Saturday, February 24, 2007

Gta Vi Offline Unlock

"Incoming" ... Carnival in Rio de Janeiro Ipanema

outrageously hedonistic colored, the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro is the most 'big party on the earth's crust. We
"arrivals" who came to our goal! The final fashion show Tuesday, February 20. The evening which will be 'rewarded the best samba school.
The irrepressible euphoria fills the streets, it's a party everywhere.
buy tickets from a scalper in the front row "authorized", Price = 200 real (70 €), but there are also forums to 20 real (7 €). The
sambodromo and 'packed, entry searches with metal detectors. Gerard gets caught with a clip (to hang clothes).
We are launching a rocket to occupy the front row, take place ...

The first floats representing the Pan American Games which will be held this year in Rio. The joy radiating
sambodromo and on the faces of the challengers were reading to be sure the granite on the verge of final victory. But just now there nui fucked up! After watching parade a dozen wagons, no doubt "the most 'beautiful that," We are fed up', never ended. But those who know '?
We leave the gallery and there we place the entrance of the dressing rooms, to peep some nude dancer. A mo 'of the roadblock, stop all the beauties of the carnival, there are of all races. The black are the number 1!

How do you keep this costume?

Outside sambodromo and 'party yet, buy a bottle and infrattiamo all, not even Jesus Christ the Redeemer sits quietly. We risk the palate a couple of times, but all is clear, the Brazilians know how to play the game. A carnvao todo scherzao valeao!

Comunque il miglior carnevale resta sempre quello di Mondragone, con bombolette, uova e manganelli ripieni di sabbia. Foto del carnevale.

Tutto inizio'...


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