Friday, April 17, 2009

How Much Does A Snickers Bar Cost In Thailand

4 steps in the dark or blindfolded on the road in the main hall

edited by Prof. Sandra Cocchi
When Anna Spata colleague asked me to participate with my igea III to the "four steps in the dark, I joined with enthusiasm.
Having heard of the initiative in Milan on the dark path, I asked, but where we do it? and how do we create the need for total darkness on the way? Mischievous smile Anna: We do it in assembly hall and in respect of the darkness you need is a blindfold. This was the pnmo teaching that I received: the dark and not outside, it is not for everyone, but only for those who can not see. And after being bandaged up I realized that the dark can also be white, because the guys have noticed this ... siamo stati tutti catapultati, due per volta, in un buio bianco che ci ha fatto perdere i riferimenti spaziali ed ha trasformato l'aula magna in un luogo sconosciuto e pieno di pericoli e misteri.
Durante il percorso, bendati, insicuri e armati del bastone apposito, siamo stati accompagnati da Riccardo, presidente dell'Unione Ciechi di Prato, e Francesca, giovane laureanda cieca dalla nascita. Loro ci hanno fatto "vedere" gli ostacoli e cogliere le diverse sfumature dei rumori. Loro, che non l'avevano mai vista, conoscevano la nostra aula magna centomila volte meglio di noi che , spavaldamente, pensavamo di potercela cavare in ogni condizione. Loro, lasciandoci sbattere leggermente contro ostacoli non pericolosi, ci hanno introdotti nel loro mondo and made us realize how important it is for them to respect the space. I am sure that, after spending two hours with Richard and Frank, none of us will be more tempted to park on sidewalks or pedestrian crossings.
In the bottom of the page you will find information about how you structured the experience of four steps in the dark on how to be able to organize in your school. But first, I thought I would give space to the comments of the boys and a brief summary of the questions that were posed to Richard and Francesca, who were spectacular in responding with grace, humor and desire for us to get to their magical world. March 4, 2009 • Comments
The thing that has stayed with me is more impressed when Richard has made me closer to the wall, blindfolded, and told me that the items change in terms of distance from the wall. Simona Mattei
10 are the first to tackle the course and, indeed, I did not realize where fossi.Ho lost sense of direction. Richard and Francesca knew perfectly doveeravamo instead. I also really enjoyed the time we made many arguments on both moltissimedomande! ! This was a wonderful experience, helped me to understand Megliola people who are in their situation and many other things. Martina Cocco

I was very impressed by the fact that Richard and Francesca, are united in spite of his blindness, are actually completely different. It was quite obvious that Richard was not born blind. He was with his face up like a blind person as opposed to Francesca that instead often looked to the ground. The path along which we drove I was particularly struck by the feeling that he sent me. I was also struck by the fortitude of him and the "surprise" of her for the fact that in our view it is essential that the blind are at a disadvantage. Do you think it's just a different way of perceiving things. Leonardo Imbornone 11
the dark path that I and class today we did it for me was very interesting. Hoprovato a strange feeling. It made me realize how blind people perceive edimmaginano reality. Have been addressed a Francesca e Riccardo tante domande sul loro modo divivere e di pensare e le loro risposte mi hanno fatto capire che sono persone come noi.Francesca Ruberto
Secondo me l'esperienza è stata decisamente significativa perché ci ha messi di fronte ad una realtà che spesso non conosciamo e ci ha fatto vedere la vita dal punto di vista dei non vedenti. Secondo me è importante perché insegna che la vita merita di essere vissuta sotto tutti i suoi aspetti, sia quelli belli che quelli brutti.
Nicola Palma
Mi ha colpito la diversa esperienza raccontata da Francesca e Riccardo. Poiché Valentina non ha mai posseduto la vista immagina solamente gli oggetti, i colori ecc. Mentre per Riccardo il diventare cieco è stato molto più difficile as a handicap to overcome. Lost his sight 18 years was a blow for him. This experience was very interesting and helped me to better understand the world of the blind Gianluca Betti
In my meeting with Francesca and Richard was very interesting. Although they have accompanied me in the path in the dark, I found myself in trouble, I realize how hard it is for them. They were very good also to respond clearly to all the questions that came to mind Sarah Pacini
The experience we have lived today would hardly forget. The things we were told were very interesting and touching at the same time. I tried to immerse myself in them, but I understand that is really difficult to lead a life where you can not see the light of the sun or the sky wonderful colon. This experience has affected me so much cherish and remember this meeting very nice Jona Jasin
This has been very deep for me and I can not imagine yourself in their shoes, I respect them for it really, for their will to live and keep dreaming. Gianmarco
Moscow meeting with Richard and Francesca was very important to understand the many difficulties which must overcome every day people blind. The little everyday things that seem to us very normal things in reality we should appreciate them more. I would not want to lose sight, for no reason at all. I made an examination of conscience and thought of how lucky we are, how much easier for us and Matt Lo Giudice
This for me was truly a meaningful experience and I believe that these meetings should be more frequent, because awareness is very important. Maria Di Crescenzo
Today, me and my classmates have experienced something very special. We have personally experienced how it feels a blind person.
A shift of 2 people, blindfolded and with the help of Frank and Richard, we walked inside the assembly hall of the school
To see other classmates the way seemed easy, but when I found myself doing it. .. was more difficult than it seemed. Having seen the route taken by comrades who have preceded me, I was able to recognize objects, even if it was not easy: as soon as I put the blindfold, I felt disoriented, almost everything looked white and I could only rely on hearing and touch, just like the blind. The thing that surprised me most is that the two of them guided us safely through the route. Francesca initially taught me to gripping the club, even if it was not easy as I said, "so here we must grasp it, but being blindfolded I could not understand how just helping me with my hands I knew more or less like to challenge it. Along the way I walked insecure, as if per cadere e mi sembrava un percorso lunghissimo, non riuscivo a orientarmi. Più volte abbiamo rallentato per far avanzare Riccardo e un altro compagno.anche se sinceramente io non mi ero accorta della loro presenza. Francesca invece sapeva, sentiva ...Quando mi ha detto che eravamo arrivati non me n'ero neanche resa conto... Dopo che tutti abbiamo fatto il percorso, abbiamo fatto diverse domande. Le risposte sono state molto interessanti ma non è mancato neanche qualche momento di imbarazzo.... Le domande più interessanti riguardavano 1 sogni che facevano, la percezione che avevano delle cose e dei colon, la vita sociale e sentimentale , l'approccio psicologico-emotivo della loro "diversità"... Ovviamente le risposte date da Francesca e Riccardo sono state diverse , anche perché hanno avuto una stona diversa. Francesca è cieca dalla nascita, mentre Riccardo ha perso la vista gradualmente all'età dei 18 anni....Secondo Francesca, da un lato è meglio esser ciechi dalla nascita per non aver il rimpianto di aver perso la vista, così da avere un impatto emotivo abbastanza forte; dall'altro lato però sarebbe stato bello conoscere e vedere le immagini delle cose che ci circondano. Riccardo ci ha spiegato che , quando ha perso la vista, seppur gradualmente, ha avuto una forte depressione...cosi i suoi familiari hanno dovuto chiedere aiuto a uno psicologo specializzato... Quella di oggi e stata un'esperienza molto educativa. Ho imparato davvero tanto da questo incontro e spero che in futuro ci are other opportunities to try similar experiments.
treated QUESTIONS ...:

-objects (as they imagine who has been blind since birth?)
-purchases (other currencies notes ...)
■ What does the pleasure to say whether or not a raga
-if someone comes in-house
alphabet in braille

social life-how they see their "handicap"
-psychology and emotion to lose sight
behavior of people against them
-way in the city / barriers
-help in the household (key?) -scuola/studio Frances Jang
• Q & A:
by Maria Di Crescenzo
the response and preceded by Francesca F, that of Richard of R)
- What dreams at night? And like dreams?
(F) Well, it's a question that someone was expecting me to do. Honestly, I dream that I "see" in real life. Of course, not a dream colors or objects that are in the world, but I dream about my feelings and my perceptions of them, being born blind, but not having seen the world. (R) But I dream things that I could see until, at 20 years or so, I completely lost my sight. If you dream of a bike, or ride a bike, bike to join in this dream I had as a child, or if I think of the machines fails to bind only to those who were in the '60s, the years of mia giovinezza.
- Come fate quando dovete fare la spesa o quando volete semplicemente vedere un film?
(F) e (R) Quando dobbiamo guardare un film semplicemente lo ascoltiamo e l'udito ci aiuta tantissimo.
(F) Per quanto riguarda invece la spesa io, sinceramente non la faccio quasi mai da sola, ma quando mi capita mi affido al negoziante o ad un commesso e al fatto che riesco a riconoscere il taglio delle banconote dalla dimensione.
(R) Anch'io mi affido al negoziante ma, a differenza di Francesca, io vivo da solo e quindi i genere non posso contare sull'aiuto degli altri. Mi affido esclusivamente al tatto per quanto riguarda la merce o gli oggetti da comprare e al riconoscimento delle banconote e monete dalle caratteristiche di each cut.
- It 's true that coins were introduced in Braille for the blind?
(F) and (R) Yes, yes, these were written in the currencies were introduced to help a blind, but were not needed because the written survey was done with the logic of the blind. Are written in such a way that is too small and a little relief. The fact however that the euro banknotes and coins have a size and a noticeable relief of the design helps us a lot.
- How is your social life? I mean friendships, personal relationships ...
(F) My social life is very normal. I know that this word sounds strange, but there it is. I do things that make all the boys 1 my age. attend the university. I miss only the thesis to finish the degree. Then I go out, do sports (riding, baseball ..) and I have many friends. At first, of course, it was very difficult because I wanted to get out the ninth, but most did not want to be with those blind like me, all that seemed crazy. Then, at sixteen, my father has "forced" to go to UIC and to socialize with other people and from there it all started. (R) I, like Francesca, I have a very active social life. I do many sports, including horse riding and dancing, I also dedicate the Italian Blind Union, but never forget ili my work as a physiotherapist. What little time I have left is dedicated to myself, to rest.
- Your families will have been close - and still are - or it was someone else adaiutarvi?
(F) my family has always supported and encouraged in all my decisions, and especially in moments of despair I have always spurred us to face things and try new experiences. I've never been apprehensive parents and I have always been allowed to live my life, fortunately.
(R) As far as my experience, the family was essential for me, but above the figure of my father was and remains important. Moreover, even friends and the help of a psychologist led me to better deal with my discomfort.
- Richard, did you immediately recognize your blindness or you took some 'time acomprendere and react?
(R) Unfortunately it took me almost three years before deciding to deal with my blindness. As I said, without my family I would not have ever made. I lived through the period between 18 and 20 years as a living hell. I took it with the world because I had never done anything bad in life to deserve this. I continued to despair until I realized it was time to fight and fight. I enrolled in a school for physiotherapists in Florence, where there were other people with my same problem and it was from there that I regained my life.
- Think it's better to be born or become blind?
(F) I personally prefer have been born this way because on an emotional level was all more complicated. I always had many regrets and would have been even more painful.
(R) I am only partly agree with Francesca. Of course, it was much more painful than jumping on an emotional level, but so I have a vision and cognition is a bit 'different world.
- Francesca, you who are suffering from blindness from birth, when you have to go buy ivestiti how do you choose the colors?
Honestly I do not choose them for the colon, but according to fabric I like most. I rely on touch and who I trust with me or the orders that I recommend.
• How to organize a meeting: The Union
Blind Italian is ready to organize free, schools and institutions in the initiative "A walk in the dark."
E 'enough:
- a space large enough that we can walk around (maybe the gym)
- the collaboration of one or more teachers who introduce the experience
- 2 hours concurrent. For

information and further details or to join the initiative to contact the section of Prato 'UIC
(President Richard Santini)
you can also surf the site
www.uicprato national union. it


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