Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Brent Corrigan Bottom

The thrill of the sport

Despite the weather forecast does not bode well, very promising indeed bad!, Two intrepid runners as well as related dauna old and solid friendship, even a string of 40 cm, sonomescolati among the participants in the 9000 Florence Marathon held questofine week. The initial intention was to take the goal ', cioe'21 and 097 km, then the forecast is that due to organizational problems, the two measures are more handeciso' with a stopwatch, and km 12 And they have made ' indescribable feeling that I tried running alongside cosi'tante people, and with so much public side of the road that we vedendociarrivare cheered with such enthusiasm at times that I venireletteralmente magone.Queste the few lines just to try to convey to you how much joy from me losport, and how much joy I get in it with friends who condividonoquesta passione.chi knows me knows how much enthusiasm in the past I used to costituireil group Prato blind skiers, with all the disappointments that led to questaesperienza se.ma to sport there is no 'need for large structures, and uniqueness make comunquepotrebbe But his parte.Dobbiamo be 'blind us to put ourselves in the first game, each Conle their aspirations and their limiti.Grazie Sandra for giving me the opportunity' to experience the atmosphere of unamaratona like yesterday, but the prox years Starting from the square and '? Or the siffatutta! Good life



raining bad and then we decide to run only the last thing 12kmla more 'beautiful' was the people that we saw running and urged "good, go are great, bravo bravo" We very much excited, I did not aspettavotutto this heat I have also moved seeing the admiration in many eyes, the sincerity 'of that "good." sometimes in the looks of passers Think of pity, 'do not tell him but in the eyes what they think, uh see a disabled person, instead poverino.e yesterday there was sincerity in their eyes' and admiration, and for every "good" that shouted there came a rush of adrenaline and impressive chestnut adogni incitement accelerated at the end ... I said, missing the last 200 meters and he and 'party like a rocket! hundreds of people shouting, lizard that runs like a madman, a man of the organization that will support us "after the arrival stop for the award and that I did not have the breath to tell him that we were not x in the race. a hole in front of us and a giant step, we can not avoid them, I try to scream to be careful in chestnut but I miss your breath and then there 'and troppocasino not hear me, and that damn man glued to my arm! ... I think "... here is missing 20 meters to the finish and now we scatafasciamo terrain for that hole," and instead flying lizard, it seems '..... and do not stop 'a really great and after the arrival at last we hug! yes, and I' also ran qualchelacrimucciae Here comes again the little man .. no we are not watching the race ... finally goes away and we embrace again. sauro.sandra thanks


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