Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Old Notre Damewallpaper

Initiatives July

In questo post troverete tutte le iniziative della nostra associazione nel mese di luglio:

Domenica 26 luglio, ore 21, cena al parco “i Renai”: come ogni anno, prima delle ferie estive, non vedenti e volontari si incontrano per mangiare una pizza assieme e trascorrere una serata together before the summer holidays. For more information and reservations, contact the volunteer Daniela Alfieri to cell 349 5640246.

Monday, July 27, at approximately 9:30 p.m., at the headquarters in UIC v Garibaldi 47 meeting for calendar 2010: how many years now, our association creates a calendar whose proceeds will be used to fund our association, the theme This year's "fairy tales" and thus serves the ideas on how to make the photos in the fall then we're going to do is using as subjects volunteers who are blind.


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