Sunday, March 11, 2007

How To Recover Brain After Heavy Marijuana Use

Home sweet home. Favelas

After a year and four months back at home, at the center of the World ... Mundraon!
publish the last two videos filmed in Brazil.

This is the fans of Flamengo, Cesidio is capoultra '. In the other two Brazilian
video Massimo greet affectionately.

sometimes on the beaches of Rio we were looking at the stars as the inhabitants of Easter Island, that just seeing the vast ocean horizon, if one day they thought would come out of that small island and they would meet another land and another life form. We, too, we wonder if one day we will know another planet and meet an alien. How long will it take '? maybe we will not live that long to see everything, but our spirits incarenarrano Columbus and Magellan in the future and exploring new planets.

Return to home 'on 6 March at 12.30. Our journey ends here. Before the arrival of a mixture of joy and anxiety overwhelms the mind and heart. At the airport our parents give us a warm welcome, but will not run away a tear. Let's go and eat in roadside restaurants, but now let the restaurant to problems of stress caused by the change of the car. Once in Mondragone
the sight of familiar places raises a strange emotion, many things have changed and we must say that the city 'has a face more' beautiful. Complimeti administration for the waterfront palmeggiante better than Rio, the most beautiful of the Ducal palace Casa Rosada in Buenos Aires and the brakes built in modern style like Australia. The
their grandmothers were about to lose sight of our pens, Aunt Mary 85anni is always cool and tough ... immortal. All have become more beautiful, younger, in Mondragone not get old, a city which will hibernate.
friends ask us where we'll go, but for now we have no Projects. We leave you with only one of our sentence ExPremier ... This is not only a goodbye and a goodbye.

PS Thanks to all those who helped during our trip, and all those who have followed us. This blog 'dedicated to our parents. See you soon ...


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