Monday, January 17, 2011

Sk-2920 Logitech Driver

Amor Spring. Cupcakes with lavender honey and candied violets

We are known for the case to have him transferred to headquarters and found themselves studying together.
He had no desire at all to change, but his smile was able to conquer and change his mind now.
He is one that steals a flower to impress, which sees it in everything we see and look at everything he sees. Yes, because he is an incurable romantic.
He is an artist, make magic with cardboard, glue and colored pencils, airplanes made out of his hands out of bottles, paper mache butterflies and insects that seem alive.
She plays the cello and even the angels come down to listen and then when he dances, light as a feather in the wind, it looks like a delicate rose, a fresh bud.
He does not earn much, a few euro for small jobs, but once, having saved for a while ', bought her a bracelet of beads magic that sparkled whenever he thought of her, to let them know.
When I set the time flies, indeed, there is no more time, only a present, a moment, he plays, and do not stop playing, between shouts of joy and laughter.
When he arrives home, tired, hungry and a little 'sleepy, the first thing he does is call. Encased in his world of colors, and dreams of castles and carried them to her with the thought and she weaves strips of words which then puts on paper and sends transformed into love letters.
He dreams of becoming a builder, perhaps an architect, and one to one aligns the bricks of the future in perfect symmetry, but she thinks it will be tamer cats in the house already has six.
He points out that they are not friends, but love, to which she blushes and hides il viso fra le mani, mostrando solo lo sguardo che, in fondo, ride di cuore.
La prima volta che l'ha invitata a casa, lui ha passato due ore davanti l'orologio, il tempo sembrava essersi fermato e guardando le ore fisse in numeri arancioni, sperava che passasse più in fretta, e sembrava un cucù all'impazzata, gridando ogni due minuti che l'ora si avvicinava.
Loro sono due farfalle colorate che volano impazzite nel cielo azzuro della tenera età, è un amore di bambini, fresco e primaverile.

Lui si chiama Pablo, ha otto anni, lei si chiama Tara, ne ha sette.
Per questo primo invito, una merenda speciale, dal sapor di primavera.

Ingredienti per 12 cupcakes
125 gr di burro
150 gr di zucchero
60 gr di miele di lavanda
200 ml di latte
1 uovo
250 gr di farina
2 cucchiaini di lievito in polvere

75 gr di burro
225 gr di zuccchero a velo
1 cucchiaio e mezzo di latte
qualche fiore di lavanda
12 violette candite

Scaldare il oven to 180 degrees. Working long the butter with the honey and sugar and add egg and beat again until well blended. Add alternately with milk and flour mixed with yeast, mix and put the dough in the appropriate cups. Do not fill more than 2 / 3. Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes. Let cool.
Heat the milk with lavender flowers and leave to infuse a few minutes in a covered pot. Cool completely and filter flowers. Beat butter, icing sugar and milk until a thick, foamy. With the cream in the little sac, decorate cupcakes and finished with a candied violet.

With this recipe I participate in the contest Softly ... With Love


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