Here are contacts for enrollment
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Abercrombie&fitch Proxy
Here are contacts for enrollment
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Brent Corrigan Bottom
Despite the weather forecast does not bode well, very promising indeed bad!, Two intrepid runners as well as related dauna old and solid friendship, even a string of 40 cm, sonomescolati among the participants in the 9000 Florence Marathon held questofine week. The initial intention was to take the goal ', cioe'21 and 097 km, then the forecast is that due to organizational problems, the two measures are more handeciso' with a stopwatch, and km 12 And they have made ' indescribable feeling that I tried running alongside cosi'tante people, and with so much public side of the road that we vedendociarrivare cheered with such enthusiasm at times that I venireletteralmente magone.Queste the few lines just to try to convey to you how much joy from me losport, and how much joy I get in it with friends who condividonoquesta passione.chi knows me knows how much enthusiasm in the past I used to costituireil group Prato blind skiers, with all the disappointments that led to questaesperienza to sport there is no 'need for large structures, and uniqueness make comunquepotrebbe But his parte.Dobbiamo be 'blind us to put ourselves in the first game, each Conle their aspirations and their limiti.Grazie Sandra for giving me the opportunity' to experience the atmosphere of unamaratona like yesterday, but the prox years Starting from the square and '? Or the siffatutta! Good life
raining bad and then we decide to run only the last thing 12kmla more 'beautiful' was the people that we saw running and urged "good, go are great, bravo bravo" We very much excited, I did not aspettavotutto this heat I have also moved seeing the admiration in many eyes, the sincerity 'of that "good." sometimes in the looks of passers Think of pity, 'do not tell him but in the eyes what they think, uh see a disabled person, instead poverino.e yesterday there was sincerity in their eyes' and admiration, and for every "good" that shouted there came a rush of adrenaline and impressive chestnut adogni incitement accelerated at the end ... I said, missing the last 200 meters and he and 'party like a rocket! hundreds of people shouting, lizard that runs like a madman, a man of the organization that will support us "after the arrival stop for the award and that I did not have the breath to tell him that we were not x in the race. a hole in front of us and a giant step, we can not avoid them, I try to scream to be careful in chestnut but I miss your breath and then there 'and troppocasino not hear me, and that damn man glued to my arm! ... I think "... here is missing 20 meters to the finish and now we scatafasciamo terrain for that hole," and instead flying lizard, it seems '..... and do not stop 'a really great and after the arrival at last we hug! yes, and I' also ran qualchelacrimucciae Here comes again the little man .. no we are not watching the race ... finally goes away and we embrace again. sauro.sandra thanks
Monday, November 24, 2008
How Touse Double D Ring Belt
"So here it is serious!" It was my first thought when the three who dared to brave, for the first time this June, try a stroll through the downtown streets completely blindfolded and equipped with only a white cane, I have expressed the desire to make a new round blindfolded ...
"This system will bring all I ..." I thought to myself ... but this time do not expect the comfortable and extends trafficked roads in the historic center of Prato ... This time you'll see the problems with small daily encounters a blind man walking down busy streets with sidewalks littered with small piles and parked cars ...
And, last but not infundo, just to complicate life even more, why not go and eat a nice pizza?
So about 19 to Sunday, November 23, the gate of the provincial section of the Italian Union of Blind and Visually Impaired Prato in Via Garibaldi, Here comes again the three shady characters out again blindfolded, accompanied by three of us blind spot for the new adventure ...
And here, the comments:
are finally at home, on the couch, I light up a cigarette and I think that while I was blindfolded the anna told me but I have not capitocome ago 'to light it without burning the tip of the nose .... but back to the top. a simple gesture, blindfolded, in a nanosecond and I am catapulted into another world. I had already 'tried but questonon help me, there are stairs to go down ... I suffer from anxiety ... dizzy but there 'to reassure the French by ... but after you lose the 3 steps ANXIETY .... ... then the way to the pizzeria, francy not give up eh ... I relax, laugh, way it is getting more 'Vaffa sent .... but .... I stepped on a m. ...!!! eccheccavolofinalmente pizzeria. I recognized the place then I already know 'what it' the layout of the room. hunger. reach the pizza and try to cut it into 4 spicchicome francesca says but I'm making a mess, thank goodness I put an old sweatshirt who knows' as if I'm stain to 2 years. and 'a vegetarian pizza that tastes like thin bread and peppers Oh well' we are here to have fun ... and then I can steal 2 cloves of appetite and then allachiara daisy 'appeased. so far have all been very kind, il cameriere, un automobilista che ha aspettato pazientemente che attraversassimo la strada alla velocita' di unbradipo in coma, un signore per strada che ci ha fatto scansare una macchina...tutto questo e' rassicurante. ma dopo cena quel pazzo scatenato di diegopropone un giro in centro da soli. ma si, basta il braccio rassicurante della francesca...all'avventura! per attraversare piazza del duomo ed essere sicuridi non sbagliare dovremmo percorrere tutto il perimetro ma no...troppo noioso! decidiamo di buttarci in mezzo alla piazza prendendo una direzione "a occhio"cioe' a caso e quando max ci dice "bravi ce l'avete quasi fatta" mi sento come Bolt sul podio alle olimpiadi! poi sento avvicinarsi a tutta velocita' ilcamion della pulizia strade. e accelera. e where the hell am I now? wow diego us in the street! where is' the sidewalk? and why 'cavoloquello not slow down! ok and 'past it again, but' this time I stick to the June marciapiede.e 'calmly toward the town square, square Buonamici, so far so good, we decide to make the turn away from the Teatro Metastasio and return us to the theater garibaldi.davanti are of workers to unload a truck and gently us through 'cause there and' dangerous. thanks guys, but how much gentegentile! finally are then turn left in Via Garibaldi .... but should not be a bit 'uphill? and it 'somewhat' close this road. francescaci the cautions but I'm quiet, since metastases Via Garibaldi there are no other half-way, we can not go wrong. oh but is arrivandouna car! and even in contradiction. There 's something wrong. Excuse? e that 'this? We do not know, we are in Genoa. I think "what luck!" cileggono then the street name on a doorbell ... but how and 'possible? and 'possible. truck driver so kind that made us cross the street ciha directed in the opposite direction. ok now I come to download them and help with this stick .... the truck around and feel up to calling us and we reach it sounds simple, max arrival, but a car is coming and I'm back in the middle allastrada! again! it again and this time I get on the sidewalk but 'and' very close with his left hand and then try to orient myself with the stick not to fall and the pool wall Conlie right 'cause there are projections at the head and I want my little head. but that is hard work! I get off the sidewalk but arrivauna machine then go back, the step ends and I do not even notice. prohibited rilassarsi.finalmente via Puglia. Francesca makes us the 'compliments' good even go it alone "by Fra 'but for us it' s only a test, almost a game. siamopoi not so 'brave, we throw ourselves at the bottom but we know there' a life jacket. There you are guardian angels, and in case of real danger that we can always togliercila bendache else? only that I recommend to everyone to try and excuse the length of the mail.
kisses, sandra
--- Hello my fellow adventures!
Just to thank you for last night, everything went just fine e.. Even if the straight way was lost in that of Metastasio, the blame can only esseredata the trucker Roman (ao, but does he know the location and routes Prato!).
then I liked the progression: first dinner in the dark in a protected environment, then stroll downtown yesterday blindfolded and blindfolded ride pizza ... really well done, at least the predicament of the first time in the dark was over ...
I was rather impressed by the need to remain as calm as possible during times of potential danger, while a car that comes through, the pilot dell'Asmiu that gave us the truck with her hair ... moments where would you instinctively accelerate, muoverti il più velocemente possibile per trovarela soluzione al problema, buio non sai dove andare, correndo rischi solamente di peggiorare la situazione, urtando, inciampando o perdendo l'orientamento.Sei quindi costretto ad accettare questa tua vulnerabilità ed importi un ritmo più lento.
Vi do appuntamento alla prossima (in treno?)
A presto...
Ore 18:30... parto da casa per andare a recuperare il matteoni... sono già in ritardo lo sò lo sò... il signorino aveva "stranamente" con sè il permessoe crede di stupirmi... ma a spregio parcheggio in piazza mercatale... tiè!!...Di passo svelto (finchè la benda non c'è apprifittiamone!) verso la sede... were already there waiting for us ... strange! ... but before leaving decidiamodi pay a visit to the bathroom ... to avoid reaching the dark than the pizza !!... Furbino eh ?!... Division of sticks ... This to me that you ... banding operation ... filters light ...? no ... then we can go !!... Couples ... aware of the choice I want with me ... Matteoni sandra and between ... diego and anna ... viaa and ready ... Here we left the door of the home is now up to "clear apology might be locked ?"... they begin well! ... but luckily I find the key right now ah ah ... laugh hour !!... Diego and anna in a nanosecond are already waiting for us at the door ... crossing for the perch scales that had lost between ... clings alla mia spallatipo avvoltoio... piaaano... max e la fra avanti... si sembrava a fare il trenino per le scale... pe pe pe pe peee!!!...Il portone si apre... bla bla bla.. voci sparse per via garibaldi... non facciamo in tempo a svoltare a sinistra che sento la voce d'un omino "scusi malei che ci vede?"... eh?!... ma che dirrà a noi?!... max che risponde "no, io no ma la signorina sì"... l'omino "aah lei ci vede"... "sì sì lei sì".. poipiù niente... la voce dell'omino si perde tra la folla... il curioso!!...Okkei ripartiamo... cerco il braccio di max o anche solo un pezzetto del suo giubbotto... giusto per sapere che è lì vicino... lui mi ricorda di cercarecon il bastone il muro come riferimento... di cercare di sentire quanto è largo o stretto il marciapiede... eventuali ostacoli... quando finisce il marciapiedee inizia una strada... ecco appunto... per due volte l'ho mancato alla grande e mi sono accorta d'essere in mezzo alla strada ormai troppo tardi... c'erodi già!... aaaahhhh... ma era tutto calcolato dalla mia guida max!!... un pò fetentone!!....Avevo la sensazione di camminare obliqua... passi piccoli e piedi pesanti...Il bastone che più volte si incastrava tra i pali dei cartelli o dei cestini e il muro... o tra i vasi di fiori...Macchine in movimento e non sapere esattamente da che parte sarebbere passate... inquitante... ma eravamo al sicuro!!...Sandra?... eccola dietro di noi... Diego?... quando avanti, quando dall'altra parte della strada!!... yes we all !!... The pizzeria is already close (iiiuuhhh I guessed where we were brought! ... very nice !..)... max which is "wait a minute that lazzons cercol'entrata ... "No wait hey where are you going" ... luckily the waiter promptly intervenes and makes us sit inside ... reassures him that it is not unarapina! ... Our table was near ... identified the chairs take place ... and once freed of coats, scarves, gloves, etc. .. hands partonoa search the table ... cutlery, a napkin (folded to form of waves) ... There is also a candle lit ... then my hand s'avvicinaal my ear "I lost the earring cabbage nooo ... ufff ... even a peep from the waiter but there traces! ... eh oh well ... fameee !!!... first or pizza? ... all pizza ... Who beer, some water ... anna on my left ... maaaaxxx ?.... here he is in front of me .... allasandra a little tickle on my right ... diego? .. raise your hand up? ... presaaa! .. hey .. is far from the at least I think so! ... Initially our voices are a tone higher than usual .... but then adjusted the volume !!... Here are the steaming and fragrant pizzas ... but now comes the fun ... how to cut ??... Max (he!) should make 4 large cloves ... ok ... fraconsiglia leaving the horizontally .. yes okkeeiii ... But the best was when Diego says, "but if I depart from the center of the squares and I ??"... scoppiatia laugh !!... We conclude that if the size as everyone wants .. the important thing is to eat !!... and indeed it was ... Allama right even if someone has tried (successfully!) to fool me quietly a slice of pizza ... then the usual !!... ladraaa !!!... The waiter who makes me who did not finish the pizza ?!?!"... "It's over it's over !"... well, I believe, after having scoured the pot with her going LEPOS and more !!!... oh I wanted to fool !!... We never even miss the sweet ... Who tiramisu, panna cotta who ... proper coffee (vizioso!) ... regular coffee ... barley for me and lafria like children and grannies ... short dresses free spotless !!... that we were Bravini !!... ask for the bill ... we are approaching the cash ... luckily I remembered how I had placed the pennies in your wallet !!... pffiiiiuuu ... We want to thank the waiters for their kindness !!... hello hello ... Out of the cold waiting for .... brrrrr .... we leave ... who wanted to run with up to the call of "ride, ride ... aiuuuutooo stop !!!.... The final round in the streets of the center jump ... So hug everyone and start again with Anna towards home ... that there was silence again ... Once through the door of the home take off the bandage ... light ... heavy head and weak eyes ... special evening and intense emotions ... At the next adventure Bellucci ... wherever !!... so to say you eh !!... big hug !!... Night ....
- Clare -
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Wedding Welcome Bag Sample Note
this morning, Saturday, Nov. 15, a strong wind blowing through the streets and the ipalazzi our beloved city and, among the people hurrying to Lestrade to do the last shopping Saturday morning, 4 strange people, including two blindfolded, roamed the streets, armed only dibastoni white ...
here is their story:
"Frank, where are you?" The intersection of sound and noise, the voice of Ilton assume infantile a plea. "Frank, where are you?" I repeat again, quasiangosciato, looking for a friendly presence. "I'm here, can you hear me?" "No, I figured, with all this confusion ..." With all this confusion, all of a sudden, everything seems to go back to the origins of a primordial chaos: the usual steps nonmisurano longer distances, near and far cancel nell'ansiadiun Contact reassuring voices friendly whisper unknown all'orecchiola right direction and the body ... this body that no longer moves connaturalezza, lost coordination, it was shrunken, stooped to lapaura, the need to protect yourself from obstacles and maybe dall'incomprensionedella people. Without more accurate perception of what is around, nientesembra accommodate more uncertain movements of my legs and miebraccia: how the body moves in space, at the extreme limit of possibility eimpossibilità ... Finally the bar for a break after the coffee, suddenly, sentola effort of the new experience and with it the need qualcunoalleggerisca apparently discounted the weight of actions: "Massi, you can pay? Cirifacciamo after ... "
" In turn, walk without seeing each other for over an hour ... and I feel a mixture diansia eccitazione.Scendi and go up the stairs, open and close the door, walk, look Dinon lose contact with the wall with his stick, cercasemplicemente not to miss out ...! A stick and a wall, my miglioriamici for 60 minutes, who would have thought? So begins the adventure of a Saturday morning in the streets of downtown Dipro. Max is my guide, Francy d'Alo has just spiegatoalcune basic rules on how to keep the stick and move like (emenomale!). I feel rather awkward at first, I realize the mieimovimenti unnatural, my sono passettini corti, alzo i piedi piùin alto del solito, per la paura di inciampare.Mi rendo conto di avere un bisogno quasi indispensabile di parlare(anche da sola), di commentare, di esprimere quello che sento epercepisco con gli altri sensi, di fare domande.Sono concentrata e cerco di rimanerlo, cerco di ascoltare i rumoriintorno a me, di capire quando lo spazio si modifica. I tempi sidilatano e così anche la mia percezione dello spazio.Ad un certo punto, mentre cammino, non c'è più il muro: attenzione,ma che succede? Siamo arrivati in piazza Duomo? Provo a ricercare ilmio punto di riferimento, lo ritrovo e sento di aver in qualche modogirato, però è strano…non ci sono rumori…allora Massimiliano (il mioangelo guardian!) makes me think and I realize I am finished ... back into an alley! Explore it a bit ', on the advice of Massy, \u200b\u200bto search for diprendere more confidence with my new situation and then comes back towards us giusta.Quando see you do not realize the true meaning of the ostacolilungo the road, avoid them easily. But now things sonodiverse Caspiterina ... but how many bicycles are supported almuro?? And the cars parked?? Piuttostoforte often hit with a stick, while I move it left and right (as I hadetto Francy!) And ping me smile, booming piùforte than usual, now that I see. And then I say: Well if it was me ilproprietario is a dent! E ne vado fiera! Nondoveva parcheggiarla lì, in quel modo, ecco! E' solo di intralcio!Tanto che un paio di volte, nel tentativo di superare un'auto dallaparte interna rimango incastrata fra macchina e muro…Due o tre volte rischio anche di infilarmi in qualche negozio che hala porta aperta, però me ne rendo conto quasi subito, dai suoni (se adesempio c'è la musica), dagli odori e dalla superficie del pavimento(toccandola col bastone, si sente che è più liscia della strada).Adesso comunque sono più concentrata e cerco di rimanerlo, cerco diascoltare i rumori intorno a me, di capire quando lo spazio simodifica. I tempi si dilatano e così anche la mia percezione dellospazio. Per cui il mio bisogno di parlare si riduce. Inizio ariconoscere dei rumori, come quello di un passeggino o di unabicicletta in movimento. E che soddisfazione quando, ferma in piazzadel Comune, nella confusione di suoni, voci e lavori in corso, riescoa sentire il rumore della fontana!La mia andatura ora è più spedita, mi rendo meglio conto quando lospazio si allarga, anche perché in alcuni punti sento il tepore delsole sulla faccia ed è una sensazione indescrivibile.Riesco pure ad infilarmi in mezzo ad un gruppetto di persone che fauna raccolta firme (me lo dicono loro ovviamente!), sbatacchio un po'il bastone contro il loro tavolino, ridacchio e bofonchio qualcosa diincomprensibile, mi scuso e riprendo a camminare.Ed ecco il meritato aperitivo: muovo lentamente la mia mano sulbancone in search of the glass, I'm afraid to overthrow him. I have to pagare60 cents and luckily that is precisely I have 3 coins to 20 cents, I can recognize, so I look good! Back when, it is to open the door, I have a slight difficulty neltrovare the patch. Come on ... I take off the blindfold I colpiscegli light eyes, it annoys me and I feel a little dizzy and I turn UNPO 'the testa.Più an hour to do what ... maybe a mile? And who cares, I am really glad I had this experience. Fattoriflettere me, taught me something and I especially miha enriched and given the opportunity to understand a bit 'better, quantopossibile, the situation of my friends, approaching them. There sonotante things you take for granted here ... maybe now I Have qualcunain less! "
Elisa Ferretti
Friday, November 14, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Matlab Plp For R2007a
And yes, today, Wednesday, November 12, our heroes have fallen into the uniqueness in the dark and mysterious television studios Tuscan TV to advertise and bring to the G, a popular radio host / television Tuscan, the now legendary 2009 calendars association.
G, contrary to the expectations of our friends, was not limited only to view the calendars, but catapulted broadcast live on television in his four victims, namely, Max, Alessio G, Clare and Stephen, but he soon realized the grave mistake ...
Here is the video of the unfortunate event ...
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Forgot Padlock Combination
MENU ' for those who missed the evening!
Starter: Toast with cream cheese and tomato sedanoCrostino frescoCrostino toscanoOlive ascolaneProsciutto or capocollo
First: Risotto with leek and taleggioTortelli tailoring with butter and sage
Seconds : Roll veal with veal stuffing vegetables with stuffing misteRollè carneFrittata vegetarian (vegetarian)
Vegetables: Potatoes in ghiottaDessert: tart marmellataAcqua, Wine, Coffee
aaa : Feedback wanted
serene after walking blindfolded through the streets of Prato, I could have missed the dinner in the dark? Of course not ... What about a really good experience, strange eating without seeing the contents of the pot, so I ate without me too many problems, among other things was all delicious. But if I could see I would certainly avoid eating the toasted bread with tomatoes, Since it was the onion! Instead I ate it all and I liked everything. In fact, I woke up with quite a tummy full of them! Oh yes I forgot. .. Everyone seemed more distant than they were in reality, it was hard to follow the speeches and to talk to me I had to bring Concy, the only one that felt good was Bilotta, but I think that his voice was a attimino higher than usual. Even the table seemed bigger, but I had seen before, I knew his size, but once I found myself in the dark everything was different. One thing is sure ..... not even in the dark it is hard to find the mouth! But my compliments, and of course all the people who dealt with the "behind the scenes, go to the waiters, who were great, they served us in a very short time and we were pampered, Frank took care of my desk, very caring .... you are condemned to search of the "commensal gone" .. .. Seeking them several times .... while he was on the heels in .... reappeared only when fresh, when everything was lit!
I think I said everything and then I salute you, and I'm not before thanking all those who have made the dinner cooking in the dark, install and dismantle the exhibition, giving us steps, providing the material and in any other way that comes to mind.
up: A little race difference in S. Lucia but everything went well
max: then, considering that it was the first dinner we have done in the dark to the mercy of vaiano, I must say that in my view, the evening went just fine. belonging to small hitch, the normal organization of such an event, the evening slipped away without any major problems, despite the many courses to serve (this time there was also the first two) as well as time I do not think has been long enough 'is that at 23:20 the dinner was already servita.l' darkening the room, thanks to the volunteers who made the wee hours a few days earlier, was almost total, even asking the opinions of diners at the tables, the judgments were positivi.quindi that say?
thanking all those who have worked closely the success of this event, let's appointment in February 2009 for a new adventure in the dark!
greetings and look forward to other comments ...
Monday, October 20, 2008
Make Powerpoint Size A3 In Vista
The visions are 32 Italian and foreign artists who have created, to charity, a calendar in 2 versions on behalf of the Lawn section of the National Union of Italian Volunteers for the Blind.
- the next Lucca Comics (October 30 to November 2, Double Shot at the booths, Leopold Bloom, Passenger Press, Renoir, Thespis / Nicola Fish and Tunuè)
- Preview through the catalog that will present the timetable in the November issue;
- at the comic shop "Parallel Worlds" in Prato (see Ser Lapo Mazzei n ° 26, tel. 0574-41903, e-mail mondi_paralleli @ )
- writing to: .
The Vision 32 are italian and foreign artists who Realized, for a charitable aim, a calendar in two versions, for the account of the Lawn section of the "Italian National Union of Volunteers for the Blind."
Between them we remember: Scott Morse, Ivo Milazzo, Miguel Angel Martin, Leo Ortolani, Paolo Bacilieri, Aleksandar Zograf, Werther Dell’Edera, Massimo Bonfatti, Stefano Misesti, Massimo Giacon and Dave Taylor.
The two versions are completely different one to the other and each one contains 15 drawings and a short story by Lorenzo Bartoli (everything is unpublished).
The income deriving from the sales will be entirely used to continue to guarantee useful services for sight disabled people.You can buy the calendars for 10 € each, during the next Lucca Comics (30th october-2nd november at the stands Double Shot, Leopoldo Bloom, Passenger Press, ReNoir, Tespi/Nicola Pesce and Tunuè) or writing to: .
in anteprima ecco alcuni lavori




Sunday, October 12, 2008
Biggest Breast From Japan
3) ANSWERING MACHINE: " News Projects information for the blind" (October 2008 - October 2009) This project aims to create an information phone (toll free) aimed at people who are blind, visually impaired people in the province of Prato, who request it (eg the elderly, but not only that are not familiar with computers, internet etc ...). In the short information that they will use, what then will be calling the toll-free number will be: news about the activities of various kinds of association, of 'Uic; information concerning the social securities law and the facilities provided for the category, and not all the news considered necessary to update the users in question. It will therefore form a working group (3 or 4 volunteers - a journalist as a coordinator - a / a speaker for recording audio tape) that will have the task of researching the possible periodically targeted information and record all in one audio house you will connect to the appropriate unit then telefonica.Questo project will be entirely funded by BNL.
The historic street puddle Arcangeli is closed for renovation ... yes, it was destroying. .. Our swimmers have risked their own taste on chiorbetta the rubble of the ceiling! .. . So by the time the pool will be Gescal San Giusto always on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 21:30 to 22:15, but ... So the blonde girl will be at its destination at 21:15 and return at 22:45 seized about
From November then there will be a Calendar Yoga ... but I'll take it to the next meeting ...
Well that's it!
I want to thank Daniela is clear that every month he wrote in detail on our list to keep us well informed on everything and that I (repeatedly) modestly cutting use the information to make it all "pocket" format for the nost blog! thanks!
My Throat Feels Blocked?
What an experience! intense impact, for I have beaten the face twice and now my nose is a little sore ... But I'm glad you did! My companion was Francesca Da and are grateful for all the explanations and suggestions received during the entire course. The feeling of being able to hear what's around you without relying on the sense that most uses, the view was really special ... I realized how little I pay attention to noise, the different impact that the light of the sun or the air has on the skin and the importance of recognizing a voice in the presence of a friend or be available: in fact many of us felt sincerely obstacles, others would be silly ... but thanks to the help of their first was even more appreciated! Then, after much wandering, a quick stop at the bar for a coffee and then Riento in place, where we unwrap. How strange, my corpo ha reagito come non mi sarei mai aspettata. Il ritornare a quel senso a cui son tanto abituata, mi ha provocato un leggero fastidio: mi sentivo in barca, mi girava la testa ed ero sudata. Siamo talmente attaccati a quel che si conosce, che il minimo cambiamento ci provoca tutto questo "STRESS"? Forse si, ma personalmente ritengo sia bello poter conoscere anche i nostri limiti e le nostre debolezze. Grazie per avermi offerto un tal sabato mattina!
11 ottobre, è l’inizio di una nuova avventura:
ritrovo in sede io, max, francesca, anna, lisa e serena dopo un’attenta scelta dei bastoni e un’ottima spiegazione d’uso by Francesca, we leave!
ALT but where we go! Slowly there is a bit of slaughter, do not we fight! and each tells its position! Oh no, this is not good I do not understand anything!
Ok your turn, the rest I'm new and I can not turn around ... that's why I drive next to a now familiar! Max tells me to follow him and follow the instructions of Francesca.
Okay okay, let's move, meanwhile, Anna tells us how the system ... in single file.
without "augh!" but with a simple way walk the second half of ramps and stairs that separate us from the door. Among
chatter and we get many laughs in a quiet, but slow down towards the exit!
Disorientation ! Here's what I tried, only one step out from family who had visual forms in place (at that time touch and hearing are now the masters of this experience, the friend holding each eye was at rest away from the stereotypes that so far they had driven and sometimes deviating) the voices of young-old rich-poor becoming audible signals shall conform to the body.
I felt fear and distrust of those around me, but I my guide and other friendly voices that kept me company !
The hardest thing for me was to follow the direction of the road, I had to keep an eye (as Max said) the perimeter. The sidewalks and the walls were my references tactile items as I have already said they sounded, but for me it was codified some of these items are not passed over me as if they were superior beings, I was afraid that I saw as I did not see them .
sometimes for fear of being too intrusive tried to break away from the wall then that wall was not alone! Cabinets, message boards, trees, fences, cars, bikes ... all under the supervision of Max that "like a brother" I pointed out every detail making me be wrong! Why more than once I went into a blind alley?!
Bhè le risate durante il percorso non sono mancate! lisa ha avuto un incontro ravvicinato con un palo, non si è accontentata di confonderlo e scambiarlo per una persona…lo ha direttamente colpito e lui ha risposto con un abbraccio(o era viceversa?!) la serena mi era troppo avanti, ma di sicuro avrà combinato qualcosa insieme all’anna.
Con massi e la francesca ho imparato a riconoscere i soldi e pagare il mio succo preso al bar!
Ho fatto l’ultimo tratto con sicurezza e giocando con max a chi avrebbe raggiunto prima la sede….menomale che massi mi ha fermato! Perché dall’euforia di fare prima avevo superato di un po’ la nostra nostro arrivo! Munita di un mazzo di chiavi (S.pietro is not provided!) I tried the patch to lead the group in the cool lobby of the old palace ... confused right after the keys, max (always the same) made me try even the door of our association!
All hot and sweaty we sprawled on the chairs and we unwrap!
conclude to give space to others with a simple, but heartfelt thanks ...
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Where To Buy Pre Seed In Malaysia
Friday, September 19, at 20, the camp of the circle of Figline, in Prato, he played the game of football between the team of yellows and reds of the NewBlind
Holly and bandages. After a 0 to 0-fought, it was necessary to kick penalty (see video) to establish a team that has won
the first (and thankfully only) edition of UNIQUE's cup. The end result of 3 to 1 for the team of Holly and bandages, however, has not avoided the now customary
finepartita controversy (see article below).
Retrieved from Gazzetta dello Sport of 21 September 2008 - pag. 3
's Office investigation of the FIGC (Italian Federation Calcietto clearance), has opened an investigation into the outcome of the match which took place the day 19settembre
us at the field 29 Martyrs Figline Prato.tra the team and that of HOLLY NEW BLIND AND BANDAGES .
The investigation focuses in particular the proper conduct of investigations rigori.Gli point the finger at some players who appear to have deliberately wrong
rigor. Without naming names (Masi, Matteoni, Pirozzolo, Bacci), which are sold in exchange for a pizza.Se findings confirm that
tesito, you configure the ancestral disqualification for the players and the repetition of the race.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Suggesting A Money Tree In The Invitation
We talked a lot about timing, you can read all the data in the email sent by Alessio Bilotta.
There are many opportunities to promote the initiative
- Interviews with regional
- Space dedicated to magazines
-etc ..
There are many things to worry:
-cost calendar
-Da arrange dates for meetings
-Finding space ready to welcome the initiative to promote
-Finding some funds
of all this it is working Alessio Bilotta, who had ideas contact him directly
September 19 - football games:
place: Circle of Figline
1st edition "Kicks in the Dark"
The teams are now complete, but I believe that some reserves might be useful.
managers of the event, for those wishing to participate are:
Alessio Bilotta-team for the blind
Massimo Matteoni-team for the blind
We are looking of shin guards, T-shirts have already been made!
thought to use bandages to cover his eyes, if you have any ideas or if you have the bandages contatatte Alessio who is handling of the material.
the meeting is for the fans in the stands at 20.00 directly!
At the end of the game, players and fans will stay for a pizza, just to attend the dinner to confirm by September 14 for booking. (Ask me who said you have to leave)
September 27 - FEAST FOR MEETING:
place: pub unplugged florence start at 22:00
the meeting is at 21.15 in Piazza mercatale
ENRO September 20 to confirm the Dani mail or on the cell.
Michele delight us with his music and we dance
and bevremo at will ...
drinks will cost less
the entrance to the festival is 5 € for those without a card ACSI
from below and let you come!
last proposal is valid for the whole year!
there is the possibility of a ride through the streets of downtown blindfolded with the guidance of a blind person.
For those interested, for now they have charged Lisa and Serena, contact Frank or Maxine.
you see a post about it:
Thursday, June 12, 2008
blind for an hour
- for any changes or updates, you will change this post-
For now it's the next
Greetings from Moles!
ps: we will be at the historical procession on Monday, so come along ...
Friday, August 29, 2008
Streaming Didital Playground
12.09.2008 at 18.00 Stopwatch amateur couples (cycling - meeting in P.zza C. Battisti)
at 21.00 at 22.30
Fashion Review Comedians
09/13/2008 Games of Yesteryear at 18.00 (meet at Piazza C . Battisti)
Comedy Festival at 21.00
14/09/2008 11:00 am Solemn Mass and procession
ore 16.00 quadrangolare calcetto (palla pezza)
ore 21.00 Rassegna Comici seguita da Tombola e Fuochi artificiali
15/09/08 ore 18.30 S.Messa a Fonte Paolone
ore 21.00 Assegnazione Premio "La Ginestra d'oro"
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Is Veet Safe Good For Genital Areas
Si svolgerà quest'anno dal 11 al 15 settembre la tradizionale festa del santo patrono di Marcellina
E' stato pianificato un "sostanzioso" programma grazie anche alla collaborazione di altre associazioni
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Asking Money For As Birthday Gift


PRATO. Everyone was there yesterday afternoon Vaiano a festeggiare l'inaugurazione della Tinaia settecentesca restaurata della villa del Mulinaccio e ammirare,e gustare, la grande crostata preparata per l'occasione. Centinaia di cittadini, quasi 1.500 persone, e le autorità con in testa il sindaco di Vaiano AnnalisaMarchi, il presidente della Provincia Massimo Logli e il prefetto Eleonora Maffei. La crostata che riproduce la facciata occidentale dell'antica Tinaia:più di 33 metri quadrati e mezzo di prodotti naturali a base di pasta frolla, decorata con cinque diverse marmellate che traggono ispirazione dalla tradizionecontadina del Mulinaccio: fichi, albicocche, more, fragole e, particolarmente, arancia che evoca le cosiddette "arance di Portogallo" che nel settecentofacevano bella mostra of himself in the Walled Garden of Nymph. Full documentation of the event of large tart, which involved edassociazioni local citizens, will be sent the next day to London to assess the case with the offices of the Guinness Book of World Records. At this propositoil mayor has prepared the witness of honor, a document (pictured) signed by the Mayor and the Prefect, speaking Italian and English that saràinviato in London together with all photographs and video. But beyond official recognition, the record is really: a forzadi tart pans, to reconstruct the puzzle of the plan designed by the Guanches. The numbers are 250 trays of sweet, pastry dipasta 2 and a half tons and 160 kg di marmellata. Il ricavato devoluto all'Unione Ciechi sezione provinciale di Prato. L.C.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Acupressure Self Help
La scuola di Yu Lin partecipa all'evento commemorativo dello Scenografo Nando Scarfiotti.
Our samples: M. Antonelli, G. Bozza, S. Cinque, M. Cortellessa, G. Danieli, E. De Bonis, V. De Bonis, A. Fornari, A. Montanari, L. Pasquarelli, S. Prophete, S. Salvatori, G. Tapinassi, G. Near.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
How Long Do You Have To Serve In The Army
association ( newly formed - promotore Tozzi Simeone Secondo ... per gli amici Simonetto ) il consenso che merita ed una grande affermazione, auspicando la partecipazione di tutti gli ex marinai, invitiamo i cittadini a partecipare al programma ( che è affisso in quasi tutti i pubblici esercizi di Marcellina ).
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Bangor Maine Crusing Spots
Da una delle tante chiacchierate con Diego, nasce per caso l’idea di farsi una bella passeggiata in centro… ma… bendati e muniti di bastone bianco… Così, sabato 7 giugno, io, Francesca e Riccardo abbiamo accompagnato i nostri temerari tre amici, ovvero Chiara, Sandra e lo stesso Diego, per le vie cittadine facendo slalom tra la gente che, un po’ sorpresa, ci incrociava per la strada. Sotto trovate il racconto di Diego, uno dei tre ciechi per un ora... Max


le avevi percorse senza prestare attenzione, tanto da rischiare di cadere per aver dimenticato un paio di gradini; aprire il portone e sentire voci e rumori
che per un attimo ti intimoriscono, prima di avvertire che anche la Chiara e l'indistruttibile Sandra probabilmente stanno provando le stesse emozioni.
D'istinto cerchi un contatto con le guide di questo giro molto particolare, il battagliero Max, la grande D'Alò e il mitico Riccardo!
Per strada (e meno male che siamo in zona pedonale!!) la prima difficoltà è percepire le distanze, tanto that each bicycle or stroller that passes near
puts us on alert; Guidelines seek to exploit them for hearing, then Max & Co. tell us that hearing alone is not enough, we also need
"listen" the direction of the wind, the sun's heat and the echo of our sticks, at least to see if we have already reached the square, or are still
along the alley.
The posture changes: the head and shoulders, usually stretched out a bit 'Then we can naturally realign your back, for fear of bumping into something or someone
experience interesting, perhaps a situation that is imagined (and believe you did even the smallest details!), Unless
be blindfolded and then find that every little difficulty is multiplied to the nth degree!
Nevertheless we managed to limit the damage: Sandra has knocked off a bike ... parked (or so she told us), I warned that
an obstacle, and thought it was a person looking for a voice contact ... but then realize that I was talking to the wall of a building, we all follow
smells in the street we went to ask in vain for a piece of pizza in a lingerie shop .... Until next
Diego "
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Sperm That Smells Like Fish
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Dog Drinking Lots Of Water
Waiting for the meeting of 5, the first Monday of the month ... some events ...
4:18 baseball game at 22:30 for our Francesca, Florence (who is interested contact her directly)
6 Tuesday show Evening at the Teatro Politeama, Lawn
8 pm Thursday to Gigli for the installation of our stand
9-10 from 9 to 22 rounds at the stand of Gigli (who can, but still did not contact Daniela accession)
17 -18 2 days at the Park of Maremma, Maremma walks and healthy eating: P
17-18 Music City Theatre during May will be celebrated the fortieth anniversary of
career of Riccardo Muti,
for the occasion will be performed: the symphony and Mozart's Mass Cerubini
Luigi (who is interested contact Silvia)
all for now, there will be more updates this weekend.
Per chi non avesse il contatto telefonico dei nominativi sopra indicati chiami in Sede o per chi è iscritto in lista chieda attraverso le e-mail!!
Ciao a presto
Friday, April 18, 2008
Reviews Of Mahabhringraj Oil
19 and April 20 in the piazza Battisti C proloo and the rangers will sell Ortenzi blue and the proceeds will be donated to Phone Azzurro.Vi are waiting to get the most possible for Qusta helps the organization in Italy ' childhood maltrattata.Vi Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Pakistani Valima Invitation Card Wording Samples
The May 24 event begins "castrum Marcellina, for two days our country will turn into a village medievale.L 'Association" alternative "after studying our origins medieval proposes a cultural event that will see how the scenario Our church of Santa Maria in Monte Dominici clear medieval origins, and the streets to nosta all events. You can expect a medieval dinner, medieval games and many many many sorprese.Vi We are looking forward on 24 and 25 May.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
What Does The Term Jailbait Mean?
Sabato 5 aprile, alla parrocchia Regina Pacis di S. Lucia, a Prato, si è svolta una nuova edizione della cena al buio organizzata dalla sezione pratese dell’Unione italiana ciechi e ipovedenti e dall’U.N.I.VO.C.
Qui sotto trovate le impressioni di chi ha partecipato come cameriere, come volontario in cucina e commensale.
Cari colleghi,
sabato sera è stata ancora una nuova emozione fare il cameriere alle nostre cene, partecipare in gruppo all’allestimento, and then be
room to serve, listen to the many voices that dominate camminhando quietly among the tables, listening to the various comments of the participants and then
approach them and exchange a few jokes, answer a few vuriosità and meet new people.
Participation in these events have always given me immense satisfaction with the results that many times we got to hear
but especially in the situation of that type found along with a friendly smile and personal growth for what I can do.
over to be "SMART", I realized that there is little, TIME AND THE 'PAST MUCH MORE' TO SLOW AS IT WAS THEN AND ACTUALLY
knowing that nobody saw me made me feel good, SO 'FUCK THE CLOTHES, THE CICCE, hair, AI polite behavior. It 's amazing
Francesca Baldi
attended a dinner in the dark is an experience that illuminates all the other senses that we possess and that is experiencing a different way of perceiving space, people, things, the interactions in a manner different from our custom, unique and always new!
premise that it was formed to follow the visual impairment in the field of rehabilitation, and pressed to have completed within six months (tantoè lasted my training course) about 250 to 280 hours of practical activities related to guidance and mobility, in a situation of "simulation" of blindness (in the band!) both indoors and outdoors.
Despite having acquired this experience, every time is like the first time, because every time I see that our bleary-eyed and almost annullanol'uso the other senses.
left in darkness, is always a reflection incondizionato, quello di ammiccare alla velocità della luce per cercare di cogliere qualunque piccolo raggio diluce ... dopo mezz'ora di inutili sforzi, lascio questa possibilità e lascio spazio alle altre modalità sensoriali.
E passa ancora mezz'ora prima che mi senta realmente connessa e cerchi di usare tutte le possibili strategie che comportano il tatto, il gusto, l'odorato... ma, soprattutto l'orecchio!
E' come sentirsi un neonato che cerca di fare prove tecniche per l'uso di quel che possiede, ma senza saper come funziona!
Per me è una esperienza sempre nuova, entusiasmante, perché questi sensi che possediamo, spesso, non sappiamo neppure di averli, non sappiamo neanche comefunzionano ... e in queste circumstances become simply indispensable!
Along with the other, it creates a situation of mutual aid, it is thought not to be heard well and raises his voice, do not feel observed, but sicuramenteci feels very clumsy, we appreciate the silence as a foundation for good communication, you get to understand what it means to feel osservatisenza able to "defend", you let sleep in the absence of the visual stimulus, it establishes a communication sometimes exaggerated in particular Eton, for fear of being inadequate ... In a word, they jump all our points of reference in contact with others and managing nostrepersone, albeit in simple and cozy! In my experience a healthy
to really put into question and to never take anything for granted
Laura Courses
Monday, March 31, 2008
Business Agreement Types
April 4th 21:30 S. LUCIA about preparing dinner the dark
April 5 DINNER IN THE DARK St. Lucia 19:30
UNIQUE MEETING April 7 21:30
April 27 to Exit PARK of FIESOLE
for any changes or updates will be amended this post
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Scanjet 7400c Xp Scanner Non Trouve
Citing the famous song "is peaceful" inform all readers that today Sunday, February 17 to Marcellina will attend the popular television program rai a "peaceful variable with led by Mr. Bevilacqua. In the main square
marcellinesi associations have set up with various local products of the tables of ornaments in particular thanks to Mr. Joseph Passacantilli associations and pro-site and the association of cowboys
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Letter Of Disconnection The Mobile
Large crowd in Piazza Cesare Battisti (I say) on the afternoon of Tuesday ...
finally took place without a storm of events planned for the Carnival ...
tell me something ... (I could not participate but at least I have published all the images I could capture Sunday)
put your comments.
way, I learned that the "secretary" had a little accident ... All right?
Hello, Franco
Monday, February 4, 2008
How To Adjust The Handbrake On A Bmw E46 Compact
TUESDAY 'REPLY IS ... Rain permitting!
we have made available
- photos (see slideshow Left)
- AND A COUPLE OF MOVIES (we recommend a down-load) or ... see below
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Ireland Traditional Dress
First release of the wagons with the participants in the carnival pioggia.I marcellinense were wet, but fun. As every year the rain was our enemy, the various participants gathered "to the American bar" and heedless of the rain are on their way to the square, where many citizens of the new pastry aspettavano.Presso a sweet surprise the two owners Alessandro and Richard have made, crackers, smoothies, and various other specialties, in a warm place ringraziamento.In music and fun there expected and beyond them, even the rain that fell copiosa.Un thanks to the participants: the center for the elderly, the proloco, the joy of dancing, the group of Alina and Silvia, the chariot of Louis and Clarissa, the group of religious and happy surprise a group of Romanian children who joined us, the ranger of Italy, and all others who participated in bathing. Erminia