Friday, January 21, 2011

Achar Shyni Stone Silver

The kitchen of the heart, shrimp salad with paprika

Quando si parla di cucina del cuore oggigiorno, viene subito in mente una marea di ricette light, povere di grassi, di non è quella la cucina del cuore della quale oggi vorrei parlarvi.
La cucina del cuore è quella dei ricordi, dei pasticci combinati in cucina, quando non misuravo che un metro e qualcosa, le memorie di un ciambellone al limone fatto per un fratello inseparabile o di una torta al cioccolato mancata, perchè il cioccolato spariva nel nulla prima di iniziare a farla.
La cucina del cuore era quel vitello tonnato fatto dalla mamma ogni mio compleanno e le colorate crostate fruit with a candle for every year, forever and always. And the box decennaria, which collected the new candles and cigarette butts, used several times and kept as a sort of guardian of the memory box.
The kitchen was the heart of my grandmother's tart cherries, one unique, with homemade jam and cream to the bottom as well as the fingerprint of a child in the bowl of dough.
The kitchen had a breakfast of the heart with his grandfather, an aromatic morning coffee roasting, tea with lemon and toasted bread buttered and spread with honey skillfully.
And now ... the heart of the kitchen is a chef who plays to imitate his mother, two older children that come to poke and stretch hands ... petty theft, a fingerprint or leccatona whipped cream with a spatula to clean all the work is finished and a smile or a kiss to the chocolate and vanilla.
The kitchen is the heart of an undercooked pancake, made from a caring husband, those days when I'm sick or tired he wins the love of cooking. It is a birthday cake, designed and planned for weeks, for hours or simply decorated, which speaks for itself to say how much I love them, those four men who light up my life.
But it is also a surprise, a gift, a thought, without time or date, no recurrence in the heart ... find a tasty dish, just to tell you how much I love you.

Serves 4
24 whole prawns
100 grams of leaves of valerian
100 grams of leaves Rocket
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
few leaves of tarragon (even dried is fine)
white wine vinegar
a teaspoon mustard
25 g butter
paprika to taste

Cook the prawns in boiling salted water for four minutes. Allow to cool and then proceed to remove the head and Venette on the back and "peel" but leave the tail whole.
In a small bowl, mix oil, lemon juice, tarragon, vinegar, salt and mustard. In a skillet, melt the butter and mix the paprika and fry the prawns for a few seconds in this preprarazione, just to give color and flavor, but without further cooking.
In a serving dish or bowl, mix lettuce and arugula and dress with vinaigrette preparata e adagiarci sopra i gamberi. 

E con questa ricetta del cuore, partecipo al contest di Flavia Hart-to-Hart


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