Monday, February 19, 2007

Sore Throat From Not Brushing Teeth

technical gesture from the South of Brazil we present: Teo Maravilha! There

Teo We remain at his uncle's house for more than a week. We are in the south of Brazil, Itajai exactly. That 'a very respectable area, in this region and' born footballer Ronaldinho, but especially here and 'blossomed the beautiful model Giselle, a perfect mix between Germany and Brazil. For even the German Itajai e' la prima lingua, per via dell'emigrazione tedesca dopo la II guerra mondiale. Teo, originario di San Paolo, invece e' emigrato qui in cerca di tranquillita'.
Zio e' una persona speciale: giovanile (veste come noi, anzi siamo noi che usiamo le sue magliette), lavoratore (casalingo a tempo pieno), loquace(lezioni di full immersion di portoghese), mistico(crede negli spirti e afferma "Questa debole luce é solo un anelito dell'anima") e amante della famiglia (quattro figli con tre mogli diverse)...

Questi sono in ordine Raiza, Teo, Guillermi, e il piccolo Giuliano.
A San Paolo vivono i suoi fratelli e cugini, che sono piu di 50. That 's the Fazenda their coffee'.

the day we go to sea, play football on the beach, swim in the Atlantic Ocean (it was missing only this one), admire the flora and fauna and we are particularly striking

are pure marble, there is no cellulite.
In the evening we go to dance, uncle brings us full of local beauties say a bit aged, but without varicose veins. Teo to 51 years' always a playboy, a bird of prey, watchful eyes, point the prey and launches. He is currently 'single, but has an affair, through the Internet, with a twenty-five Russian.

Hello Uncle, see you next year in Russia, will leave all together (Italy-Brazil) for the Trans-Siberian! Teo
Maravilha, nós gostamos de Você ...

We take the opportunity to greet all the family De Lise / a half a world away ... see you soon


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