Thursday, February 22, 2007

Facial Compilation Explosions


Andiamo a prendere Gerardo all´aeroporto di Rio. Subito vamos alla playa di Ipanema, la piu rinomata al mondo resa famosa dalla canzone di Joao Gilberto "garota di Ipanema".
Sulla spiaggia notiamo che ci sono piu' culi che ombrelloni. So mal d capa!
All´improvviso un'onda travolge tutta la nostra roba, come al solito scompare la macchinetta fotografica. Ci siamo andati vicino, sesta macchinetta, but God helped us. Max sees a girl with our camera and courtesy of the scicca there by hand. Intact after being submerged by water and sand. Miracle miracle miracle, we give thanks to Jesus' Redeemer.

On the beach the girls play soccer better than boys mondragonese football. The plunge in the Brazilian Fiumarella as mondragonesi were thrown from the pier. Ahhh .. so loved the eco monster. Cursed be the day that they shot down.
witnessing a helicopter rescue. A boy and 'was pulled out of the water with a net. Here you fish for people!

We have enclosed everything 'in the following video.

on the beach selling everything: meat, biscuits, beverages, shrimp, peanuts and Muzzarelli and mundraon. Pero 'misunderstandings often occur when ordering. For example, the seller orders a beer ... I'd bring you two. To be more 'precise use body language, means "one" with your finger. Then the seller says "one" with his finger but he says "two". We wonder ... but the math Brazilian will be 'different?
Our theorem Ipanema: Brazilian beach in each addition of a number and 'constant. The tip: If you order 3 beers question 2, if 4 chiedetene 3 and so on.
The days of the week do not understand much. Sure they are seven?

Monday = Tuesday =
secunda feria feria
Wednesday third = fourth = fifth Thursday
feria feria feria
Friday = Saturday = Sunday =
sabado domingo

We ask ourselves: where is the first feria? why do not you start with one as in all accounts. Also this time does not add up. The Brazilians have shown that math and 'review. All

urge us to be careful with our things, and we always keep under control, money, camera, cigarettes, towel ... never thinking that they steal shirt shorts and flip flops right before our eyes. Who have arritira
fatt 'spugliat!

Questa e 'la canzone di Joao Gilberto:
Look, that beautiful thing,
More full of grace, she is
girl who comes and goes,
a sweet swing, the way of the sea.
Girl of the golden body,
From the sun of Ipanema,
is more balanced than a poem
is the most beautiful thing I ever saw
Oh, why am I so alone?
Oh, why is it all so sad?
Ah, the beauty that exists The beauty that
is not only mine, who also goes

Ah, if she knew
That when she passes,
O mundo de gracia inteirinho
If lthough
Pussy And because corn lindo Por
do amor.


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