Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Victoria Drivers Licence

MEANING 4 + 1 ... DINNER IN THE DARK (Dedicated to Francesco Bracci)

25/26 aprile
Week end dedicato a chi non vede e chi non giudica con gli occhi.
Scambio esperienziale fra motociclisti e non vedenti.
Ogni motociclista accoglierà sulla propria sella un non vedente, che da sempre desidera andare in moto su strada, ma anche in fuoristrada.
I motociclisti, during dinner in the dark Saturday night, served by blind people, will live an experience of tastes, smells and
perception of objects, far from all that have hitherto known.
exchange of emotions, experiences and knowledge of two worlds, made up of disabled people with common passions related to tastes, smells, touch and
GUEST, Happy Tagliaferri, Bolognese sculptor who is blind, which will set up a sculpture studio in the dark. Visit his website
Church Art

Base Villa San Michele, Monte San Michele, Greve in Chianti (FI)

enthusiasm from the first rays of sun kissed the city of Florence, where Thomas and his friends got there first having traveled all night
from Sicily.

In many, with different means of transport, were found at the train station Santa Maria Novella, where a bus provided by
, gave the opportunity to reach the summit at Mount St. Michael, on Greve in Chianti at the
, which hosted the event.

71 participants among motorcyclists, quaddisti, blind and visually impaired.

The natural shyness in the meeting of two worlds unknown has been broken by Felice Tagliaferri, sculptor and teacher with such blind determination
and self-mockery.

broke the ice, the convivial lunch gave way to curiosity and break down the barriers that often leads to ignorance.

After a short briefing, all riders have chosen a blind / visually impaired, according to their size and riding ability.

The excitement became high, 1000 claim and enthusiastic smiles.

Regardless if the bike was a less hospitable Brutale, a R6 or a GS, the "Orbetto" as they call themselves, have gone smoothly on the bike, completely ready to give

A small group went on a ride and a column of 35 off-road bike has enjoyed the beautiful curves up to Castellina in Chianti.

The group was led by Frank Armstrong, vice president of Stradanova ads, aka Potter, an avid motorcyclist, ultimately misguided
the side of the dirt bikes.

The feeling of motorcyclists was to have a passenger confident, capable and able to understand whether a curve was more or less dangerous or insane
them was recovering in a blind curve.

The perception of the blind was pure fun, colors, smells of spring flowers, the songs of blackbirds and asphalt from the perfect grip.

After a few corners, some blind people, regardless of saddles on the size of a postage stamp, asked to give more gas, bend more!

certainly has not lacked the courage and the will to make way either.

Gathered all before the great ice cream
, undisputed goal of all motorcyclists who enjoy the beautiful roads of the Chianti, Simone, the owner has offered an ice cream to all participants.

Having graced the throat has fulfilled the desire to drive other curves before returning to San Michele and begin the sculpture studio in the dark
held by Felice Tagliaferri. Happy teaches in his school of sculpture for the blind and visually impaired

The laboratory, which is compulsory for motorcyclists has been attended with enthusiasm even by the blind.

Felice to the sound of screams, tried to calm the enthusiasm and the high tone that is not being blind to mitigate a situation unfamiliar to them.

happy with simple gestures and mechanical succeeded, in total darkness to let everyone play his own face using clay.

was not without laughter, changing the perception of all, the desire to touch the sculpture of the close, the need to touch your face to see how we are made

The light gave way to verify the perception we have of ourselves sometimes humorous, sometimes clumsy, sometimes "wrong".

Without eyes you can sculpt, showed us that Felix, pointing to some of his sculptures, perfect in detail, expressive, human, beautiful.

participants after two big emotions so they are united in one big family. Hugs, kisses, thanks to no end. Finally the blind
you are relaxed, they realized that the blind and visually impaired have a plus and not less and therefore do not have to worry about them, but they just

At 9 am, dinner in the dark has begun. 4

blind waiters, have traveled back and forth like lightning, bringing great dishes prepared by Paul, the chef of Villa San Michele.

Humor, irony, jokes, noise forkfuls a vuoto nel piatto alla ricerca di un pezzo di cannellone diviso dalla ricotta, bicchieri di vino
troppo pieni, forchette imprigionate dallo scotch, crostini rubati dal piatto del vicino, divertimento puro durante un'esperienza unica dove i non vedenti
hanno fatto da padroni, divertendosi a fare scherzi ai vedenti.

I ciechi, sentendosi in un ambiente protetto, dove indubbiamente facevano 'potevano dettare legge', si sono scatenati con tutti i sensi dando vita ad una
grande festa.

Stanchi ed appagati tutti si sono rintanati nel proprio letto, in ostello, in tenda, in agriturismo.

Tutti tranne Potter, che ci ha lasciati per tornare a casa, con il cure pieno di queste nuove emozioni, che he shouted, with his usual enthusiasm,
before leaving, unfortunately, forever.

Sunday, hearing the death of this friend, a son of Stradanova for us, we decided together to stop this initiative, Mr, Francis
in arms was the promoter and organizer.

Dario Cecchini, the butcher known for its steak Divine, an avid motorcyclist who was waiting with open arms for a drink and joined
the pain of all the participants.

sucked in solidarity, in the eyes, tears and hugs floor plan participants have returned home reassured us Stradanova
arrival with a phone call, just like you fa con un familiare.

24 anni vissuti al massimo, pieni di successi, altruismo, saggezza e sorrisi per tutti, anni strappati dall'ennesimo automobilista che non ha rispettato
una linea di mezzeria, con un sorpasso in una curva cieca.

Ci chiediamo, se avesse usato tutti i suoi sensi lo avrebbe fatto?

Dedichiamo questa e tutte le manifestazioni future di Stradanova a Potter.

Un grazie speciale ai non vedenti, gli ipovedenti ed i motociclisti che hanno dato vita a questa meravigliosa manifestazione.

Erika Stradanova
Ed ecco come il quotidiano "La Nazione" di lunedì 27 aprile riporta la notizia:
in motion collides with a car and died at age 24
In via Chiantigiana are still dying. A terrible crash, due to a fatal invasion of the lane, has cost the lives of Francis Armstrong, 24 years motociclistadi Reggello. The young man was walking, riding his KTM 990 road, in the direction of Florence Chiantigiana when a car is scontratofrontalmente
Florence, April 27, 2009 - By Chiantigiana are still dying. A terrible crash, due to a fatal invasion of the lane, has cost the lives of FrancescoBracci motorcyclist of 24 years of Reggello. The young man was walking, riding his KTM 990 road, towards the Chiantigiana Firenzequando, all'altezza del ristorante 'San Martino' - nell'omonima frazione di Bagno a Ripoli - si è scontrato frontalmente con un'auto. Alla guida dellavettura, una Fiat 500 rossa, un ventenne nato a Vienna, ma abitante a Greve. Bracci è morto sul colpo. Tutto è accaduto intorno all'una della scorsa notte.Francesco Bracci stava viaggiando verso Firenze. Secondo la prima ricostruzione, effettuata dai carabinieri di Grassina, alla base di tutto dovrebbe esserciun sorpasso.
Un'imprudenza che ha portato la 500 a trovarsi sulla corsia opposta proprio nel momento in cui stava sopraggiungendo la moto. La vittima, sulla base diquanto appurato dai carabineri, stava viaggiando regolarmente sul proprio lato di marcia. Dai primi rilievi, dunque, soltantola the motorcyclist would have been bad luck of not being able to avoid the car, suddenly appeared on its trajectory. There was no time to make a profit qualsiasimanovra to avoid confrontation. For Francesco Bracci there was nothing to do. Links to the rescue of 118 arrived promptly at the crash site, but the staff could not do anything to save the life of the boy.
The body was taken to the night, in forensic medicine at Careggi. Carabinieri and men of the rescue had to assist the young Austrian, in a state of shock. The boy was also subjected to tests to detect traces of alcohol or drugs in his blood. All data esamihanno fail. The twenty year old is being investigated for manslaughter. The way Chiantigiana theater of that fatal accident, is a dellestrade most at risk of the entire territory of Florence. Many, over the years, were the victims, many of them young. Over the past dueanni, however, things seemed better. It was, in fact, since 2007 that there were no fatalities. The last, in order of time eranoavvenuti respectively in January (a couple of aliens, husband and wife, finished off the road, against a tree, the height of Ugolino strettoria) and March (a motorcyclist collided with half of ' Enel in Ponte a Ema) two years ago. Leonardo


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