full, seems to be a magic basket because it is never empty. Give a flower to people who asked, to those who need it, ma mai lo stesso per tutti, ognuno riceve il suo, con una certezza unica che nessun altro lo riceverà per lo stesso uso in tutta la Terra.
Una violetta per addolcire la vita di una donna solitaria che respira tristezza e che saprà candirla talmente bene da inzuccherare la sua esistenza e scacciare l'amarezza.

Un non ti scordar di me per quel ragazzo dai capelli cortissimi che parte armato verso l'ignoto, in nome di una bandiera e per lei, che in lacrime guarda allontanare il treno con una speranza nel cuore.

Un tulipano rosso, per un giovane amore che sboccia fra deserti di feelings, on the ashes of despair old.

A white cross, for the purity of a birth, a new life that comes in a cry loudly. A life that springs up after the pain, the joy of a mother clutching her small arms for the first time.

I gave a primrose, just that day when I realized that the man in white is a step away tired. I gave it as a sign of good luck for the life changes again, which takes us away to another adventure.

The lady who gives flowers and dressed in white man they met on the boulevard, crossed and said goodbye.
Winter and Spring come together in the same place every year in March, they shake hands like old friends and begin their journey in opposite directions.
The beautiful lady is sitting in the garden and left these for you.
I recommend that you make good use.

All photos in this post were taken last week in my garden ; in Bourges and in that of my father in law in Orleans. Spring is here in central France.

eggplant and zucchini gratin with mascarpone and goat

Serves 6 2 small eggplants
3 zucchini 2 cloves garlic
two sprigs of mint oil
250 grams of mascarpone cheese 2 eggs
100 ml
milk 100 ml cream
salt and pepper
150 grams of goat

Wash and slice the vegetables. Far brown the eggplant in olive oil and arrange on bottom of a gratin dish. Warm a little oil and sauté 'pan with the zucchini, chopped mint and garlic, cook a little until they are tender, but not too much. Arrange them as a new layer on top of the eggplants. Separately, mix the mascarpone cheese with eggs, cream, milk, salt and pepper and sprinkle the vegetables with the mixture. Lay the slices of goat cheese.
Bake at 180 degrees for about half an hour.

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