Friday, March 2, 2007

How Long Off Work With A Cheast Infection

Gerardo one of us ...

No doubt all the big cities' visit to Rio and now 'the most' beautiful. Not by chance called "the Meravilhosa Cidade" (City 'wonderful). Costrutia in a natural fantastic, surrounded by green mountains, washed by the ocean, with more than 36 beaches. It has the largest tropical forest in the middle of a city '(Tijuca).
With our friend Amala just go to the waterfalls of Tijuca. To reach the top you must climb with ropes and cables of stainless steel.

At the source revel in the icy water of the lagoon, climb to the top of the falls, we dive from the rocks and take a shower in the spring.

In this forest live more than two hundred types of plants and animals there are monkeys everywhere. Much of the forest 'was destroyed to make way for coffee plantations'. We decided to restore this forest sadly deflowered.

A few miles away stands the imposing statue of Christ the Redeemer. 38 meters high, such as the Statue of Liberty ', is leased to a peak of 710 meters, the Corcovado. Powerful symbol of Christianity ', and' became an icon for the city '. The open arms symbolize the warmth of the Brazilian people. We reciprocate.

From here you can enjoy a fantastic view across the city '. That 'the Ipanema district where we are staying.

accompany Gerardo airport the next day. Gerry greets us with a disease like a true Brazilian.

This gesture reminds us of our beloved football games. We greet all our goalkeepers: john Lavanga, a hen, big cat, Manuel, the murderer, but especially John Valente goalkeeper mad that there's more! Prepare gloves vamm Scalent 'hands ...


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