Friday, January 7, 2011

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Zywiec Beer Tasting - Poland

returned from Poland a few days of cold, I can not dwell on the feast of beer and beers that I made with my fellow travelers.

Worth the first to comment Żywiec , popular beer consumed in the homonymous village, but in every corner of the nation and not only (I direct sources confirmed to occur also massively on east coast of America).

The first product is a PALE LAGER , and is selling defalut when you say the word Zywiec.
on tap is served by at least 0.5 liters, and is excellent for this measure in order to perceive its good foam. Intense and persistent nuisance, smells fresh despite having a medium-high carbonation in the nose.
The mouth is very dry, with a slightly sweet initial peak that then fades with the body dry. Tear off a little bitter enough to make it "drinkable."
The biscuit, the macaroon you just feel but give a a nice touch, however, beer industry, but not bad overall, and probably the best lager in Poland between the blades, for example with respect to Tyskie where the differences are few but are felt.

very different and worthy of note is then the same PORTER Zywiec.
E 'know the feeling between the British and wear the pro-Russian East European culture, for which various czars and kings have always wanted just to make sure it transuropee crossings, even if it means making the most economical production methods and dosages of hops even come to see this phenomenal "black gold".
porter Well ... this surprised me, because it stands far off and the variety of non-beer-lager or pils on the Polish market.
Its foam is persistent and very, color Cream-cappuccino. The black color is not as impenetrable as it sounds, but can be mitigated if the vinous colors, and gives clarity.
The taste is full, medium bodied woody and winey. Something there is also wine tasting, but always very discreet and never aggressively, while slowly slipping away in the bitterness that extends to the entire cavity. Oxygenation and breath taking it fades and goes back a few notes of cocoa and roasting, and the always appropriate bubbles suggest yet another sip.

So, this brand is king in the land of Poland, from the bottle to the can to the plug in restaurants and pubs.

I recommend at least one-liter jug \u200b\u200bfor camp, not sorry to have tasted and enjoyed with such pleasure. The porter, however, can wait, the bottle or 33cl 50cl already sufficient to introduce visually in a gallant like a czarina.

Zdrowia Na!


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