Saturday, January 29, 2011

About Conditioning Mascara

Rudolph & Hipster, Bad Attitude craft beer - Switzerland

arrive in the holiday period, as a real gift!

beers Bad Attitude , svizzere solo geograficamente, mi hanno sempre incuriosito per il loro marketing aggressivo, il look accattivante e la giovane verve che sul web e nell'ambiente non passano inosservati.
Mi sono proposto umilmente per la loro originalissima Tasting room  virtuale proponendomi con questo blog, e qualche semplice pensiero da novello degustatore patentato provo a darlo.

Ho voluto assaggiarle insieme ai miei amici birrofili Paolo, Sergio e Francesco, un pò per condividere le sensazioni ma anche come excuse to see each other and talk about beer, of course. So the bottles from the fridge to be on the table, the heat from the fire environment.

The first beer of the two I tasted was Rudolph . I was surprised to be unable to read the reference style label, and sent me a hand in other crisis but made me realize that, in fact, one should focus on flavor rather than being influenced by that. However, the indication is winter warmer, and certainly the heat ago. its foam is persistent, coarse bubbles invite you to drink, but it is better to study it ... The amber color reflects the beer and coppery tones, including very strong viscosity and intensity that already emanates from the glass . Floral and spicy nose dictate the character of this gentle exhalation, and makes its way to the image of hops character, very strong and heady. Sipping
carbonation pushes the exaltation of flavor already sniffed through the exile of the body and a pleasant mild astringency. They leave feeling oily and resinous hop and slowly it all comes down to a bitter end to the long fades. This I like very average imbalance (69 IBU are not even many), because even the harmony reached previously with sensory hops, spices and abundant 8 ° alcohol has sufficient time and opportunity to express themselves and have their say. .. one can not philosophize forever, not!

Blurring the mouth with water and some snacks, we proceed to the second proposal for a Bad Attitude. E ' Hipster , enigmatically labeled Pilsner wine which I really do not I know what to expect (there is much that I want to classification styles? ... say yes?). I expected to see at least something like ale somewhere.
A coarse foam hat almost ivory glass protects the load of its gold color, while a slight haze of mystery still covers its organoleptic qualities.
The brief and fleeting mentions the presence of the smell of orange blossom, citrus and a light coriander, and a probable hops from dry hopping freshly dyed his notes on the nose.
drinking it the characteristics of carbonation and freshness are obvious, insieme ad un percorso sensoriale accomodante e non turbolento, tale da renderla forse più docile rispetto a Rudolph.
Olii da luppolo qui smorzano meglio e prima l'amaro, e residui di lievito tendono ad arrotondare meglio le spigolosità. La bocca resta più asciutta e pulita, e l'equilibrio può dirsi decisamente buono, ben ipnotizzato dai 7.6° di alcool.

Bad Attitude ha sfornato due ottimi prodotti, sobri ma malandrini, ed in bottiglie da 33 cl credo non hanno difficoltà a proporsi neppure a semplici curiosi attratti dallo stile sbarazzino e indie, parte integrante del manifesto del microbirrificio.

Spero di trovare presto (magari in qualche beershop del Sud) altre loro produzioni!!!
Intanto, grazie a Bad Attitude!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

What Colours Do The Shag Bands Mean

He died, a serious flu, like cooking.
They give the sad news the kitchen, the oven, the pans and Caccavelli all.
I'll be back ...

Image taken from the web

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Project Report On Start A New Business

A cake with raspberries for a restorer of crystals

Today is the fifth of your birthday that we spend together.
When I met you I had two kids, a dog, a life apart from a heart full of pain and injury.
Crisalli I was broken into millions of fragments that you have gathered and put together slowly, with patience, as a skilled restorer of crystals.
We always blamed the case, the fate that would meet from us because if we had followed other paths, neither of them was at that moment, in that instant when I looked at you and you have you looked at me.
I've got a red suitcase, travel, and discover the world together with you and two wings to fly free. I've given back my being myself, I had lost and forgotten.
And then life has given us a gift, a flight of storks, a lullaby to sing, we continued to laugh and play. The crystal
you rebuilt shines the light of your love today, casting a rainbow of peace.
Thanks, love.

Frederic je t'aime, bon anniversaire.

And this is his birthday cake: a near-raspberry cheesecake

Ingredients for a cake of 23 cm
120 grams of flour
4 large eggs 120 g

sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder
1 / 2 teaspoon baking soda
the grated rind of one lemon

for cream: 180 g
white chocolate
180 g mascaropone
60 grams of sugar
100 ml of water or juice
2 sheets of gelatin
400 ml of whipping cream for topping

450 g frozen raspberries pureed coarse , sgoccciolati
120 ml of the juice drained raspberries
60 grams of sugar
1 teaspoon gelatin powder

Preheat oven to 180 ° einfarinare butter and a cake mold of 23 cm. Beat the egg whites until stiff and add the yolks to obtain a preparation very dense. Stir in remaining ingredients and cook gently for about 20 minutes.

Melt white chocolate in a double boiler and let cool. Separately, mount the mascarpone with the sugar until creamy consitent from the buttercream (butter cream) and then aggungerci white chocolate melted. Warm up to a light boil water or fruit juice and add gelatin and remove it until it is completely dissolved, allow to cool for about thirty minutes and then add the mascarpone cream. Whip cream and gently incorpaorarla cream.

Mix the juice of raspberries and sugar in a saucepan and heat it over low heat to dissolve sugar, add gelatin and mix until it fully incorporate and allow to cool.

Put the base of cake pan in a zip-close and pour over the mascarpone cream and level well with a spatula. Then put the mashed raspberries and then the prepro gelatin, for spreading it over the entire surface. Refrigerate for at least 6 hours.

Open the hinge and gently lift it slowly. Pass the cake to a serving dish and garnish with lemon peel.

Just opened la cerniera, un filo di sole è entrato in cucina

Friday, January 21, 2011

Achar Shyni Stone Silver

The kitchen of the heart, shrimp salad with paprika

Quando si parla di cucina del cuore oggigiorno, viene subito in mente una marea di ricette light, povere di grassi, di non è quella la cucina del cuore della quale oggi vorrei parlarvi.
La cucina del cuore è quella dei ricordi, dei pasticci combinati in cucina, quando non misuravo che un metro e qualcosa, le memorie di un ciambellone al limone fatto per un fratello inseparabile o di una torta al cioccolato mancata, perchè il cioccolato spariva nel nulla prima di iniziare a farla.
La cucina del cuore era quel vitello tonnato fatto dalla mamma ogni mio compleanno e le colorate crostate fruit with a candle for every year, forever and always. And the box decennaria, which collected the new candles and cigarette butts, used several times and kept as a sort of guardian of the memory box.
The kitchen was the heart of my grandmother's tart cherries, one unique, with homemade jam and cream to the bottom as well as the fingerprint of a child in the bowl of dough.
The kitchen had a breakfast of the heart with his grandfather, an aromatic morning coffee roasting, tea with lemon and toasted bread buttered and spread with honey skillfully.
And now ... the heart of the kitchen is a chef who plays to imitate his mother, two older children that come to poke and stretch hands ... petty theft, a fingerprint or leccatona whipped cream with a spatula to clean all the work is finished and a smile or a kiss to the chocolate and vanilla.
The kitchen is the heart of an undercooked pancake, made from a caring husband, those days when I'm sick or tired he wins the love of cooking. It is a birthday cake, designed and planned for weeks, for hours or simply decorated, which speaks for itself to say how much I love them, those four men who light up my life.
But it is also a surprise, a gift, a thought, without time or date, no recurrence in the heart ... find a tasty dish, just to tell you how much I love you.

Serves 4
24 whole prawns
100 grams of leaves of valerian
100 grams of leaves Rocket
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
few leaves of tarragon (even dried is fine)
white wine vinegar
a teaspoon mustard
25 g butter
paprika to taste

Cook the prawns in boiling salted water for four minutes. Allow to cool and then proceed to remove the head and Venette on the back and "peel" but leave the tail whole.
In a small bowl, mix oil, lemon juice, tarragon, vinegar, salt and mustard. In a skillet, melt the butter and mix the paprika and fry the prawns for a few seconds in this preprarazione, just to give color and flavor, but without further cooking.
In a serving dish or bowl, mix lettuce and arugula and dress with vinaigrette preparata e adagiarci sopra i gamberi. 

E con questa ricetta del cuore, partecipo al contest di Flavia Hart-to-Hart

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Humourous Wedding Invitation Text For Friends

Menu for a spice merchant

 Vendeva spezie per dar gusto alla sua vita solitaria, che il destino aveva voluto fosse priva di sapore e assente di colore. Era solo al mondo e vestiva sempre di sfarzosa seta nera, un gran contrasto con quel negozio smelling of pepper, ginger, cinnamon and shone the light of the cans of pink salt , the curry tinged with orange, saffron and blue poppy seeds, a rainbow aromatic gray in his life.
But all the colors and tastes seem to fade in its pots. Once entered into his house, everything seemed to be losing the taste and also large amounts seemed never enough.
The spice merchant that day did the rounds of his large house, large paintings on the walls and ancient tapestries hung senseless on the floor, Persian carpets and valuable inert waiting his feet crushed. He ran his hands over his inlaid furniture, richly decorated with gold leaf and marble; si sentiva potente, forte, pieno di quella gagliardia che da la posessione, il danaro, l'abbondanza e la ricchezza. Pensava che fosse la cosa più importante della vita, e che tutto si potesse comprare e vendere.
Ma la sua cucina, continuava ad essere insipida, sciapa e sbiadita. E non capiva perchè.
Sono uno dei più grandi mercanti di spezie al mondo, pensava, so la storia e la provenienza di ognuna di loro, conosco gli usi medicinale e culinario di ogni tipo, di ogni flacone, essenza, frutto e miscela esistente e non capisco, non riesco a comprendere perchè se uso le migliori, se ne uso in grandi quantità mio cibo non sa di nulla.
Amina veniva spesso al negozio, comprava pochi grammi di pepe o di zenzero, sorrideva con i suoi occhi color del miele e con quel poco che aveva a disposizione, profumava la casa e tutto il quartiere con qualsiasi cosa avesse fatto quel giorno: pan di cannella, pollo al curry, torta di mele e zenzero...
-Amina come fai, con tre grammi di pepe, a profumare il cibo in quella maniera?- le chiese un giorno.
E lei, che lo amava in silenzio da anni, ma che sapeva che essendo povera, lui non l'avrebbe mai accettata, alzò le spalle sorridendo. -Non lo so, forse è l'ingrediente segreto- rispose sbattendo le ciglia.
L'espressione del mercante divenne seria. -non è possibile- pensò, vendo tutte le spezie, erbe, e aromi del mondo, vendo frutta secca, miscele aromatiche e le conosco tutte...ingrediente secret? Amina kidding me-he thought, looking at her with questioning eyes.
-Look, come and dine with me and I shall tell you the secret. The Merchant
wavered, would have been ashamed of being seen entering a house poor, but the curiosity of an ingredient that he had in store, the biting pride. I thought, and accepted the invitation, bad mood as always.
-Amina, take what you need from the store tonight and I will come.
And she took the spices, herbs and dried fruits which he needed, sparingly, a few ounces, so few that the merchant was astonished by the flavor of the dinner, tasty, colorful and unique.
Incredulous and satisfied, the merchant still could not believe I ate so well with what little flavor, when he used the best and in large quantities without success.
-What 's this famous secret ingredient?
Amina stood up, took his hands, looked at him with her eyes and colored sweet as honey and whispered softly, slowly, slowly, one word in his ear.
And the life of the merchant changed. In that house so poor, almost no furniture, carpets and bare walls of braided cords, finally learned that in life, as in the kitchen, what matters is not the wealth and abundance, but ...

... Love.

For you, the menu of Amina:

fragrant rice pilaf
Serves 4 50g butter

6 cardamom pods 1 cinnamon stick

2 bay leaves
300 g basmati rice
500 ml chicken stock
1 onion, finely chopped
50 grams of almonds in fillets
50 g coarsely chopped unsalted pistachios
125 grams of dried figs
50 grams of dried apricots

salt and pepper and coriander finely chopped parsley

Far cliffs half the butter in a saucepan with a lid, add the seeds contained in pods of cardamom and cinnamon stick and fry for about thirty seconds before you put the rice and bay leaves and stir until rice is completely soaked in butter flavored. Add broth, cover and bring to a boil, reduce heat. Must cook a minimum for about 15 minutes and then let stand without opening for 5 minutes more.
In a skillet, melt the remaining butter and when it begins to foam, toss in the almonds and pistachios and brown moving them until they begin to turn brown. Add the figs and apricots, removable 3, 4 minutes, add the cooked rice, which have risen from the cinnamon stick and bay leaves, salt and pepper. Sevire immediately, sprinkled with coriander and parsley.

Beef Balti
Ingredients for 4:
1 tablespoon olive oil 1 kg
shoulder Beef cut into cubes 2 cm
1 clove garlic, minced 1 onion, cut

roughly 2 cm fresh ginger grated 2-3 teaspoons
balti curry (medium spicy)
400 gr of peeled tomatoes diced
200 ml of water, finely chopped coriander

1 tomato, seeded, cut into julienne

Warm half the oil in a pan and let brown in most sometimes all the meat on all sides and keep warm.
you heat the remaining oil in same pan fry the garlic and let us, la cipolla e lo zenzero. Quando la cipolla sarà diventatata trasparente, rimettere la carne nella padella, con i pomodori , il curry e l'acqua. Portare a ebolizione, coprire e lasciar cuocere a fuoco molto basso circa un'ora o dipendendo dalla qualità e durezza della carne. Girare ogni tanto durante la cottura. e aggiungere dell'acqua in caso fosse necessario. Spolverare di coriandolo e di pezzi di pomodoro in julienne.

Mousse di cioccolato al pepe nero
Ingredienti per 6 porzioni
3 tuorli d'uovo
7 albumi
200 gr di cioccolato fondente 85%
75 gr di butter
two pinches of black pepper, ground fine
70 grams of sugar

Far Cliffs chocolate in a double boiler, add the butter into small pieces and mix. Add the egg yolks and pepper and beat until smooth and creamy preparation. Separately, beat the egg whites until stiff with sugar. Gently incorporate the mixture of chocolate, with the help of a spatula, wrap in movements from the bottom up. Pour into individual ramekins or dessert cups and refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving.

And with this menu for a spice merchant, I participate in the contest:

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sk-2920 Logitech Driver

Amor Spring. Cupcakes with lavender honey and candied violets

We are known for the case to have him transferred to headquarters and found themselves studying together.
He had no desire at all to change, but his smile was able to conquer and change his mind now.
He is one that steals a flower to impress, which sees it in everything we see and look at everything he sees. Yes, because he is an incurable romantic.
He is an artist, make magic with cardboard, glue and colored pencils, airplanes made out of his hands out of bottles, paper mache butterflies and insects that seem alive.
She plays the cello and even the angels come down to listen and then when he dances, light as a feather in the wind, it looks like a delicate rose, a fresh bud.
He does not earn much, a few euro for small jobs, but once, having saved for a while ', bought her a bracelet of beads magic that sparkled whenever he thought of her, to let them know.
When I set the time flies, indeed, there is no more time, only a present, a moment, he plays, and do not stop playing, between shouts of joy and laughter.
When he arrives home, tired, hungry and a little 'sleepy, the first thing he does is call. Encased in his world of colors, and dreams of castles and carried them to her with the thought and she weaves strips of words which then puts on paper and sends transformed into love letters.
He dreams of becoming a builder, perhaps an architect, and one to one aligns the bricks of the future in perfect symmetry, but she thinks it will be tamer cats in the house already has six.
He points out that they are not friends, but love, to which she blushes and hides il viso fra le mani, mostrando solo lo sguardo che, in fondo, ride di cuore.
La prima volta che l'ha invitata a casa, lui ha passato due ore davanti l'orologio, il tempo sembrava essersi fermato e guardando le ore fisse in numeri arancioni, sperava che passasse più in fretta, e sembrava un cucù all'impazzata, gridando ogni due minuti che l'ora si avvicinava.
Loro sono due farfalle colorate che volano impazzite nel cielo azzuro della tenera età, è un amore di bambini, fresco e primaverile.

Lui si chiama Pablo, ha otto anni, lei si chiama Tara, ne ha sette.
Per questo primo invito, una merenda speciale, dal sapor di primavera.

Ingredienti per 12 cupcakes
125 gr di burro
150 gr di zucchero
60 gr di miele di lavanda
200 ml di latte
1 uovo
250 gr di farina
2 cucchiaini di lievito in polvere

75 gr di burro
225 gr di zuccchero a velo
1 cucchiaio e mezzo di latte
qualche fiore di lavanda
12 violette candite

Scaldare il oven to 180 degrees. Working long the butter with the honey and sugar and add egg and beat again until well blended. Add alternately with milk and flour mixed with yeast, mix and put the dough in the appropriate cups. Do not fill more than 2 / 3. Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes. Let cool.
Heat the milk with lavender flowers and leave to infuse a few minutes in a covered pot. Cool completely and filter flowers. Beat butter, icing sugar and milk until a thick, foamy. With the cream in the little sac, decorate cupcakes and finished with a candied violet.

With this recipe I participate in the contest Softly ... With Love

Friday, January 14, 2011

Is Glutathione Soap Effective

Are you ready? Viaaaa! My first contest ...

And here I am I also here, to start my first contest with prizes.
It took me a while 'to choose the theme, I had several in mind but in the end I chose the one that suited me more:

dish meals.

dish meals save time and energy, permettono mangiar di meno e permettono anche quella marcia in più che da la fantasia al mischiare ingredienti tradizionali o più originali o addirittura esotici.

Unici perchè fatti e creati da voi.
Unici perchè c'è tutto in un sol piatto.

  • Può partecipare chiunque, anche chi non ha un blog, mandando ricetta e fotografia a
  • Chi ha un blog, metterà il link della ricetta come commento a questo post.
  • Non valgono ricette già pubblicate and participation is limited to 3 prescriptions per person, or blog, in the case of blogs run by several people.
  • recipes without photos will be disqualified.
  • The banner contest will be visible on your home page and post the recipe, with links to this post.
  • You do not have to become supporters of the blog to participate, so please, click below, only if you like the blog.
  • The expiration date of the contest will be the March 21, 2011 at 23:59, and there are no prorroghe.
  • Whether you are vegetarians, carnivores, vegans, macrobiotics, Orthodox Jews, observant Muslims or other ingredients and creativity are yours, the only rule here is to create a complete meal, nutritionally balanced to make a full meal, need only the addition of a dessert.
  • Be original, inventive, osatori ... but not too much .. . ice fish will not be accepted, in fact, are strictly prohibited! :)))

And now it's time to introduce our wonderful, thank you very much sympathetic jury that he had agreed to accompany me in this adventure:

-For the Best Recipe: Deborah, a professional chef to:

-For the Best Presentation: Trinidad, expert cook and photographer:

-Best Cinematography: who else but our dear artist, Claudietta to:

-A small prize will be awarded also to the original recipe , which will be chosen by me, in collaboration with the Head Chef and the rest of the jury.

Eh, but who wins?
prizes will be surprised, little thoughts that will, of course, to do with the kitchen. A packet of delicious surprises that will not disappoint.

Call todos los blogs de cocina en español to participate in the Concurso platos UNICOS

J'invite tous les blogs de cuisine en français à au concours will participate: Plats Uniques

Recipes Participants:

  1. Baked Cabbage and Potatoes My Ricettarium
  2. Orecchiette with Sauce Recipes rolls of true love
  3. rice, potatoes and mussels Recipes of true love
  4. Stuffed Focaccia The recipes for onion
  5. timbale of true vegetarians of Grandma's cooking
  6. Sole Stuffed mushrooms The angle of the goodness of
  7. chicken and asparagus with ginger of Kucina Kiara
  8. rustic tart with pesto Green Tea and pastries
  9. Peppers ripieni di Buonumoreincucina 
  10. Pollo al curry di Cuoca Intollerante 
  11. Pasta broccoli e gamberi di Sempre Lola 
  12. Il mio pane farcito di Olio, sale e Cincy
  13. Maiale in salsa di ribes nero di Diariodicucina
  14. Sformato di ricotta del bosco di Lela in cucina
  15. Orecchiette con sugo di polpettine di Terra degli ulivi
  16. Bollito con Taleggio e salsa di noci di Lela in cucina 
  17. Risotto con fagioli e ricotta salata di Verdecardamomo 
  18. Pasta al forno tuna & chili pepper di Lela in cucina 
  19. Tre risi allo zenzero con pollo caramellato al sesamo di Whitedarkmilkchocolate
  20. Insalatina di bresaola con lamponi di mia passione
  21. Bocconcini di pollo con verdure di Le padelle fan fracasso
  22. Cocotte de légumes croquants di Au fil de me rêves d'amour 
  23. Tagliolini gratinati di Olio, sale e Cincy
  24. Arrosto di petto di tacchino di La cucina di Nonna Sole
  25. Spaghetti con polpettine e peperonata di Nella kitchen of Ely
  26. Cottage Pie of the time in your tea
  27. Piadine I love you The queen of chocolate rice
  28. Minipiadine Cook Intolerant
  29. Ramen noodle Sugar and Violets
  30. morsels of veal with curry and rice pilaf of dough kneading
  31. single plate of chicken and vegetables an appetite for cooking
  32. Rape fried bread stuffed with Ricci, woodpeckers and whims
  33. Pie polenta and meat A whole kitchen
  34. Sa fregula de la crumb On vacation of a lifetime
  35. Risotto al radicchio di Voglio vivere così
  36. Rotolo di pasta ripieno di spinac i di La cucina di Susana 
  37. Cous Cous con pollo alla senape di Essenza in cucina
  38. Timballo di riso con fantasia di pollo e verdure di Senza glutine per tutti i gusti
  39. Malloreddus con sasiccia, broccoli e zafferano di In cucina con Mau e Lele 
  40. Tortino di patate e mortadella di La cucina di Tatina
  41. Cous Cous allo zafferano con sasiccia e pomodori secchi di Dolcissimi dolcetti 
  42. Polenta con spezzatino di salsicce di I viaggi del goloso 
  43. Lacerto con le verdure di AngoloCottura 
  44. Panserotti zucchine e peperoni di Dolce Jaclin 
  45. Pollo al curry con latte di cocco con riso pilaf allo zenzero e limone di Chicche di Kika 
  46. Rustico Broccoli e salsiccia di Arte in cucina
  47. Le boeuf carotte pour vegetariens di Une zeste de tout en cuisine 
  48. Gnocchi ripieni al ragù di mare di La cucina di Angela
  49. Insalata di tacchino di Saparunda'skitchen
  50. Baccalà in umido con patate Singing, cooking and eating burritos
  51. crepes an appetite for reading
  52. Mile with prawns in sweet & bitter
  53. Crumble salmon with lime on a bed of grilled vegetables The Queen of chocolate
  54. The Jambalaya of Confectionery and pies
  55. Risotto with artichokes and shrimp to Create & Kitchen fantasy
  56. Kid Genovese Iaia of simplicity in the kitchen with
  57. Eggplant parmigiana to my way of cooking Zibaldone
  58. Bouillon de Lait de poule of But bulle de gourmandise
  59. Yarrow green pumpkin of Delights & Flavors
  60. truffled egg bruschetta tomatoes and zucchini of Modern Sdaura
  61. Pasta and Cabbage of Poppy's Kitchen
  62. The fake strawberries of cuts and grooves
  63. Squares with lentils, spinach and pork chops in the kitchen of papapvero
  64. Potatoes Hungarian Paprika & Paprika
  65. Spaghettini soybean double version Aroma of cocoa e. ..
  66. Ovetto cocotte of Diariodicucina
  67. Glazed Chicken The formula of the biscuit
  68. The Squid stuffed of Cooking and it will pass
  69. Lasagne ricotta and spinach in olive oil, salt and Cincy
  70. My spaghetti Molly
  71. Salmon in the kitchen to the two peppers, basmati rice and cabbage dumplings of Gluten-free ... for everyone
  72. Bibimbap of Cocogianni or cuocogianni?
  73. Rosti potatoes and Jerusalem artichokes, and smoked bacon with an appetite for reading
  74. Baeckeoffe beans Kika
  75. True arancine Palermo Hands of Love and Dreams ...
  76. Return and cous cous Salamander's Kitchen
  77. of Rice Oriental cuisine is not as' s Have you ever seen
  78. Spaghetti with meatballs and sauce to I want chocolate
  79. Ragout de joues Carottes de boeuf aux, aux côtes du Rhône au CEPES at Une zeste de cuisine en tout
  80. Cream cauliflower and green with a basket of parmesan cheese Dolcesardo of the kitchen of Paola Brunetti
  81. pie brown rice with cabbage A whole soup kitchen
  82. mullet Provençal aroma of cocoa and ...
  83. octopus sautéed with creamy sauce with potatoes and rice thai My clouds of whipped cream
  84. Tyrolean dumplings with meat balls of Cakes and pies in the kitchen a zerofolle
  85. salad of octopus and chickpeas Gluten free for everyone
  86. There's pie, and pie of OvoBudino
  87. Fusilloni sea of \u200b\u200bCooking and tasting
  88. Haburger Party of Beteavon
  89. Black rice, pumpkin and lentils with bacon and shrimp cakes of passions and not just
  90. Trenette with clams, artichokes and orange of the cookbook Cynthia
  91. salmon steaks with citrus fruit and rice pilaf Mountain biscuits
  92. Yarrow of anchovies and bread carasau Greta's Corner
  93. Hearts with sausage and bacon sauce Oil and vinegar sauce
  94. Candles Genoese of Grandma's Kitchen Sun
  95. Spaghetti with meatballs of recipes Elisina
  96. polenta crumble, spinach and salted butter Oil and vinegar
  97. Spaghetti with meatballs and eggs Sugar & Non
  98. Ravioli Puffin steam into the kitchen and not only
  99. Meatloaf with Sicilian broccoli wrapped in crisp bacon My Ricettarium
  100. Trofie taste of the sea and pistachio of Zagara
  101. Spaghetti of the rich casserole recipe Valentina
  102. beans potatoes with bacon, fava beans and mussels kika
  103. fish soup as a main dish of Mother Goose's blog
  104. cabbage and sausage soup Cooking for lazy
  105. Quadrifoglio of cereals and vegetables in the kitchen with Roberta
  106. zucchini stuffed with meat My Ricettarium
  107. Meatballs in Cream of diariodicucina
  108. Tajine de lapin à la vanille au Navet at Ma bulle de ... gourmandise
  109. chicken and ricotta meatballs with couscous fun to mess in the kitchen
  110. meat pies and bread and vegetables of Today salami, tomorrow ...
  111. Rustic pie pumpkin of the teaspoon Milù
  112. Blinciki stuffed with meat of Irina's Kitchen
  113. Plov of Irina's Kitchen
  114. Polenta with sausage sauce of Irina's Kitchen
  115. Rigatoni with peppers and sasiccia of Fusillialtegamino
  116. of Sicilian Focaccia Cooking with Letizia
  117. Radiators meatballs with creamed spinach and peas and carrots of The Red Tomato
  118. Cous cous with strips of beef and eggplant in the kitchen Marcella Jamie
  119. Oliver's pasta sauce with a double of Only Recipes (Alessandra Zecchini)
  120. Cocotte with vegetables and chicken in a crust of Sheehan marzipan
  121. Crumble grouper and artichokes of OVoBudino
  122. Crayfish brandy with orange and fennel salad of Sautee together
  123. Sea and Garden in layers of color in coccotte turmeric
  124. fish soup in the kitchen of Cinderella
  125. Spaghetti a bit 'German Cuisine it will pass
  126. Rice almost of the Lebanese gattoghiotto
  127. Rolls Sword of the couscous Cuocicucidici
  128. Meatballs with heart melted of Fusillialtegamino
  129. The basket of peasant cuisine of The Wizard of
  130. spicy sausage stew in crock of Desserts go go
  131. Vegan Thai salad rolls Alessandra Zecchini
  132. artichokes with bacon and toast of vanilla and cinnamon
  133. puff of savory Paring
  134. Eggplant Meatloaf with sausage and pecorino of green tea and pastries
  135. Caesar Salad our way of divine flavor
  136. cabbage salad, spinach potatoes with smoked swordfish of Poverimabelliebuoni
  137. Chicken & Fries di ViaggiandoMangiando
  138. Crema di carciofi e patate con canederli allo speck di In cucina con Mau &Lele
  139. Couscous piccante alle vongole di Pane e acqua di rose
  140. Lasagne di pane carasau, carciofi e patate di Montagne di biscotti
  141. Pollo al curry di Il ricettario di Valentina
  142. Abbraccio ripieno di Un Papero in cucina
  143. Casoeula di Food 4 thought
  144. Fusi di Pollo con anelli di riso di Zampette in pasta
  145. Peperoni ripieni di (m)E-Food
  146. A wonderful dish of want to cook like a dream ...
  147. cuttlefish and shrimp skewers of two hearts in the kitchen
  148. lemon and coconut rice with chicken Burmese White Dark Milk Chocolate
  149. Rice Venus with prawns and squid of MammaMoglieDonna
  150. Pasta botched of Dolcispeziati
  151. Knead of Gliamorididida
  152. couscous wrapped in cabbage of a vanilla bean
  153. Risotto with salmon and broccoli Roman on chickpeas chocolate notes of orange
  154. Frittata cauliflower and feta of Sdauramoderna
  155. salmon with sesame noodles of the reindeer in the kitchen
  156. roll stuffed potatoes Noon to cook
  157. Artichoke Caponata of In cusine with Letizia
  158. pancake peas and red peppers of the finest in cuochina
  159. flavored stew with cous cous of The Art of the table
  160. the Guinness stew with mashed potatoes au gratin of Italiansalaatti
  161. Pasta, zucchini and Verdesca of fun eating
  162. sautéed shellfish and grilled artichokes of Ilricettariodicinzia
  163. pie campaign of ... ... e Capricci Ricci Picci
  164. ring couscous with eggplant and tomatoes of the celiac clumsy
  165. Halloumi fried red cabbage with fennel of QWERTYFOOD
  166. Chicken and vegetable curry of Cooking with Adry
  167. pudding sprouts The cuisine of Brussels Pippicalzina

Recipes not bloggers:

  1. Of Valentina.Carron: PIZZA

Ingredients :

200 grams of flour 00
200 grams of Manitoba (I use 12.5% \u200b\u200bprotein)
280 ml water 16 grams of oil

5 grams of salt
1 teaspoon sugar 7 grams of yeast

the morning around 9 to put the flour in a large bowl.
Pour almost all the water, where it has previously done, dissolve the yeast and sugar and oil now ... stir quickly and add the remaining salt dissolved in water.
Mix just to blend ingredients together.
Cover with plastic wrap and let rise at room temperature. At about 18.30
overthrow the dough on well floured pastry board, roll it out slowly in a rectangle, fold the bottom third toward the center and top to bottom as taught by Adriano (http://profumodilievito.blogspot. com/2007/10/le-pieghe.html)

Allow to rest covered with foil for about 30 minutes.
Place the wax paper in baking tray and spread the dough with your hands dusted with flour.
Season with fresh tomatoes (I do at home), a dribble of extra virgin olive oil, mozzarella cheese into cubes and bake in a convection oven at full power x 15-20 minutes, until cooked.

2. Milen: timbale of eggplant with spaghetti and meatballs

Ingredients: 2 eggplants, ground 250 grams, Parmesan cheese, 1 washer and
half 2 eggs, salt, pepper, garlic, 500 grams of peeled, seed oil, 2 mozzarella
250 gr 500 gr. spaghetti

slice the eggplant and fry in oil
seeds, in the meantime, prepare the meatballs (very small) mixing the ground
, washer and a half crumbled
previously soaked in water or milk, Parmesan, the eggs, salt and pepper. Fry also
meatballs and set aside. Prepare the sauce
fry a clove of garlic with two tablespoons of oil then add the tomatoes
salt and pepper and cook for 30 minutes then add
half-cooked meatballs and stir fries.
Place fried eggplant on a baking sheet on the bottom that is round the edges.
put on the bottom half of the mozzarella cheese over eggplant.
ebollizone lead to salt water and throw the spaghetti two minutes
arrange before the end of cooking school and pass the pasta into the sauce ready.
put the spaghetti into the pan and top with remaining mozzarella and Parmesan

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Plans For Chopper Bicycle

Quando decido di gustarmi un buon bicchiere di birra vengo attratto, inizialmente, dalla forma della bottiglia, dai colori dell'etichette, dalle gocce di condensa che imperlano il vetro.
Quando stappo, poi...ecco la soffice schiuma che ricopre come una nuvola il liquido dorato e brillante, mentre il bicchiere si veste di un sottile strato di rugiada.
Quasi tutti i sensi si trovano ad essere coinvolti e mi rendono già ben predisposto all'incontro, quando avvicino il bicchiere alle labbra.

Just then, a good smell to pave the way to the flavor and taste of the magic to happen ...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fast Nimh Charger Schematic

scallops with orange and almonds (Far from the sea, the sea in the heart)

By now you know, you understand, intuitively. Me and the fish are best friends (yes, even that I eat) and he and shellfish are an important part also because of my diet can stimulate my fancy cooking, but not limited to that.
I was born and grew up on the beach in a seaside town on the Tyrrhenian Sea, one of those when I was little, emptied in the winter and were overrun by tourists during the summer. But I lived there and calm seas that followed me into the heart even where the coast is now far away.
His presence has always inspired me, I've always said that in a sense, I felt a little 'siren, a daughter of the sea, the sea that comes and goes, that gives treasures garlands of seaweed and shells.
a child I wrote a story of a mermaid in love with a pirate, sea stars that lit to illuminate his way that hid the pitfalls for not doing arena and would pick up the foam of the wake of his ship, for weaving a blanket wrap and dryer Sitting with which his salt tears, unable to love.
The story still have it and think you wrote it when I was the age of my eldest son, it makes me smile a bit '.
Today I live far from the sea in this wonderful dish and center of France, I miss the sea and the fish I'd catch them, with a line from the pier portcciolo, as before, but only dream of doing, with open eyes I guess I collect shells and scallops and bring them home and garden to take an orange, how to cook this time and Old Downloads Listed plate.

A plate of the sea, away from the sea.
A plate of the sea, the sea in the heart.

Serves 4
3 orange juice (fresh squeezed)
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 clove garlic, minced
500 grams of scallops with coral
1 tablespoon corn starch
estravergine 1 teaspoon olive oil 1 green pepper

50 grams of fillets roasted almonds
the peel of an orange
rice basmati to go with

Mix the orange juice, soy sauce and garlic in a bowl and mix the scallops to wet them thoroughly and leave to marinate for at least an hour.
Next cast scallops retaining the marinade, which will add the corn flour, mixing well to dissolve completely.
In a pan, you heat the oil, fry the peprone cut into julienne and add the scallops and fry for two minutes or until they turn opaque. Add the marinade and cook to thicken, then add almonds and sprinkle with finely grated orange peel.
Serve hot, accompanied by white rice.

With this recipe I participate in the Contest The Citrus Cookbook Cynthia

Friday, January 7, 2011

Ragnarok Online Emblem

Zywiec Beer Tasting - Poland

returned from Poland a few days of cold, I can not dwell on the feast of beer and beers that I made with my fellow travelers.

Worth the first to comment Żywiec , popular beer consumed in the homonymous village, but in every corner of the nation and not only (I direct sources confirmed to occur also massively on east coast of America).

The first product is a PALE LAGER , and is selling defalut when you say the word Zywiec.
on tap is served by at least 0.5 liters, and is excellent for this measure in order to perceive its good foam. Intense and persistent nuisance, smells fresh despite having a medium-high carbonation in the nose.
The mouth is very dry, with a slightly sweet initial peak that then fades with the body dry. Tear off a little bitter enough to make it "drinkable."
The biscuit, the macaroon you just feel but give a a nice touch, however, beer industry, but not bad overall, and probably the best lager in Poland between the blades, for example with respect to Tyskie where the differences are few but are felt.

very different and worthy of note is then the same PORTER Zywiec.
E 'know the feeling between the British and wear the pro-Russian East European culture, for which various czars and kings have always wanted just to make sure it transuropee crossings, even if it means making the most economical production methods and dosages of hops even come to see this phenomenal "black gold".
porter Well ... this surprised me, because it stands far off and the variety of non-beer-lager or pils on the Polish market.
Its foam is persistent and very, color Cream-cappuccino. The black color is not as impenetrable as it sounds, but can be mitigated if the vinous colors, and gives clarity.
The taste is full, medium bodied woody and winey. Something there is also wine tasting, but always very discreet and never aggressively, while slowly slipping away in the bitterness that extends to the entire cavity. Oxygenation and breath taking it fades and goes back a few notes of cocoa and roasting, and the always appropriate bubbles suggest yet another sip.

So, this brand is king in the land of Poland, from the bottle to the can to the plug in restaurants and pubs.

I recommend at least one-liter jug \u200b\u200bfor camp, not sorry to have tasted and enjoyed with such pleasure. The porter, however, can wait, the bottle or 33cl 50cl already sufficient to introduce visually in a gallant like a czarina.

Zdrowia Na!