Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Yellow Running Shorts Juno

calendar starts from March to April

Di seguito trovate il calendario delle iniziative della nostra associazione nei mesi di marzo e aprile 2009.

Sabato 8 marzo, dalle ore 9 alle 19, davanti al portone di via Garibaldi 47, platform for the sale of items handmade by blind and visually impaired and the proceeds will be donated entirely to charity to our associations.

Saturday, March 28, at 20, at our headquarters in Via Garibaldi 47, UIC Dinner Social / Unique.

Monday, April 6 at 21:30, at our office, UNIVo.C annual meeting of shareholders.

Saturday, April 18, at the premises of the parish of St. Lucia in Via Regina Pacis 2, "Dinner in the Dark."

Modifications to the program will from time to time communicated in this post.


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