Sunday, March 22, 2009

What Could Be Causing My Baby's Constipation

Sport ... is born or made!

today's paper, Sunday March 22, 2009
front page of LOCAL

Page 11

On the track "Mauro Ferrari 'races of firefighters

PRATO. It was held in Prato on the athletics track Mauro Ferrari, the second edition of the Italian championship Fire Department background on the track.
present more than 150 athletes from all over the body of Italy. It 'was the command of Milan to win the overall standings ahead of that of Venice in the third position
to Udine. At the individual level of Belluno Cagnati Franco took the win with a time of 15'52 "in the 5,000 meters. In second place
Cyrus Scopece always the class of Foggia B (16’58”) mentre al terzo posto Marco Arnese con 17’02” che a differenza dei primi due apparteneva
alla categoria D. Tra le donne è stata la romana Veronica Correale a superare la veneziana Silvia Corsi e la pistoiese Federica Raimondi. «E’ stata una
bellissima manifestazione - ha spiegato Gerardina Cardillo, assessore allo sport del Comune di Prato - che ha messo in evidenza l’impianto di atletica
della nostra città. Questa è la seconda edizione e il numero di partecipanti è aumentato considerevolmente rispetto al primo anno a dimostrazione che Prato
è senza dubbio la città dello sport e dell’atletica in questo caso». Ma chi è molto contento dell’iniziativa Achilles is the commander of Prato Cipriani.
"This is the second edition and we are very pleased with how it went either side of participants with more than 150 people and especially for the climate that has developed
. We also linked to disability sport and that makes me very happy because we are a body operating
go to the rescue of the population when we are called. " In fact there was a demonstration where the blind people accompanied by sighted
have traveled 400 meters with a rope that allowed them to follow the trail and get to the finish line. Finally a lot of emotion to the memory of Mark Militello at
which was devoted son of the Trophy a firefighter's pension in Prato. Present the awards also the Director of Leisure
National Command of the Fire Brigade Fabrice Santangelo.

Here, however, our version of events:

14.30 athletics stadium lawn. Italian Championship 5000 meters of the fire.
the 5 nuts are accompanied by supermax Crucitti, Albertine said chip, the clear and myself.
invited us to run the 400 meters with two pairs of firefighters, including 2 blindfolded, and despite the cold and wind we have not pulled back.
superalberto showed everyone that you do not call chip at random and crossed the finish line first, the blindfolded firefighters arrived a bit '
stunned but excited after the race and experience all to drink a good brandy! and then another ... and another ...
fire ... but these seemed to Alpine!
but gave it a touch of class during the interview with Maxine Tuscany tv (do not miss it) will
'was the fatigue of travel or grappa but it looked really think of saying stupid things!
what else to say? only thanks to all 'cause I really enjoyed it, except that after my car is not' broken ...
runs when '? Sandra


prejudice list
despite the freezing cold and having run only in a tracksuit and
calzini rigorosamente arrotolati, devo confessare di essermi divertito
davvero molto alla manifestazione di atletica organizzata dai vigili del

la gara/esibizione dei 400 metri è andata bene poichè, contrariamente a ciò
che pensavo, sono riuscito a percorrere l'intero giro di pista rallentando
solo una volta e giungendo ancora vivo sulla linea del traguardo.

ringrazio soprattutto i miei 4 amici che, al momento dell'intervista di
fine esibizione, si sono dileguati mollandomi al giornalista di toscana tv
che non la smetteva di far domande...obiettiva mente non ricordo cosa
esattamente gli ho detto ma il discorso che ho improvvisato sul momento pare
filasse bene.

for the rest, to remember the various brandies and wine that I and crucittone
us we are made out as well as a better offer from salami schiacciatina valentine and the dear uncle
fire ... I think there is a rinvitano!
Max (Talponia)
... thanks to everyone on my part ... it was all very funny .. . not rattle around too much we got to the end with dignity. .. grappa will
been promised as a reward, who knows !!... ... but no max do not we let go at the mercy of the journalist, there were neighbors close to you ...
that long enough to feel your prick said with diplomacy .. . What can not the power of socks rolled up! ! ... ... in fact when the truck
of alpine / brigade was advancing towards you (or was it the other way around?) ... I feared for my bike !!!... Good Sunday to you all !!!... - Chiara

-------------------- If you want to comment, here, I was surprised by the new rules
athletics. I'm made of brandy at the beginning and end around, I was playing, of
first glance, not very "athletic". It was fortunately a mistake
dictated by ignorance. The immediate toning effect has helped a bit 'to
all. It was a great help, for example, simply do not feel the cold
. I could not, in fact, make it clear to Sandy that we were not
in Namibia and that he should not take off their shoes
to run on the sand.

I noticed then that the rule of brandy, was to be followed a bit '
by all present at the event. In fact, the journalist who interviewed
Max had certainly followed this rule because the
listened carefully and professionally, as if Max was saying things
sense. Chance then the hypothesis that the journalist was even
Since, as evidenced by the clear, the rest of us were near
event, I could grab a few words.
The interview seemed to involve a lot of the two. Max, surprise,
rispondeva alle insidiose domande con la confidenza tipica dei vips.
Tono suadente, voce sicura, le risposte filavano che era una bellezza.
Però c’era una cosa che mi inquietava. All’inizio non capivo bene perché
ero un po’ lontano. Avvicinandomi tutto cambiò. Sentivo Max pronunciare
questa frase, devo ammettere, affascinante: “…mi piace la sensazione di
sentire il vento sulla faccia…”.
Il problema era che Max usava questa frase come risposta a tutte le

Non è stato poi sottolineato il fatto che il giretto in pista di Max in
bicicletta è avvenuto durante una corsa. E la cosa peggiore non è stata
tanto la gente che, guardandoci, scuoteva il capo in segno di
rassegnazione, quanto il fatto che Max stava smaltendo la grappa
pedalando controsenso. Quindi, utilizzando altre semplici parole,
stavamo andando contro dei corridori. E non è stato bello, è inutile che
sghignazzate. Mi sono sentito in colpa per tutta l’associazione. Quindi
se non verrà più nessun volontario da noi, sapete con chi rifarvela.

E anche per stasera dal bungalow è tutto.



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