Saturday, January 29, 2011

About Conditioning Mascara

Rudolph & Hipster, Bad Attitude craft beer - Switzerland

arrive in the holiday period, as a real gift!

beers Bad Attitude , svizzere solo geograficamente, mi hanno sempre incuriosito per il loro marketing aggressivo, il look accattivante e la giovane verve che sul web e nell'ambiente non passano inosservati.
Mi sono proposto umilmente per la loro originalissima Tasting room  virtuale proponendomi con questo blog, e qualche semplice pensiero da novello degustatore patentato provo a darlo.

Ho voluto assaggiarle insieme ai miei amici birrofili Paolo, Sergio e Francesco, un pò per condividere le sensazioni ma anche come excuse to see each other and talk about beer, of course. So the bottles from the fridge to be on the table, the heat from the fire environment.

The first beer of the two I tasted was Rudolph . I was surprised to be unable to read the reference style label, and sent me a hand in other crisis but made me realize that, in fact, one should focus on flavor rather than being influenced by that. However, the indication is winter warmer, and certainly the heat ago. its foam is persistent, coarse bubbles invite you to drink, but it is better to study it ... The amber color reflects the beer and coppery tones, including very strong viscosity and intensity that already emanates from the glass . Floral and spicy nose dictate the character of this gentle exhalation, and makes its way to the image of hops character, very strong and heady. Sipping
carbonation pushes the exaltation of flavor already sniffed through the exile of the body and a pleasant mild astringency. They leave feeling oily and resinous hop and slowly it all comes down to a bitter end to the long fades. This I like very average imbalance (69 IBU are not even many), because even the harmony reached previously with sensory hops, spices and abundant 8 ° alcohol has sufficient time and opportunity to express themselves and have their say. .. one can not philosophize forever, not!

Blurring the mouth with water and some snacks, we proceed to the second proposal for a Bad Attitude. E ' Hipster , enigmatically labeled Pilsner wine which I really do not I know what to expect (there is much that I want to classification styles? ... say yes?). I expected to see at least something like ale somewhere.
A coarse foam hat almost ivory glass protects the load of its gold color, while a slight haze of mystery still covers its organoleptic qualities.
The brief and fleeting mentions the presence of the smell of orange blossom, citrus and a light coriander, and a probable hops from dry hopping freshly dyed his notes on the nose.
drinking it the characteristics of carbonation and freshness are obvious, insieme ad un percorso sensoriale accomodante e non turbolento, tale da renderla forse più docile rispetto a Rudolph.
Olii da luppolo qui smorzano meglio e prima l'amaro, e residui di lievito tendono ad arrotondare meglio le spigolosità. La bocca resta più asciutta e pulita, e l'equilibrio può dirsi decisamente buono, ben ipnotizzato dai 7.6° di alcool.

Bad Attitude ha sfornato due ottimi prodotti, sobri ma malandrini, ed in bottiglie da 33 cl credo non hanno difficoltà a proporsi neppure a semplici curiosi attratti dallo stile sbarazzino e indie, parte integrante del manifesto del microbirrificio.

Spero di trovare presto (magari in qualche beershop del Sud) altre loro produzioni!!!
Intanto, grazie a Bad Attitude!


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