Monday, November 24, 2008

How Touse Double D Ring Belt

pizza in the dark

"So here it is serious!" It was my first thought when the three who dared to brave, for the first time this June, try a stroll through the downtown streets completely blindfolded and equipped with only a white cane, I have expressed the desire to make a new round blindfolded ...
"This system will bring all I ..." I thought to myself ... but this time do not expect the comfortable and extends trafficked roads in the historic center of Prato ... This time you'll see the problems with small daily encounters a blind man walking down busy streets with sidewalks littered with small piles and parked cars ...
And, last but not infundo, just to complicate life even more, why not go and eat a nice pizza?
So about 19 to Sunday, November 23, the gate of the provincial section of the Italian Union of Blind and Visually Impaired Prato in Via Garibaldi, Here comes again the three shady characters out again blindfolded, accompanied by three of us blind spot for the new adventure ...
And here, the comments:

are finally at home, on the couch, I light up a cigarette and I think that while I was blindfolded the anna told me but I have not capitocome ago 'to light it without burning the tip of the nose .... but back to the top. a simple gesture, blindfolded, in a nanosecond and I am catapulted into another world. I had already 'tried but questonon help me, there are stairs to go down ... I suffer from anxiety ... dizzy but there 'to reassure the French by ... but after you lose the 3 steps ANXIETY .... ... then the way to the pizzeria, francy not give up eh ... I relax, laugh, way it is getting more 'Vaffa sent .... but .... I stepped on a m. ...!!! eccheccavolofinalmente pizzeria. I recognized the place then I already know 'what it' the layout of the room. hunger. reach the pizza and try to cut it into 4 spicchicome francesca says but I'm making a mess, thank goodness I put an old sweatshirt who knows' as if I'm stain to 2 years. and 'a vegetarian pizza that tastes like thin bread and peppers Oh well' we are here to have fun ... and then I can steal 2 cloves of appetite and then allachiara daisy 'appeased. so far have all been very kind, il cameriere, un automobilista che ha aspettato pazientemente che attraversassimo la strada alla velocita' di unbradipo in coma, un signore per strada che ci ha fatto scansare una macchina...tutto questo e' rassicurante. ma dopo cena quel pazzo scatenato di diegopropone un giro in centro da soli. ma si, basta il braccio rassicurante della francesca...all'avventura! per attraversare piazza del duomo ed essere sicuridi non sbagliare dovremmo percorrere tutto il perimetro ma no...troppo noioso! decidiamo di buttarci in mezzo alla piazza prendendo una direzione "a occhio"cioe' a caso e quando max ci dice "bravi ce l'avete quasi fatta" mi sento come Bolt sul podio alle olimpiadi! poi sento avvicinarsi a tutta velocita' ilcamion della pulizia strade. e accelera. e where the hell am I now? wow diego us in the street! where is' the sidewalk? and why 'cavoloquello not slow down! ok and 'past it again, but' this time I stick to the June marciapiede.e 'calmly toward the town square, square Buonamici, so far so good, we decide to make the turn away from the Teatro Metastasio and return us to the theater garibaldi.davanti are of workers to unload a truck and gently us through 'cause there and' dangerous. thanks guys, but how much gentegentile! finally are then turn left in Via Garibaldi .... but should not be a bit 'uphill? and it 'somewhat' close this road. francescaci the cautions but I'm quiet, since metastases Via Garibaldi there are no other half-way, we can not go wrong. oh but is arrivandouna car! and even in contradiction. There 's something wrong. Excuse? e that 'this? We do not know, we are in Genoa. I think "what luck!" cileggono then the street name on a doorbell ... but how and 'possible? and 'possible. truck driver so kind that made us cross the street ciha directed in the opposite direction. ok now I come to download them and help with this stick .... the truck around and feel up to calling us and we reach it sounds simple, max arrival, but a car is coming and I'm back in the middle allastrada! again! it again and this time I get on the sidewalk but 'and' very close with his left hand and then try to orient myself with the stick not to fall and the pool wall Conlie right 'cause there are projections at the head and I want my little head. but that is hard work! I get off the sidewalk but arrivauna machine then go back, the step ends and I do not even notice. prohibited rilassarsi.finalmente via Puglia. Francesca makes us the 'compliments' good even go it alone "by Fra 'but for us it' s only a test, almost a game. siamopoi not so 'brave, we throw ourselves at the bottom but we know there' a life jacket. There you are guardian angels, and in case of real danger that we can always togliercila bendache else? only that I recommend to everyone to try and excuse the length of the mail.
kisses, sandra

--- Hello my fellow adventures!
Just to thank you for last night, everything went just fine e.. Even if the straight way was lost in that of Metastasio, the blame can only esseredata the trucker Roman (ao, but does he know the location and routes Prato!).
then I liked the progression: first dinner in the dark in a protected environment, then stroll downtown yesterday blindfolded and blindfolded ride pizza ... really well done, at least the predicament of the first time in the dark was over ...
I was rather impressed by the need to remain as calm as possible during times of potential danger, while a car that comes through, the pilot dell'Asmiu that gave us the truck with her hair ... moments where would you instinctively accelerate, muoverti il più velocemente possibile per trovarela soluzione al problema, buio non sai dove andare, correndo rischi solamente di peggiorare la situazione, urtando, inciampando o perdendo l'orientamento.Sei quindi costretto ad accettare questa tua vulnerabilità ed importi un ritmo più lento.
Vi do appuntamento alla prossima (in treno?)
A presto...

Ore 18:30... parto da casa per andare a recuperare il matteoni... sono già in ritardo lo sò lo sò... il signorino aveva "stranamente" con sè il permessoe crede di stupirmi... ma a spregio parcheggio in piazza mercatale... tiè!!...Di passo svelto (finchè la benda non c'è apprifittiamone!) verso la sede... were already there waiting for us ... strange! ... but before leaving decidiamodi pay a visit to the bathroom ... to avoid reaching the dark than the pizza !!... Furbino eh ?!... Division of sticks ... This to me that you ... banding operation ... filters light ...? no ... then we can go !!... Couples ... aware of the choice I want with me ... Matteoni sandra and between ... diego and anna ... viaa and ready ... Here we left the door of the home is now up to "clear apology might be locked ?"... they begin well! ... but luckily I find the key right now ah ah ... laugh hour !!... Diego and anna in a nanosecond are already waiting for us at the door ... crossing for the perch scales that had lost between ... clings alla mia spallatipo avvoltoio... piaaano... max e la fra avanti... si sembrava a fare il trenino per le scale... pe pe pe pe peee!!!...Il portone si apre... bla bla bla.. voci sparse per via garibaldi... non facciamo in tempo a svoltare a sinistra che sento la voce d'un omino "scusi malei che ci vede?"... eh?!... ma che dirrà a noi?!... max che risponde "no, io no ma la signorina sì"... l'omino "aah lei ci vede"... "sì sì lei sì".. poipiù niente... la voce dell'omino si perde tra la folla... il curioso!!...Okkei ripartiamo... cerco il braccio di max o anche solo un pezzetto del suo giubbotto... giusto per sapere che è lì vicino... lui mi ricorda di cercarecon il bastone il muro come riferimento... di cercare di sentire quanto è largo o stretto il marciapiede... eventuali ostacoli... quando finisce il marciapiedee inizia una strada... ecco appunto... per due volte l'ho mancato alla grande e mi sono accorta d'essere in mezzo alla strada ormai troppo tardi... c'erodi già!... aaaahhhh... ma era tutto calcolato dalla mia guida max!!... un pò fetentone!!....Avevo la sensazione di camminare obliqua... passi piccoli e piedi pesanti...Il bastone che più volte si incastrava tra i pali dei cartelli o dei cestini e il muro... o tra i vasi di fiori...Macchine in movimento e non sapere esattamente da che parte sarebbere passate... inquitante... ma eravamo al sicuro!!...Sandra?... eccola dietro di noi... Diego?... quando avanti, quando dall'altra parte della strada!!... yes we all !!... The pizzeria is already close (iiiuuhhh I guessed where we were brought! ... very nice !..)... max which is "wait a minute that lazzons cercol'entrata ... "No wait hey where are you going" ... luckily the waiter promptly intervenes and makes us sit inside ... reassures him that it is not unarapina! ... Our table was near ... identified the chairs take place ... and once freed of coats, scarves, gloves, etc. .. hands partonoa search the table ... cutlery, a napkin (folded to form of waves) ... There is also a candle lit ... then my hand s'avvicinaal my ear "I lost the earring cabbage nooo ... ufff ... even a peep from the waiter but there traces! ... eh oh well ... fameee !!!... first or pizza? ... all pizza ... Who beer, some water ... anna on my left ... maaaaxxx ?.... here he is in front of me .... allasandra a little tickle on my right ... diego? .. raise your hand up? ... presaaa! .. hey .. is far from the at least I think so! ... Initially our voices are a tone higher than usual .... but then adjusted the volume !!... Here are the steaming and fragrant pizzas ... but now comes the fun ... how to cut ??... Max (he!) should make 4 large cloves ... ok ... fraconsiglia leaving the horizontally .. yes okkeeiii ... But the best was when Diego says, "but if I depart from the center of the squares and I ??"... scoppiatia laugh !!... We conclude that if the size as everyone wants .. the important thing is to eat !!... and indeed it was ... Allama right even if someone has tried (successfully!) to fool me quietly a slice of pizza ... then the usual !!... ladraaa !!!... The waiter who makes me who did not finish the pizza ?!?!"... "It's over it's over !"... well, I believe, after having scoured the pot with her going LEPOS and more !!!... oh I wanted to fool !!... We never even miss the sweet ... Who tiramisu, panna cotta who ... proper coffee (vizioso!) ... regular coffee ... barley for me and lafria like children and grannies ... short dresses free spotless !!... that we were Bravini !!... ask for the bill ... we are approaching the cash ... luckily I remembered how I had placed the pennies in your wallet !!... pffiiiiuuu ... We want to thank the waiters for their kindness !!... hello hello ... Out of the cold waiting for .... brrrrr .... we leave ... who wanted to run with up to the call of "ride, ride ... aiuuuutooo stop !!!.... The final round in the streets of the center jump ... So hug everyone and start again with Anna towards home ... that there was silence again ... Once through the door of the home take off the bandage ... light ... heavy head and weak eyes ... special evening and intense emotions ... At the next adventure Bellucci ... wherever !!... so to say you eh !!... big hug !!... Night ....
- Clare -


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