Sunday, March 11, 2007

How To Recover Brain After Heavy Marijuana Use

Home sweet home. Favelas

After a year and four months back at home, at the center of the World ... Mundraon!
publish the last two videos filmed in Brazil.

This is the fans of Flamengo, Cesidio is capoultra '. In the other two Brazilian
video Massimo greet affectionately.

sometimes on the beaches of Rio we were looking at the stars as the inhabitants of Easter Island, that just seeing the vast ocean horizon, if one day they thought would come out of that small island and they would meet another land and another life form. We, too, we wonder if one day we will know another planet and meet an alien. How long will it take '? maybe we will not live that long to see everything, but our spirits incarenarrano Columbus and Magellan in the future and exploring new planets.

Return to home 'on 6 March at 12.30. Our journey ends here. Before the arrival of a mixture of joy and anxiety overwhelms the mind and heart. At the airport our parents give us a warm welcome, but will not run away a tear. Let's go and eat in roadside restaurants, but now let the restaurant to problems of stress caused by the change of the car. Once in Mondragone
the sight of familiar places raises a strange emotion, many things have changed and we must say that the city 'has a face more' beautiful. Complimeti administration for the waterfront palmeggiante better than Rio, the most beautiful of the Ducal palace Casa Rosada in Buenos Aires and the brakes built in modern style like Australia. The
their grandmothers were about to lose sight of our pens, Aunt Mary 85anni is always cool and tough ... immortal. All have become more beautiful, younger, in Mondragone not get old, a city which will hibernate.
friends ask us where we'll go, but for now we have no Projects. We leave you with only one of our sentence ExPremier ... This is not only a goodbye and a goodbye.

PS Thanks to all those who helped during our trip, and all those who have followed us. This blog 'dedicated to our parents. See you soon ...

Monday, March 5, 2007

Install Jpeg Into Autocad

Ipanema Hostels Maracana '... End of an era

We are running out, Our time is running out. We try to take advantage of these last days. Our hostel and 'full of great guys, we go to sea with them.

Cesidio also pick a pretty bold, love at first sight, 'Just one look and puff ...

By Fernando, Brazil as a Sicilian Schillaci, Salim, an ex- algerino come Zidane e Peter uno svedese zingaro come Zlatan, andiamo al Maracana', lo stadio piu' grande del Mondo.

La grendezza dello stadio e' impressionante piu di 120 mila posti a sedere, per la finale contro Brasile-Urugay nel 1950 c'erano piu di 200.000 persone. Il Brasile perse la finale di coppa del mondo, ci furono trenta suicidi.
Questa volta la finale e' Flamengo-Mardueria, Coppa del Rio. Compriamo le magliette del Flamengo.

Massimo compra una maglia molto originale, che ritrae una ragazza del Vasco ...

La partita and 'without doubt one of the worst ever seen, but the fans and' creepy.

to flag a brawl breaks out, the police arrive and we are in the midst of a charge. There 'to say that here the police have batons latex hard, but of wood are baseball bats. But luckily I get out unharmed.
The game ends with a boring 1-0 for Mardueria. We expected at least one suicide of a fan of Flamengo, but nientttt.
What a disappointment, but we go back next Saturday. All Rimini to Naples to see!

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Nad 7225pe Receiver Reveiw

Among the favelas

Saturday we go out dancing in a disco where the girls do not pay it
the entry nor the caipirinha, then You can imagine ...
The local and 'full of Israeli men and women of color, which are the most ruthless.

Max meets a Jew, a doctor commander, working for the Israeli army. For all the Jews and 'compulsory military service for two years. While Max speaks with the doctor, get a black Brazilian, grabs his arm and led him into a corner. What Femmene! Who have the spherical balls, do not look at anyone! Massimo and Legian (the black) leave to be on the beach and bathing water freezing in the Atlantic Ocean. Having stayed awake on the beach surrounded by gay men, are finished in eight of the Ipanema beach ... the gay fags

Massimo and 'the only in jeans and a shirt, but especially with a girl. A Sicilian named Pina, tells him: "You're a counter-type."
We chat with gay men, seven are on holiday in Sicily. Legian enchants all singing The Girl from Ipanema, she 's an actress in theater and sings for a group of bossa nova music ... has a voice

About seven o'clock we leave to go home in Legian, which is in a speech to the east of Rio, an hour and a half from the center. To take three buses to get there, the place does not seem so welcoming. We pass a street, because the foreigners here are not welcome. We arrive home to greet his mother, a lady about sixty pesantuccia

The house is' a beautiful cabin all crumbling, no doors and windows, a bathroom two feet x two feet. Not to be rude, Massimo gives the mother a better frozen pizza. Watch television, play with her granddaughter and we do rape by mosquitoes.

The next day we go back to Rio. The streets of the favelas are full of chickens, geese, chickens, seems to be the home of Michael the bill. By bus we see a scene from the film, we hear gunshots and then we see a guy run chased by the police. The child ran zigzag between cars is close to our bus, everyone is thrown to the ground, but luckily the bus driver deviates an alley. Danger escaped!

Meanwhile Cesidio seeing no return from Massimo more than thirty hours to the police and report the disappearance (desaparessidos). Max returned to the hostel is aware of something strange, all worried, it looks like Lazarus, are the questions and then tell him that Cesi is the police. So Max called Cesidio, and warns him of his return to life.
Legian singing The Girl from Ipanema ...

Friday, March 2, 2007

How Long Off Work With A Cheast Infection

Gerardo one of us ...

No doubt all the big cities' visit to Rio and now 'the most' beautiful. Not by chance called "the Meravilhosa Cidade" (City 'wonderful). Costrutia in a natural fantastic, surrounded by green mountains, washed by the ocean, with more than 36 beaches. It has the largest tropical forest in the middle of a city '(Tijuca).
With our friend Amala just go to the waterfalls of Tijuca. To reach the top you must climb with ropes and cables of stainless steel.

At the source revel in the icy water of the lagoon, climb to the top of the falls, we dive from the rocks and take a shower in the spring.

In this forest live more than two hundred types of plants and animals there are monkeys everywhere. Much of the forest 'was destroyed to make way for coffee plantations'. We decided to restore this forest sadly deflowered.

A few miles away stands the imposing statue of Christ the Redeemer. 38 meters high, such as the Statue of Liberty ', is leased to a peak of 710 meters, the Corcovado. Powerful symbol of Christianity ', and' became an icon for the city '. The open arms symbolize the warmth of the Brazilian people. We reciprocate.

From here you can enjoy a fantastic view across the city '. That 'the Ipanema district where we are staying.

accompany Gerardo airport the next day. Gerry greets us with a disease like a true Brazilian.

This gesture reminds us of our beloved football games. We greet all our goalkeepers: john Lavanga, a hen, big cat, Manuel, the murderer, but especially John Valente goalkeeper mad that there's more! Prepare gloves vamm Scalent 'hands ...

Monday, February 26, 2007

Long Flu Symptoms After Quitting Smoking

party continues ...

Carnival and 'over but the celebrations in Rio continunano, buy a fancy (dress carnival) and we are preparing to join the block!

In questo video Gerardo presenta, direttamente dal sambodromo, Gesu Cristo superstar. Raccattiamo questo vestito per le strade di Rio. Dopo il carnevale i brasilegni si vendono anche la nonna. Si possono comprare bellissimi vestiti della sfilata a prezzi bassissimi. Noi incontriamo un barbone brasiliano ubriaco che indossa una bellissima fantasia e gli chiediamo se vuole venderla. Lui spara 100 reais, Max risponde 10 reais, il brasiliano non ci pensa neanche una volta, affare fatto!

In quest'altro video invece siamo sulla terazza di casa in Santa Tereza, un bellissimo quartiere che somiglia Posillipo. Gerardo Pied Piper will try 'to get out of a box of polystyrene the rattlesnake, with Cesidio Burdell ago on drums!

Go to the next month ...

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Is Bleeding More Common With Twins

floats Carnival in Rio de Janeiro

publish a playlist of some of our video of the carnival.

This car is the devil, we are holding us by Lucifer unleashed.

these videos are shown on the floats, with our comments. The various schools of samba (blocks) that follow the wagon. Anyone can pull in sambodromo, just buy a dress that costs about 400 reais (about 130 €) and jump into the fray. It 's not requested any re sold only requirement! Scarce at the moment, we are satisfied the forum. Where we see the assembly of a pyramid, a very dynamic car.

The word carnival comes from the Latin meat upbeat, with reference to astinensa 40 days in the period of Lent. In Brazil, the carnival and capoeira are also born as a form of prostesta of African slaves and indigenous people against their rulers. These slaves to express
danced and sang in the streets, mixing African rhythms with indigenous customs.

We apologize for not having a single mounting of the video in question, but does not possess a laptop we are unable. But we are also working on this. Soon we will begin to create high quality video 'and beyond' will produce a documentary film, then go to the movies in Hollywood and finally break the bank! De Laurentis you help us!

Gta Vi Offline Unlock

"Incoming" ... Carnival in Rio de Janeiro Ipanema

outrageously hedonistic colored, the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro is the most 'big party on the earth's crust. We
"arrivals" who came to our goal! The final fashion show Tuesday, February 20. The evening which will be 'rewarded the best samba school.
The irrepressible euphoria fills the streets, it's a party everywhere.
buy tickets from a scalper in the front row "authorized", Price = 200 real (70 €), but there are also forums to 20 real (7 €). The
sambodromo and 'packed, entry searches with metal detectors. Gerard gets caught with a clip (to hang clothes).
We are launching a rocket to occupy the front row, take place ...

The first floats representing the Pan American Games which will be held this year in Rio. The joy radiating
sambodromo and on the faces of the challengers were reading to be sure the granite on the verge of final victory. But just now there nui fucked up! After watching parade a dozen wagons, no doubt "the most 'beautiful that," We are fed up', never ended. But those who know '?
We leave the gallery and there we place the entrance of the dressing rooms, to peep some nude dancer. A mo 'of the roadblock, stop all the beauties of the carnival, there are of all races. The black are the number 1!

How do you keep this costume?

Outside sambodromo and 'party yet, buy a bottle and infrattiamo all, not even Jesus Christ the Redeemer sits quietly. We risk the palate a couple of times, but all is clear, the Brazilians know how to play the game. A carnvao todo scherzao valeao!

Comunque il miglior carnevale resta sempre quello di Mondragone, con bombolette, uova e manganelli ripieni di sabbia. Foto del carnevale.

Tutto inizio'...

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Facial Compilation Explosions


Andiamo a prendere Gerardo all´aeroporto di Rio. Subito vamos alla playa di Ipanema, la piu rinomata al mondo resa famosa dalla canzone di Joao Gilberto "garota di Ipanema".
Sulla spiaggia notiamo che ci sono piu' culi che ombrelloni. So mal d capa!
All´improvviso un'onda travolge tutta la nostra roba, come al solito scompare la macchinetta fotografica. Ci siamo andati vicino, sesta macchinetta, but God helped us. Max sees a girl with our camera and courtesy of the scicca there by hand. Intact after being submerged by water and sand. Miracle miracle miracle, we give thanks to Jesus' Redeemer.

On the beach the girls play soccer better than boys mondragonese football. The plunge in the Brazilian Fiumarella as mondragonesi were thrown from the pier. Ahhh .. so loved the eco monster. Cursed be the day that they shot down.
witnessing a helicopter rescue. A boy and 'was pulled out of the water with a net. Here you fish for people!

We have enclosed everything 'in the following video.

on the beach selling everything: meat, biscuits, beverages, shrimp, peanuts and Muzzarelli and mundraon. Pero 'misunderstandings often occur when ordering. For example, the seller orders a beer ... I'd bring you two. To be more 'precise use body language, means "one" with your finger. Then the seller says "one" with his finger but he says "two". We wonder ... but the math Brazilian will be 'different?
Our theorem Ipanema: Brazilian beach in each addition of a number and 'constant. The tip: If you order 3 beers question 2, if 4 chiedetene 3 and so on.
The days of the week do not understand much. Sure they are seven?

Monday = Tuesday =
secunda feria feria
Wednesday third = fourth = fifth Thursday
feria feria feria
Friday = Saturday = Sunday =
sabado domingo

We ask ourselves: where is the first feria? why do not you start with one as in all accounts. Also this time does not add up. The Brazilians have shown that math and 'review. All

urge us to be careful with our things, and we always keep under control, money, camera, cigarettes, towel ... never thinking that they steal shirt shorts and flip flops right before our eyes. Who have arritira
fatt 'spugliat!

Questa e 'la canzone di Joao Gilberto:
Look, that beautiful thing,
More full of grace, she is
girl who comes and goes,
a sweet swing, the way of the sea.
Girl of the golden body,
From the sun of Ipanema,
is more balanced than a poem
is the most beautiful thing I ever saw
Oh, why am I so alone?
Oh, why is it all so sad?
Ah, the beauty that exists The beauty that
is not only mine, who also goes

Ah, if she knew
That when she passes,
O mundo de gracia inteirinho
If lthough
Pussy And because corn lindo Por
do amor.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Autoglym High Definition Wax Volume Sales

on the beaches of Itajai Cesidio performs a stunt

a gesture that has always fascinated the fans, the lanyard, and 'perfect, sin that has' broken ri rin (kidneys )

Monday, February 19, 2007

Sore Throat From Not Brushing Teeth

technical gesture from the South of Brazil we present: Teo Maravilha! There

Teo We remain at his uncle's house for more than a week. We are in the south of Brazil, Itajai exactly. That 'a very respectable area, in this region and' born footballer Ronaldinho, but especially here and 'blossomed the beautiful model Giselle, a perfect mix between Germany and Brazil. For even the German Itajai e' la prima lingua, per via dell'emigrazione tedesca dopo la II guerra mondiale. Teo, originario di San Paolo, invece e' emigrato qui in cerca di tranquillita'.
Zio e' una persona speciale: giovanile (veste come noi, anzi siamo noi che usiamo le sue magliette), lavoratore (casalingo a tempo pieno), loquace(lezioni di full immersion di portoghese), mistico(crede negli spirti e afferma "Questa debole luce é solo un anelito dell'anima") e amante della famiglia (quattro figli con tre mogli diverse)...

Questi sono in ordine Raiza, Teo, Guillermi, e il piccolo Giuliano.
A San Paolo vivono i suoi fratelli e cugini, che sono piu di 50. That 's the Fazenda their coffee'.

the day we go to sea, play football on the beach, swim in the Atlantic Ocean (it was missing only this one), admire the flora and fauna and we are particularly striking

are pure marble, there is no cellulite.
In the evening we go to dance, uncle brings us full of local beauties say a bit aged, but without varicose veins. Teo to 51 years' always a playboy, a bird of prey, watchful eyes, point the prey and launches. He is currently 'single, but has an affair, through the Internet, with a twenty-five Russian.

Hello Uncle, see you next year in Russia, will leave all together (Italy-Brazil) for the Trans-Siberian! Teo
Maravilha, nós gostamos de Você ...

We take the opportunity to greet all the family De Lise / a half a world away ... see you soon