Monday, March 14, 2011

Discharge With Blood Streaks

A look at the beer Puglia

The recent quarter number (in full at this link) period MoBI , including several articles on important issues brewing and drink, I was certainly impressed Article created by Francesco Donato (homebrewer and, from what I learned, himself president of the Calabrian homebrewers Beer Emotion ) that has turned our eyes in the first on the scene brewing in South Italy, focusing on the situation in Apulia. On reflection and looking around, I realized that the same birrofili Puglia there are still many non-knowledge (Ignorance is a term that, when used in another sense, it is becoming annoying ...) the number and quality of microbreweries in the region and places where you can find real ales, and I think the guidance given this study are very sincere and valid.

publishing the full article as it has been published in the journal, and then let some of my account as a result.

As I mentioned, I personally am quite satisfied with this analysis of Puglia brewing.

I would say that over all, in terms of visibility and activities are Opus Grain , Birranova and B94 to dominate over the others, followed closely by Brewery Svevo, Gruit and Salento Beer, breweries to be the most representative of the movement of Puglia. At least at the level of presentation evenings and / or tasting just feel these names. There is a very shady underworld of breweries, some of whom are appointed and in others that I have only found on the Google Web sometimes. Here in Bari, in fact, I would say that very few are aware of the various Dauno Torremaggiore (FG), Brauhaus Engel of Manfredonia (FG), Montalto Pietramontecorvino (FG), The Brewer Barletta (BAT), the Levant Brewery of Bitritto (BA), Brjo St. George Jonico (TA), BAS Lama (TA), Elite Beer of Mars (LE). Case is Bibere , con sede a Corato (BA) di recentissima apertura, quindi ancora in rampa di lancio, ed al quale mastro birraio Antonio auguro tutto il meglio.
Magari è una questione di scelta dei circuiti di distribuzione a condizionare la promozione dei loro prodotti, così come per alcuni di essi può anche trattarsi di una precisa scelta di muoversi nelle immediate vicinanze e di non spingersi oltre rischiando anche sul profilo economico-imprenditoriale.
Penso di aver incluso tutti, tra l'altro sono tutti quelli nominati anche sull'aggiornatissimo , attento a tutti i fermenti sul territorio nazionale.
Per cui...un total of 15 only microbrewery in Puglia! I feel that there were more of a short, serious and well-meaning fans there are. A good number of course, and a better base from which to even more detailed analysis of product quality brewers who are outside, which are not always excellent. This would be a shame if it were to affect confidence in the regional brewing prrodotti, although an experienced local manager is also called to distinguish and promote good local beers whenever it becomes aware. Certainly the phenomenon in South
beer comes later than the domestic case, in turn, compared to recent American case as well as the tradition europea. Ritengo, però, ancora abbastanza lenta la partecipazione, la voglia di diffusione di cultura birraia e la sete di obiettivi da parte dei birrifici al momento meno noti. Occorrerebbe, forse, non già la spinta imprenditoriale necessaria ad avviare le produzioni, ma anche uno slancio promozionale che faccia leva sulle tipicità locali delle materie prime (è un esempio Opus Grain con l'utilizzo di grano del Tavoliere in percentuale crescente, e i vari casi di Birranova, B94 e Birra Salento con l'uso di grani e spezie caratterizzanti dell'equilibrio delle loro birre) ed un buon volume di produzione. Se la scelta è quella di produrre birra per la comunità del comune di residenza (ipotesi che mi sento di scartare, ma su cui spero di essere smentito), può essere anche condivisibile ed accettabile. Se invece le mire sono più alte, è bene anche farsi conoscere di più per permettere una maggiore consapevolezza nell'appassionato e nel consumatore, e quindi favorire la crescita di tutto il panorama, che va dal produttore fino al consumatore finale. Se invece si produce giusto per produrre e dire di essere birrai (ritengo ci siano un paio di esempi)...beh, in quel caso il discorso si conclude da se'.
Il mio non è un monito o una sterile critica, ma vorrebbe essere anche uno stimolo o un semplice appunto su quello che probabilmente potrebbe essere migliorato, e sono abbastanza convinto che passi in avanti sicuramente verranno fatti. The same summer festival brewers
(Tribirra, Beer & Sound, Taste of the Market) are already and will be sharing the occasion of intent from brewers and for convergence in terms of driving directions. A network of actors with joint efforts, collaborations and projects could also be ideas to start to consider. A first positive sign, in my opinion, was the tasting course Level 1 (Unionbirrai) held at La Cantina Beer (Birranova brewery pub), during the first brewer to take place in the region, to which was attended by fans from literally every head of Puglia (Foggia and Lecce included!). The facts show che si può costruire molto, partendo dalle basi, certamente.
Birra di Puglia...o quasi (foto: Ivan Tarricone)
Discorso collegato a quello dei produttori è quello dei distributori e gestori di locali .
Porto all'attenzione lo straordinario interesse crescente verso la birra che si è avuto in questo paio d'anni nella Puglia. Non riesco più a trovare una qualsiasi pizzeria che non abbia in frigo almeno un paio di birre d'abbazia o che non abbia una carta delle birre (ormai consegnata insieme al menu e alla carta dei vini!). Fioccano ora anche servizi speciali su riviste Promotional hit and run (as 2night , downloadable here, I had the opportunity to browse and read, and do little more than advertising the pub on Saturday evening, at the expense of genuine information on places of authentic mold brewer as falsely stated on the cover ... the fashion involves beer, too). This can certainly be an asset, we can all enjoy the products until the 90's were almost impossible to find in the area. I am personally very happy with this high-level invasion of beers. Known, however, a sort of xenophilia strong enough. The Belgian or German product is almost always preferred craft beer brewery Puglia "X". In terms of quality it is often legitimate, please! But some more effort I think we can do. Question of cost? Of course, also affects that. But essentially I believe that part of the reason for this preference lies also in a bit 'of distrust, of primitive self-defense from something that is affirmed but on which is a cloud of skepticism, even in spite of the excellent quality of even winning a few beers in reviews national but suffering a bit 'powerless.
Again my intent is inviting to less wary of what we have locally. As such we welcome and support the wine cellar of this small town in the province, why you should not do with beer? Maybe confidence is still low, perhaps we need a little more 'time, but it would be wrong to continue to underestimate the art of many of our brewers (who have had years and years of experience as homebrewers, contests and great satisfaction brought home ). The philosophy of "km 0", the debate praised the food and agribusiness, it is not a concept so far from this world. You can also begin to implement the product beer. Suffice it to say that in other parts of Europe its indigenous production and consumption of beer on the spot has set in motion a virtuous cycle in which the economy is currently still relies the same city communities, as is the case in Ireland, England and Germany. Perhaps we are not ready for this type of project, but may feel sorry to live in the future of the regret of not trying.
That said, it must be said, moreover, that not all the publicans and managers wear the blinders ... indeed! It is to recognize a lot of vision, passion and professionalism in those who believed in brewing culture, local or national, from the first hour, well before the big foreign microbreweries were also distributed in Italy by the big brands (by which we find beers now arch-known Belgian, German and from around the world in fry around the corner).
I can not appoint, in fact, places like Felix (of highly trained and Gianfranco Lorenzo) and King Crimson's Cafe here in Castellana Grotte (BA) and its surroundings have become a reference among national craft beers (Almond Extraomnes and '22 just to name a few) and many gems from the best breweries in the continent. I therefore agree with Francis, author of the article taken as a starting point for this intervention, which also identifies in turmoil of Polignano a Mare (BA) on Nincasi Cisternino (BR), the Prophet of Lecce and the pub Gruit eponymous brewery Brindisi, all of which premises I have always heard very very good and rained that night in terms of craft beer, but for the moment where I had the pleasure of having been there (some lists of draft beers present at the Prophet, for example , really do get plenty of drool!). To remember is quoted on the La Cantina Beer where only Birranova brooch, with a large selection of high quality plugs. There would also be appointed Scottish and Irish style pubs, mostly found in Bari city ( Joy's and Stuart ) and on its south coast and north ( Zari and St. Patrick ), che oltre ai prodotti commerciali stanno cominciando ad a far affezionare i loro clienti anche ad altre ottime birre del mondo brassicolo UK. Spero sia un trend che, alla lunga, porti buoni frutti ed educhi meglio il bevitore del sabato sera.

Sicuramente approfondirò, appena avrò modo, l'evoluzione che la sensibilità verso la birra di qualità potrà prendere in questo futuro, che speriamo sia sempre più marcato Puglia e sia sempre più motivo di orgoglio per la regione.


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Danube to the pistachio paste ... a tribute to the Land of Milk and Honey Basmati

I did not want even to try. As soon as I saw him, I said this past month.
Then I thought of Strauss and his Blue Danube .. a form of dragonfly, the tale of an insect, I shall reserve for further, colored blue as the Danube could perhaps be nice, but little appetizing
Then when I found a little inspiration, I realized that here in France, the Manitoba only sell to professionals, in packs of 5 pounds.
So I had available to ordinary flour, baking powder and remaining ingredients except the lard. Yes, well what I was missing. Sure, I could use goose fat, the same consitent ma dal sapore decisamente forte. Francesizzare il Danubio? Potrei, ma non fino a questo punto.
Poi dubbi, tanti dubbi, gentilmente chiariti da Alessandra...posso sostituire? togliere? aggiungere? palline o non palline? 
E poi di nuovo l'interminabile ping pong in testa: No, non lo faccio. Si, si lo faccio. No, non lo faccio. Troppo difficile, troppi ingredienti mancanti, questa volta mollo.
Leggo e rileggo il post di Tery, (sicuramente ha almeno 200 visite provenienti dalla Francia questo mese) mi guardo quel danubio, me lo sogno la notte, lo penso, lo disegno, lo stravolgo nero su so dentro di me che non ce la farò mai... Mai?
Le parole chiave sono state Milk and Honey. The yeast dissolves into the milk and honey ...
A spark, a light, nocturnal reminiscences of the dialogues, life lessons, words written for them not to fly with the wind and the lessons of perseverance, struggle, determination, never give up ...
I could not do the Danube, in spite of all obstacles, and I wanted to turn into a homage to a land of milk and honey, where people do not give up fighting for centuries.

And Gd said to Moses:
"Go to the land flowing with milk and honey" Exodus 33.3

Israel, a land of milk and honey.

The Magen David, or Star of David is the symbol of the State of Israel and one of the most important symbols of Judaism.

A Danube to the flavor of Israel

500 grams of flour 00 (without manitoba, untraceable)
150 grams of milk
3 egg yolks and 1 egg
1 teaspoon salt
10 gr yeast (one packet of dry yeast I)
40 grams of sugar
1 teaspoon honey
80 grams of lard (I substituted with butter)
20 g butter
a generous spoonful of orange flower water (more)

Ingredients for pistachio paste:
200 grams of unsalted pistachios, former world
200 grams of powdered sugar
grape seed oil, as required.

The procedure is the same as that used Tery: I dissolved the yeast in warm milk with honey and then I added the flour to begin to knead. Then the egg, sugar and egg yolks and two of the three I started to knead the planet, to embed it. Then I added the last egg and salt and I continued to knead. Then butter and orange flower water and I kneaded for 20 minutes at low speed.
The proof of the veil has failed after about half an hour of total mixture.
For the process step by step, I invite you to look here.
Then I put it to grow to double it, and once spent about two hours.

Meanwhile I made the pistachio paste: I grind the pistachios until mixture is sandy and a bit 'oily. At this point I added the sugar and I kept by a fairly dry dough. I added the oil, always mixing in a blender, gradually, a little at a time, until a texture similar to ricotta.

When the pasta was ready and well risen, I deflated and divided into pieces of about 30-35 grams each (weighted hand to hand) from whom I obtained the records I filled with a teaspoon of dough for each piastacchio. With each of these discs have formed a ball filled with smooth, well sealed. I have them arranged in a star shape on the plate covered with baking paper and I let them grow up to ANORA doubled in the oven a bit 'cool.
once they grow up, I brushed them with milk and bake at 220 degrees for about a quarter of an hour.

E questa è la mia partecipazione al MT Challenge di Marzo 

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Brazilian Bikini Waxing For Men In Bangkok

cod and seafood ... and a painful unknown

Oggi pane e salame, domani...
domani potrei scoprire di avere l'endometriosi e quindi, né pane, né salame.

Il blog Oggi pane e salame, domani... ha indetto un contest per sensibilizzare il pubblico su questa malattia e raccogliere ricette e idee culinarie per chi deve seguire una dieta per attenuarne i sintomi. Qui troverete più informazioni sulla sua lodevole iniziativa.

Si stima che 70 milioni di donne e ragazze soffrono di Endometriosi nel mondo e sebbene sia molto più comune di malattie più conosciute come il cancro al seno e l'AIDS, è purtroppo molte volte ignorata, incompresa e sottovalutata.

Ma chi è quest'enigmatica sconosciuta?
L'endometriosi è una malattia cronica molto complessa, ma per non parlarvi in medichese, cercherò di explain in a few words: The tissue that lines the inside of the uterus (endometrium) invades other organs such as ovaries, fallopian tubes, intestines and even the vagina.
This causes many different symptoms ranging from chronic pelvic pain, especially but not only during menstruation, ovarian pain, fastiodi urination, painful intercourse, arriving in severe cases to infertility, repeated miscarriages, and many symptoms amtri not be underestimated.
changes in lifestyle and nutrition to help reduce the annoying symptoms.

What should I avoid?
products that contain gluten. So no bread and pasta wheat, barley or rye, milk and dairy products, refined sugars, the soy in all its presentations (except tofu and tempeh) and red meat. Also to eliminate saturated fats like butter, lard, palm and coconut oils and cocoa butter.
are also banned caffeine (ie coffee, tea and soft drinks that contain it), chocolate, soft drinks and foods high in sugar, and fried foods.

And we have left to eat?
Foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids: walnuts, hazelnuts, blue fish, tuna, salmon, seafood and of course olive oil, but not to be used for frying.
All cereals gluten free such as rice and maize, for example, being now quite common to find them in the form of flour for making bread and other preparations.
The vegetables: such as beans, broad beans, peas ...
All vegetables, especially raw or steamed, in order to absorb the vitamins that have a beneficial effect on symptoms of the disease.
fruit: whole, but with an emphasis on berries, apples and pears.
As for meat, chicken is the star of the diet for endometriosis, but since I not only live chicken man (or in this case the woman), there are several alternatives for not giving up the demand for protein: legumes, tofu, walnuts, pecans, cashews, pistachios, hazelnuts, sesame seeds, flax, pumpkin and sunflower seeds and peanuts can be excellent sources of protein, as well as fish and seafood have been mentioned previously.

No milk and dairy products, but what do we do then with osteoporosis?
You know, women are subjected to terrible osteoporosis after a certain age. And if for other reasons or illness, you have to give up dairy products, then you need the help of supplemental calcium and the increase in the consumption of this mineral-rich foods such as dark green vegetables, spinach and broccoli, for example, sesame and flax seeds, figs, seaweeds, il salmone e le sardine.

NOTA: quest'articolo ha fini unicamente informativi e non pretende sostituire il consiglio e parere medico. Qualsiasi dubbio o sintomo, consultate il vostro medico di fiducia.

Basmati al Merluzzo e frutti di mare

Ingredienti per 4-6 persone
1 cucchiaio di olio extra vergine d'oliva
1 grossa cipolla tritata
2 spicchi d'aglio tritati
450 gr di pomodori sbucciati, seeded and diced
225 g basmati rice
a pinch of saffron
600 ml of fish broth homemade
225 grams of cod
200 gr of squid
225 gr shrimp
100 grams of fresh or frozen peas (not canned)
salt and pepper in moderation
In a wok, heat the oil to just and fry the onion and garlic. Add tomatoes and cook another minute. Then add rice, broth and saffron. Bring to a boil, salare e pepare con moderazione, abbassare il fuoco e lasciar cuocere una decina di minuti, girando ogni tanto.
Intanto, tagliare a cubetti il pesce, lavare e asciugare le seppiette e tagliarle.
Aggiungere i piselli e il pesce nel wok, riportare a ebollizione, coprire e far cuocere ancora fino a che il riso sia tenero. Aggiungere poi le seppiette e i gamberi, e lasciar cuocere finché questi ultimi diventino rosa. Servire immediatamente.

Con questa ricetta partecipo all'iniziativa PER BENE di Oggi Pane e salame, domani...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Chest Pain And Blurry

Cotta Triggianello published in the 12/02/2011, American Pale Ale

Il crescente interesse per la birra artigianale porta con sè tanti eventi ed occasione di incontrare vecchi e nuovi appassionati.
E così, a few weeks away from the end of a wine tasting course and in the tail of the craft beer week, the brewery held a crush Birranova public. Donato wanted it to be very simple and friendly, so this time the plant of the brewery has done simply as a spectator and the surplice was conducted with the equipment homebrewer.
together all at 9.30 on a Saturday morning, after a short introduction to remind everyone (tasters, homebrewers, birrofili fans or just curious) the stages and the raw materials for brewing, it takes work.

Before the operation was MILLING malt. The recipe chosen was that of a beer che si può dire di stile American Pale Ale , le quali solitamente si caratterizzano per essere adattamenti delle Pale Ale inglesi soprattutto per quanto riguarda materie prime americane, e che spesso risultano più limpide e meno caramellose, con meno corpo e più note aromatiche da luppoli.
I malti scelti sono stati:
8,00 kg Pale Ale
1,50 Kg Monaco
1,50 kg Crystal
0,22 kg Chocolate
ognuno dei quali dà il proprio contributo nell'infusione (nota particolare per il Chocolate, di cui basta un piccolo quantitativo per conferire sapori più decisi e quindi colore more intense).

During the grinding of the malt in the mashing vat water, meanwhile, more and more heated.
Usually, mixing hot water and malt, it begins to heat at a prescribed procedure in steps (steps) that is a recipe for manufacturing. The heating of the mixture allows the action of enzymes contained in malt. The most important are
amiliotici enzymes that convert starch (not fermented) in the malt sugars (fermentable), and are in turn divided into two main types:
β amylase, acting optimally between 55 ° C - 66 ° C transforming the starch into fermentable sugars such as maltose and maltotriose all (plus it will be processed, the more alcoholic beer will )
α amylase, acting optimally between 70 ° C - 75 ° C transforming the starch into fermentable sugars is not as dextrin (as it will be processed, the more sweet and full bodied beer will ) and only minimally fermentable sugars such as maltose.
So the two steps that take place are just that, namely to extract these substances according to the final result that you have in mind to get

Aim was touching the temperature of 67 ° C, at which time we should add the powdered malt. At this point, in fact, because of the grains the temperature was ambient, the malt-water mixture would be instantly reduced to 63 ° C (according to the calculations previously made by the homebrew software Promash). And, precisely, those 63 ° C is the temperature at which it was provided for the extraction of sugars from the grain milling, and therefore represents the real temperature of this 1st step.

Inevitably there the need, occasionally, to break up the serious talk and enjoy a few glasses of sap and Trebbiana tapped directly from the brewery fermenters and generously offered by the landlord. And how to say no?

Complice the euphoria, however, the temperature was over 67 ° C, and inserting the malts in the pot has stabilized at around 68 °. Donato think this has done to improvise a variation on the recipe stated, and to make a single step to the right temperature, that being in an area common to the two-step, however, allows the action of both β that of amylase ; α amylase.
optimal areas for action of enzymes in the malt

Not bad. Fortunately, the skills accumulated over the years by Donato and confirmations of other homebrewers soothe even the most skeptical, and continue for the next phase.

After completing saccharification just described, since the two times of the steps have been condensed a one time, there is no better test verifies that the iodine . Taking a few drops of juice and a drop of iodine, it changes color ... is a sign that we wanted!

To this we can proceed with the transfer in the pot. Before you do this you need to squeeze the waste grain during threshing call WASH. Thanks to a very good filtering system, in fact, additional hot water to boil in another pot-mail is passed through the grains with an action called sparging, which is to add water to disperse a shower "between the grains to try to wash them in a uniform manner, without creating preferential pathways for water and then threaten to pull out too much or too little sugar.

Nel tino di  COTTURA  il mosto sarà cotto oltre  i 78°C per liberarci degli enzimi rendendoli inattivi, e sempre in questo tino avviene la LUPPOLATURA . Anche per i luppoli si tratta di un mix di quattro tipi, ed anche qui si procede per step perchè essi hanno caratteristiche diverse. Essenzialmente, come è noto, il luppolo conferisce due caratteristiche che sono l' amaro e l' aroma . Basterebbe riflettere pochi secondi per notare che più un luppolo bolle, più ne evaporerà con l'acqua. Per cui un luppolo che conferisce soprattutto note amare viene messo in pentola all'inizio boiling, while boiling is towards the end of the shift from those aroma. Amid all the nuances of decreasing and increasing bitter flavor.

I hops were used, in order: 10 g
Magnum (60 minutes before the end of boiling) 30 g
Chinook (20 minutes before the end of the boil)
Amarillo Gold 90 g (10 minutes before the end of boiling) 90 g
Cascade (the fire is out, the end of boiling)

To avoid dragging the residues of hops and protein formed, bisogna affrontare la fase di WHIRPOOL : mettendo in veloce rotazione il mosto cotto, infatti, per la forza centrifuga il liquido si schiaccia verso l'esterno della pentola  mentre residui e proteine, essendo più pesanti, si accumulano al centro del piccolo vortice che si genera. Questo consente, nel momento del travaso del mosto cotto (raffreddato) nel fermentatore, di escludere queste sostanze senza ulteriori strumenti o attrezzature di alcun tipo. Bello sfruttare la fisica ogni tanto, no?

Il RAFFREDDAMENTO del mosto cotto, a questo punto, ha solo una funzione: abbassare la temperatura per permettere al lievito di operare. E i lieviti usually operate between 15 ° C and 30 ° C, even if the temperature of 20 ° C is the most quiet. Below the minimum temperature the yeast will not activate above the highest risk of dying. Through a plate heat exchanger cool the cooked must insert it next to cold water network, so as to have exactly the temperature of 20 ° C must end up going directly into the fermenter. The transfer in

FERMENTED is cleverly done by the fall and splash must, that is making him forfeit oxygen in the impact, and thus setting the stage to the yeast that feeds on its own oxygen.

E 'is always better activate the yeast in the fermenter prior to inoculation, and then multiply to do already to insert it into the must have ready and full of nice sprint. Looking on, really! A vigorous stirring
lets you distribute the liquid and takes more oxygen to start the process that leads to the sugars into alcohol, releasing carbon dioxide.
But to do this time is essential.
And then, after about 5 hours solid (with a break at the pub for a tasty buffet, and hopping from one another) work seems to end.
I've left something behind on the street?
... ok, here's the complete recipe:

certainly was very nice to deal with a home brewing, brewer, or that we were not. The simple operation and friendly atmosphere that is created between pans, ladles and so makes it even closer and the real magic of this drink materializes wherever there are people who can give it to light.

Two weeks later I saw the short Donato TRANSFER , useful work to eliminate the first fermentation products (proteins, yeasts), and I confess that the smell just hit me. On hops for sure, but you feel that underneath there is something really tasty.

Pochi minuti fa ho avuto conferma da Donato stesso che il prossimo sabato 12 marzo, dalle ore 10.00 si procederà con l'IMBOTTIGLIAMENTO , per cui si raccomanda a chi può di essere in birrificio puntuali.

Mi premeva fare questo resoconto in questi giorni proprio per ricordare tutte le fasi, per homebrewer e per chi non ha mai avuto modo di fare la birra in casa.
Magari sarebbe bello scambiarsi anche impressioni, commenti o semplicemente aggiungere dettagli e fotografie di quella giornata.
E se avremo piacere, chissà potrebbe pensare di organizzarne anche altre.
Chiunque comincia, si rimane così affascinato e preso che è difficile scendere dal treno.

Meanwhile ... health to all!
And we hope the time will soon come to taste the fruits of work!

Tips for the name for her?
